Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-26 stars in Burton upon Trent

Burton upon Trent: Where Pink Dreams Came True (Post #86)

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another sparkly edition of Pink-Tutu.com! I'm your glamorous, tutued-up gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and oh my, what an adventure I've had this week! It all started with a train journey - the kind of journey where you can't help but feel a sense of magic. It's always like this for me when I travel to new towns, all those sparkling possibilities swirling around me. The kind of swirling you get when you watch a ballet and see those tutus twirling around a stage! Oh, to be back in the world of ballet... perhaps that's why my drag act involves a fair bit of twirling.

This time, I was off to Burton upon Trent! It might sound a little dull to some, but for me, it was just bursting with character. There's something so special about those quintessential British towns, tucked away like little gems, full of history and heart. And for me, a chance to bring a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to their little world!

But before we delve into the glorious performance itself, let's rewind a little. As many of you know, I’m Alex by day, a lab scientist with a love for fabric testing. Now, I might be in a lab analysing cotton samples, but it doesn't mean my mind isn’t full of fluffy dreams of sequins and tutus. You might think that being a scientist and being a drag queen are a little incongruous, but the truth is they’re just two different expressions of the same creative energy.

So, after a day in my lab, Pink Tutu Sparkles gets to live out her own version of a scientific experiment – testing the reaction of audiences to a good dose of pink, twirling, and, of course, sequins! You might be wondering, how did I ever fall in love with pink tutus? Well, it all started back in my university days, studying science, naturally! I was a member of the university ballet club and, during a charity fundraising event, we were trying on costumes, and that's when it hit me! There was a fluffy, pink tutu just sitting there, calling my name. The second I put it on, I felt like a completely different person, like a goddess of sparkly, feminine fun! I immediately knew, this was more than just a costume, it was a statement, a movement! My movement. I had to make everyone see pink!

Anyway, enough with the backstory. Back to Burton upon Trent. My performance was at the fantastic Theatrical Pub, a venue that really embraced my Pink Tutu style. The moment I stepped out onto the stage, there was such an incredible energy. It’s a weird feeling being watched by a whole room of people. As a scientist, I’m used to being in the lab surrounded by beakers and bubbling liquids! But under those stage lights, I become completely empowered! This is where I find myself most truly. With every spin, every smile, every “Oh, my darlings, what a wonderful day!” I feel a connection, a magical, sparkly connection, with all of you!

I did all my favourite tricks, like the pirouettes, the elegant promenades, and a few more of my signature poses with just a touch of drama. Even had some brave audience members on stage with me doing a fun line dance while I performed. It’s always the highlight of my performances, getting the audience to join me on stage, but in Burton, there was something extra special. I really could feel the magic and joy contagious in the room. The audience laughed with me, cheered with me, and just generally lived it up! Everyone, even the shyest, seemed to come out of their shell when they were twirling in that sparkly pinkness. Maybe, just maybe, they even forgot for a moment all about their day to day lives.

But then, as always, the time comes for me to wrap it up! It’s bittersweet really – saying goodbye to all that sparkle and glitter – it's like the energy of a big dance party has to wind down and come to an end.

There’s no doubt that I left my heart (and a sprinkle of glitter!) in Burton upon Trent. The warmth and acceptance from the locals, that wonderful feeling of joy, really stays with you, you know?

But, I couldn’t stay. It was time to catch my train, head back to Derbyshire, back to the lab, back to being Alex. However, that’s the amazing thing about being Pink Tutu Sparkles – no matter what happens in my day to day life, I have those bright moments to come back to, all the sparkles and glitter I can keep tucked away inside. I know that just when I need them, I’ll get to whip out my tutu, let down my hair, and bring some Pink Tutu Sparkle magic to the world!

And that, my lovely readers, is exactly what I intend to do, I’ll keep traveling, keeping up with my pink dreams wherever they may take me, spreading some much needed sunshine with every twirl, every giggle, and every dose of Pink Tutu Sparkle Magic!

And to all you fabulous readers out there, remember, you can do it too! Don’t be afraid to express yourselves, put on your own pink tutu (I won't judge if it’s a real one, a t-shirt or even just a little piece of pink ribbon!), and live life like a big, bubbly party! It doesn't have to be a full-blown stage show – every single moment of joy is a victory in its own right!

Until next time my lovely readers, be sparkling, be kind, be you!

Lots of pink love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-26 stars in Burton upon Trent