Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, time-travelling ballerina, Emma, here! And today’s topic? Why, it’s the glorious history of the tutu, of course! 🎉 As you know, here on Pink-Tutu.com we celebrate all things sparkly and twirly, and the ballet tutu is the undisputed queen of all dancewear. So grab your favourite cuppa and let’s take a magical trip through time to discover how this iconic garment came to be.
Today, as I write this, it’s a gorgeous 19th July 2022 and the world is just buzzing with life and laughter. I’ve just come from the most fabulous performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House in London! Absolutely breathtaking – the costumes were exquisite and the dancers, oh my, just divine! The audience was on its feet cheering, which always gets my heart pounding. I love the thrill of a standing ovation, don't you?
Speaking of costumes, it’s Tutu Tuesday and as a dedicated Tutu Historian, I’ve got to delve into how our beloved tutu evolved.
From Peasant Dress to Pointe Shoes:
You might be surprised to hear that tutus, those whimsical explosions of tulle and frills, actually came from the most humble of beginnings! Can you believe that back in the 1700s, ballerinas wore... wait for it... long skirts and dresses! I know, I know, boring, right? Ballet was all about elegant flowing movements back then, not big jumps and fouettés. Imagine, a grand jeté in a floor-length gown! 😅
Fast forward a little bit to the early 1800s. The French romantic ballet was all the rage! Romantic, you say? Imagine flowing tutus and wistful ballerinas, swoon! It’s when our love story really began!
The tutu we recognise today came about thanks to Marie Taglioni, a true dancing legend. This elegant Italian ballerina is credited with transforming the bulky, restrictive costumes of the time into something lighter and more expressive.
Marie, darling, knew how to make an entrance! For the ballet La Sylphide in 1832, she made history with a revolutionary tutu… a fluffy white, short-skirted number that allowed for all those intricate leaps, twirls, and pirouettes we love. She's my all-time favourite for inspiring that! And let's be honest, girls, the more legs, the more we all say "YES" when it comes to fashion, right?
This shorter tutu with multiple layers, also known as the "romantic" or bell tutu, became incredibly popular and, in time, changed ballet forever. Imagine the revolution! From ankle-skimming gowns to showing off every elegant bend and elegant leg line - Talk about a major game changer, eh?!
But Wait, There’s More!
And so, my darlings, the world of the ballet tutu began its grand evolution! Different styles came about. Some loved the short tutu and some preferred the long ones – let’s say a little more Empire line and a little more length! There's a tutu out there for every single one of us.
Think of the paquita tutu , that super-fluffy multi-layered style with those glorious bouffant petticoats. Imagine waltzing in that! Or, perhaps the tutu plat, a fitted and structured number that accentuates the dancer's body shape. The variations, my darlings, they just never stop!
Twirling through Time:
Now, you know my favourite thing about being a Tutu Historian is travelling to different eras and watching the incredible transformation of the tutu! Each style of tutu reflects the ballet styles of the times, making the ballet world all the more fascinating. It's a fashion journey through time!
My most recent visit took me to the vibrant ballet scene in New York City. Now, that was extraordinary! It’s truly a ballet melting pot! They have all kinds of experimental styles and, my goodness, their dancers! The talent, the energy, just simply phenomenal! It's amazing to see so many incredible dancers interpreting classic ballets with fresh new moves and, naturally, they’re all wearing different varieties of tutu styles. What a vibrant celebration of dance!
A Tutu for Everyone!
Look, let's be honest here, it’s more than just dance, it's art, fashion, and passion, wrapped up in a beautiful, whimsical package of tulle. And guess what, the magic doesn't stop with professional dancers! The world of the tutu is yours to explore.
Whether it’s a ballerina class, a recital, or even a fancy dress party, a tutu can make you feel like a princess! In Derbyshire, where I come from, every year we have the Matlock Bath Victorian Weekender , and my friends and I always find a great excuse to don a tutu - who says history and tutus don’t mix?
My mission, my dear darlings, is to inspire everyone, from young to old, to wear a tutu! Yes, you heard me! It doesn't matter if you can't do a single pirouette, just embrace the joy of being twirly! We can all make the world a more beautiful place one tutu at a time, wouldn't you agree? 💖
Remember, darling, wear your tutus proudly! This #TutuTuesday be a reminder of the glorious heritage of the tutu. I’ll be back next week with another fabulous ballet history adventure. Until then, happy twirling!
P.S: What’s your favourite tutu style? Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you! And, for more fun ballet news, make sure you’re following Pink-Tutu.com.
Emma x
Pink-Tutu.com - Celebrating All Things Ballerina!