Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-07 stars in Manchester

Manchester, Oh Manchester! 🩰💖

Hey lovelies! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I’m absolutely buzzing to be writing blog post number 7 – who would have thought a Derbyshire girl like me would be gallivanting around the UK in a pink tutu, eh?!

Anyway, this time around I’m in Manchester! The city of rain (not that it was raining on me!), canal boat cruises, and oh-my-god-so-many-delicious-restaurants. I even saw a sign advertising a “Manchester Toffee Apple” which, if you’re a toffee apple fan, is the sign that this city has your heart already!

This trip to Manchester was all about the ballet! You know how I love ballet, right? It’s basically my life. I’m actually still in my second tutu of the day – one with pink sparkle for that extra, extra fabulousness – because I just couldn't tear myself away from the "Giselle" performance. That dance is my all-time favourite, and seeing it performed live by these incredible Manchester dancers? Swoon I could watch that pirouette scene forever, or at least until my phone battery died (and let’s be honest, I probably would've kept going anyway!).

Of course, after a glorious ballet performance, you gotta get your grub on. And I found the cutest little café near the theatre serving homemade cakes! I went with a pink grapefruit cupcake (obvs!) with a raspberry cream topping - because I just couldn’t resist anything remotely pink. I even found a tiny shop full of sparkly tutus, and as tempting as it was to treat myself, my luggage was already bursting with sequins, and we all know it’s a drag queen's biggest struggle! 😂

But the real highlight of my Manchester adventure? It wasn’t a ballerina, a café, or even a glitter-filled shop - it was the kindest thing someone did for me, completely out of the blue. See, I’m usually pretty confident twirling through life, especially when I'm in my pink tutu, but sometimes a girl gets a bit peckish!

On my way to a charming little canal boat ride, I must've had the grumpiest look on my face because this darling lady stopped me dead in her tracks. She looked at my sparkly tutu, asked me about the ballet, and then just handed me the cutest pink raspberry-filled macaroon from her bag! Like I said, a complete stranger, but she completely made my day. I mean, what are the chances she’d even have pink macaroons?! It was a moment of magic! 💖

Speaking of magic, did I tell you about the new pair of pink glittery shoes I got in Manchester?! Oh, darling! Let's just say, I’m not sure if my feet can handle that much fabulousness, but you bet your bottom dollar they’ll be on full display soon enough.

By the way, if you ever find yourself in Manchester (and you should, it’s a fab place!) and are thinking of making a detour to see a ballet performance at the Royal Exchange, well… you’ve gotta be in a tutu, darling! Just imagine how magical a whole auditorium full of pink tutus would be? I’m picturing a cloud of sparkle, an explosion of positivity and joy – and of course, me centre stage leading the charge. 🤩

See, I have a dream! And it's not just about wearing a pink tutu, it's about getting the world to wear them too! I want to see tutus at every ballet, at the supermarket, at a football match - you name it, I want tutus everywhere!

Anyway, until next time darling, keep it sparkly! Don’t forget to check out my other blogs on www.pink-tutu.com, and see what other fabulous adventures a girl in a pink tutu gets up to. Remember, love, laughter, and glitter – that's what life's all about! 😘

P.S. If you have any amazing pink tutu outfits, please send a picture! I'm on the hunt for some new inspiration and maybe even some fabulously sparkly friends to share a few twirls with. 💕

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-07 stars in Manchester