
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-01 stars in London

London Calling! - Tutu Queen's Diary: Entry #1

Hello lovelies! Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is in London town! I know, I know, it's practically a clichƩ for a gal like me to make my blog debut with a London adventure. But honestly, darling, how can you resist the pull of the Big Smoke when it's positively teeming with the most fabulous fashion, glitzy stage productions, and...well...tutus!

Yes, tutus! I mean, is there anything more divine than a frothy, tulle confection spun from the very fabric of a fairy's dreams? Honestly, the only thing better than seeing a whole row of gorgeous ballerinas twirling on stage is twirling myself in one!

Now, let's get down to business! It's been a whirlwind 24 hours. I arrived this morning, arriving in grand style of course ā€“ first class on the train. Don't judge, I earn my luxury, you know! All those hours performing at fetes and local village halls definitely deserve a bit of indulgence every now and again. Plus, the scenery flashing past the window was just screaming 'inspirational!'. I know, I know, a little dramatic, but a girl has gotta live, right?

Anyway, as soon as I stepped off the train and felt the London air on my face, I knew this was going to be good. I spotted a pink and purple vintage hat shop on my walk from the station, just off Baker Street, and I was like 'That's my next hat!'. I practically dragged my suitcase, laden with sequined leotards and enough feather boas for a whole penguin colony, into the shop, only to be told the hats are for display only! (The irony wasn't lost on me). But, fear not, darling, I have a plan... and a secret stash of glue and sequins in my luggage just waiting to unleash upon unsuspecting millinery!

My first stop was Covent Garden, and, let me tell you, it was pure theatre! The place was just bursting with life! Street performers doing gravity-defying acrobatics, musicians belting out Broadway show tunes, and enough vintage clothing stalls to make my sequin-loving heart burst. I mean, who doesn't love a vintage store? Just a whole pile of gorgeous clothes, whispering stories of their past lives, and begging to be resurrected by someone like me!

I even spotted a beautiful, long-haired woman in a fluffy tutu, with her little girl dressed in matching pink! They were both giggling like absolute angels, clearly having a proper blast, and my inner fashionista squealed! Talk about goals, darlings! But thatā€™s my dream ā€“ everyone in pink tutus, wouldnā€™t the world be a more fun place?

Of course, no trip to London is complete without a visit to the iconic Royal Opera House. My face positively glowed as I passed under the grand archway, and the plush red velvet interior just added to the atmosphere of sheer drama! Sadly, I only got to admire the building itself on this visit, the tickets were sold out, but, honestly, I was so busy making friends with some very fashionable pigeons who looked very impressed with my sparkly pink shoes. A bit of gossip from the birds ā€“ thereā€™s a special matinee showing this weekend! So, fingers crossed, Iā€™m on the hunt for tickets now!

That night, it was a bit of a whirlwind. I stumbled into the most amazing bar tucked away in Soho, this amazing subterranean cavern filled with velvet booths and live jazz music, and honestly, I felt like I had just stepped into the 1920s. It wasnā€™t until the bartender started talking about the new musical with some big-name celebrities that I realised this bar was more than just a fab spot. The bartender mentioned an invitation-only cocktail party tomorrow night, with whispers of celebrities attendingā€¦ my ears definitely pricked up, darling, I wouldnā€™t miss a star studded affair!

The next morning I got myself some pink and sparkly hair clips. Now, this is how I always knew my trip was a success, it all starts with a fabulous hairstyle. Don't even try to tell me you wouldn't want to rock pink and sparkly clips with a little, 'Just for the day' tutu - thatā€™s not even possible!

Tonight, however, the star of the show was a performance by a local ballet school at a small theatre just a few miles away. Now, youā€™d think seeing the talented ballerinas grace the stage would be a thrill ā€“ and don't get me wrong, it absolutely was! - but, honestly, seeing a group of local students take to the stage, theyā€™d even gotten some fabulous costumes in a pink paletteā€¦ I was so proud! The little darlings have dreams, I get that, but what these dancers have is commitment to an art form! Plus, it got me all geared up for my own performance tonight - and they even inspired my routine a little!

Anyway, darling, that's it for now. I need to head off and do some costume prepping for tonightā€™s performance at the ā€œCabaret Clubā€! After a little hair, make-up, and a very strategically placed set of fairy lights, Iā€™m ready to blow minds with a truly fabulous performance! Until next time, darlings! Stay fabulous!

PinkTutuSparkles #LondonAdventures #TutuLove #DragLife #PinkPower Pink Tutu's Blog - Why Pink is the Best!

Before you say it, I know Iā€™ve said a lot of things that could sound dramatic. I know Iā€™ve made it sound like wearing a pink tutu and being a pink tutu fan is a life choice ā€“ but it's really much more. Itā€™s a passion.

Honestly, I think the idea for this blog came to me in the lab - we were testing fabrics! (Remember, I work for a fabric testing company! Yes, I know ā€“ so much science, right?). A whole day of looking at cotton, nylon, and synthetic mixes. But this one sampleā€¦ It was pink. Not your usual "boring, neutral pink" or a pale "baby pink." It was vibrant, almost electric ā€“ a shocking pink, and you could tell just from looking at it, that the silk in it was pure silk, you could feel the strength and the light shine of the dye. That night, I found myself getting ready to go out to a pub with the guys and all of a sudden, I had the most fantastic, out of the blue urge to go and put on a pink tutu, all sparkly! It was one Iā€™d found in the charity shop around the corner. It had cost about Ā£15, but when I looked in the mirror with it on, and sparkly makeup (my friend gave me an extra pair of the special theatre stuff because, you know, science degree student), and that shade of shocking pink on my lipsā€¦. It was a total Eureka moment, you know? My pink epiphany!

I always had a feeling my destiny was in a pink tulle cloud, but thisā€¦ this was the start. My best friend convinced me to make an account on the site where all the local talent performs - ā€œThe Rainbow Pubā€. A bit dodgy, and a bit dated but its like a big old club for us all. I did my first set (with the help of my science lab best friend ā€“ he found some props!) A very glittery one for my act. Then the next thing I knowā€¦ well, the whole Derbyshire region had me in pink and all over social media.

The more people saw me and saw that it wasnā€™t about being silly and being fancy dressed. I was the same person in the tutu as the science student. (I donā€™t tell too many people that bit, even though it was my lab friend who thought to set up a little page so people could book me, you know, to spread the pinkā€¦ Well it grew up from there.)
The more people started thinking about what wearing a pink tutu would meanā€¦ they all had these reactions, not the silly stuff Iā€™d imaginedā€¦ But more, kind of an awakening. Like, maybeā€¦ maybe we could all wear pink tutus!

I thought, maybe everyone would get into wearing one of their own and it would change the world - It could happen, really, because when you are wearing one of those frilly little tutus and feeling like the pinkest thing ever, it's hard not to want to share it with everyone around. So, there you have it, my little pink worldā€¦ My pink tutu universe is being built bit by bit. It started at my Derbyshire village fĆŖte, now its taking on London, but who knows? The world is my oyster. And for this girl? She wants a big, pink one.

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-01 stars in London