
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-02 stars in Walsall

Walsall: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Flight! (Blog Post #93)

Oh darlings! You wouldn't believe the adventure I've had this weekend! This fabulously fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles here packed her sequins and glitter, boarded a (pink, of course) train and headed to Walsall! And let me tell you, Walsall is a hidden gem! I always tell you all to embrace the unexpected and Walsall proved my point in spades.

This trip was all about the magic of ballet and bringing a bit of pink sparkle to the Midlands. You see, darling, I'm a big fan of those little twinkling stars that grace the stage during a good ballet. It's just such a charming touch, reminding everyone that magic is real. I canā€™t wait to get my tutu twirling at the Walsall Arts Centre - what a beautiful building!

But before we delve into the details, I have to confess... the journey to Walsall was part of the fun! I got myself a little comfy compartment in the train, a window seat with a great view, and took in the lovely British countryside. Thereā€™s nothing quite like whizzing past green fields, sleepy villages, and little stations with their quaint waiting rooms and colourful posters - it just takes me right back to childhood. Of course, I couldnā€™t resist striking a few poses in my dazzling outfit. You know, channeling my inner prima ballerina for the passengers. Just imagine a bright pink tutu and feathered boa, billowing against the gentle breeze rushing through the window - you could practically see their jaws drop. (The kids absolutely loved it, naturally.)

But before I could reach the delightful Walsall Arts Centre, a pit stop was in order, a mandatory tutu shopping expedition! This wouldnā€™t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a dash of glitter and glam. So, my dears, we set off in a fabulous pink convertible (don't ask!), driven by a very dashing chauffeur with a smile as bright as my favourite tiara. He said, "Right you are, Pink Tutu Sparkles. Letā€™s go shop till we drop!" Well, as soon as I entered that store, the shelves seemed to sparkle even brighter! There was such a stunning array of tulle, sequins, and feathers ā€“ it was like a feast for the eyes.

I found a new fluffy, light pink tutu that was calling out to me - oh, itā€™s positively perfect for a waltz or a pirouette. And since I adore matching everything in shades of pink, I added a feathered pink boa and matching sequined bag to the mix. After all, a true pink enthusiast knows itā€™s always a good time for some fabulous accessorizing. Donā€™t forget those pink glitter heels - just picture that divine combo of pink tulle with dazzling glitter against the theatre lights! Chef's kiss!

Now, back to the magic of the ballet... itā€™s something that just grabs you from the first note and sweeps you away into a different world. This ballet at Walsall Arts Centre had some absolutely breathtaking choreography ā€“ it was like a whirlwind of emotions all wrapped up in delicate movements. The costumes were phenomenal, too - so dazzling!

After the show, we went to a local cafe and I did something I hadn't done in years... I treated myself to a piece of cheesecake. It wasn't pink, but it was truly delightful, and we were celebrating all the things that make life brilliant - travel, performance, and the joy of sharing a moment of beauty with others. The world seemed so full of sparkle and I felt as though I was living every pink-tinted, tulle-swirled dream.

What is better than watching an absolutely captivating performance? That's right! A performance you give yourself. This was where I brought the sparkle to Walsall. And I know that there will always be some people who won't get it - whoā€™ll look at a Pink Tutu Sparkles and think it's a littleā€¦ extra. But darling, thereā€™s nothing more satisfying than putting your heart and soul into something and making it happen.

For this gig, I performed in an old Victorian Town Hall building. That's one of the things I love about drag - it doesnā€™t really matter where you are, as long as youā€™ve got the passion, the audience will join in.

So, what were my sets like, you ask? Think pink! But not just any shade of pink, oh no! The backdrop was a stunning blend of candy floss, bubblegum, and a little bit of blush, topped with a sparkling curtain that glittered brighter than the star of the show! As for my costumes, well, I chose some seriously stunning gowns - think feathers, rhinestones, sequinsā€¦ the works! For the big finale, I sported the fabulous new tutu I picked up that day, of course. It floated like a pink cloud!

The audience absolutely loved it. Every laugh, cheer, and sing-along felt like magic, a warm feeling spreading right through me. The whole thing felt like a whirlwind - the lights, the music, the applauseā€¦ itā€™s one of the best experiences I've had in drag! Youā€™ve never truly understood the word ā€œjoyā€ until youā€™ve witnessed a group of people lose themselves to music and glitter under a disco ball. It's simply infectious, like a happy pink bubble that can't be contained.

So, my darlings, I encourage you to get out there and embrace life's adventures! Embrace the unexpected, let loose, and spread some pink sparkles wherever you go. This beautiful planet is just brimming with exciting places waiting to be discovered, and if you dare to put on a tutu and unleash your inner glitter-bomb, you might be surprised what adventures you find. Until next time, darlingā€¦ keep twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2000-04-02 stars in Walsall