Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-07 stars in Kensington

Kensington Calling!

Post Number: 98

Oh darling, you wouldn't believe the adventures I've had in the past week! Kensington was calling my name, and I couldn't resist. This fabulous city always knows how to sparkle, and with a twinkle in my eye, I hopped on a steam train (always the most romantic way to travel) and off I went.

It feels like ages ago since I was last in Kensington, donning my very special, extra-fluffy pink tutu for the royal borough's ballet performances. You know, darling, ballet and pink tutus, they're just my jam. I simply can't resist the graceful flow, the elegance of the movements, and of course, the shimmering colours. There's just something about those long, elegant tutus, all swishy and flowing, that just takes my breath away!

You know what, I think we should all aim for more flow in our lives! You've got to move like a princess, you've got to dance like a queen, darling. That's what I'm all about. Life's a stage, and everyone needs a touch of sparkle.

Anyway, back to Kensington. I knew the minute I stepped onto the platform at Paddington Station, that I was in for a treat. There's just something about that Victorian architecture, you know? The grandeur! The history! The fabulous, flamboyant, old-world charm! And of course, those cobbled streets are absolutely perfect for strutting your stuff in a perfectly pink, extra-fluffy tutu.

Speaking of strutting, my first stop was at the Kensington Theatre, a beautiful building with all the ornate details of the Victorian era. It’s one of my absolute favourites, and I have to tell you, darlings, this place was practically vibrating with a pink tutu-sized amount of excitement. I always feel like royalty when I walk into this theatre. I do my little queen's wave (a graceful hand movement, darling, nothing too flamboyant, just a hint of sparkle) to the crowd. You wouldn't believe the number of smiles I got! It always makes me feel so welcome. And after a performance so magical that even the stagehands had to do a standing ovation, it’s safe to say, my pink tutu and I were certainly welcomed!

This visit to Kensington wasn't all about the theatre, darling. Shopping, naturally, was an absolute must! We’ve got to be dazzling, after all. I waltzed down Kensington High Street, a haven of high-end stores and independent boutiques. There’s a store here with every kind of fabric you can dream of, and just so many ribbons, laces, sequins and jewels for those custom creations. It’s my ultimate paradise. This is my place for dreaming up new ideas and getting ready for those dazzling stage outfits. Did I mention that my fabulous tailor is in Kensington, just round the corner? It’s almost as if the world of high fashion was created for pink tutus! I wouldn't mind moving in! I tell you, it's truly magical, darling. The feeling of pure joy you get when you discover that perfect fabric, that beautiful colour that screams "pink tutu" is unparalleled!

Oh, I just have to share this fabulous tip I picked up at a little, secret, bespoke millinery shop! Did you know you can match the color of your new sparkly tutu to any lipstick shade in the world? Mind blown, darling!

Speaking of colours, pink was literally everywhere! From the flowers bursting into life in Kensington Gardens to the bright pink macarons at the little bakery, my inner pink tutu was overflowing. It really is such an uplifting colour, you know? So happy, so optimistic, so full of joy! It always makes me feel good. And speaking of pink, did you know pink tutus have become an integral part of the Kensington flower market? They say a bunch of lilies just doesn’t feel complete without a tiny pink tutu tied to their stems! Oh my! And, to make things even more pink, did I mention I spent the entire afternoon at the ballet school right near the royal palace? They just happen to have the most spectacular pink ballet classes, all focused on the perfect twirl in a pink tutu, so you can see why I just HAD to pop in.

Of course, every fabulous Pink Tutu adventure needs a truly regal end, darling. So, I ended my day at the Kensington Palace Gardens. You'd never believe how much pink there is at the palace! And just try to imagine a majestic, towering horse drawn carriage with four handsome horses pulling it, all trimmed with pink ribbons… Oh, I just loved watching those royal stallions. Horses, ballet and tutus - what’s not to love? Just add pink!

That evening, after my visit to the beautiful Victoria and Albert Museum with its magnificent porcelain teacups (pink, naturally), it was time to go. The last train was about to depart, and I felt that familiar pang of sadness. This wonderful, sparkling city was drawing me back. Maybe someday I'll just have to set up camp right here in Kensington. But as I waved goodbye to the city lights, my heart was full of pink tutu-sized joy! My journey through Kensington was filled with so much beauty and fun, I've already booked another trip next month. It seems that Kensington is just waiting for me to put on my next, perfectly pink, tutu! Until next time darling, stay sparkling!

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-07 stars in Kensington