Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-11 stars in Guiseley

Guiseley, You Pink-tastic Place! (Blog Post #102)

Oh, darlings! You won't believe where Pink Tutu Sparkles found herself this week! Guiseley, you glorious place! A little haven nestled in the heart of West Yorkshire, you certainly lived up to my sparkly expectations. I simply adore exploring the nooks and crannies of our amazing little isle, and this trip, well, it was pure pink perfection.

You see, darlings, even though I'm all about rocking the glitz and glamour on stage, at heart, I'm a total girly-girl. So, before I even thought about whipping out the diamante crown and feather boa, I treated myself to a delightful day at the Leeds Grand Theatre. It's a marvel of architecture, like something straight out of a fairy tale. My feet tap-danced just seeing those gorgeous columns and ornate details. We saw a magnificent ballet performance - graceful ballerinas in frothy, twirling tutus, pure magic. My eyes were glued to their every move, especially when they spun and twirled like ballerinas on top of the world. It filled me with an absolute yearning to be right there with them, on stage, shimmering in the spotlight.

But wait, the fun didn't end there! Guiseley is just bursting with those quaint little shops that make your heart flutter with joy. Imagine: shops with pink frilly ribbons and a cornucopia of floral prints. Heaven! I managed to score some of the most beautiful vintage fabric - silk and lace with delicate floral patterns that screamed out, "Pink Tutu Sparkles!" My dressmaking mind is positively churning with ideas for my next showstopper. It’s enough to get the creative juices flowing. It also gave me an opportunity to stock up on fabric samples for my day job. Did you know that a science degree in fabric technology really does come in handy? I spent my day researching fabric with my team and then at night, I could be on stage wearing it! There is nothing better than bringing my skills to the stage. I do love the duality. By day I'm a fabric analyst, a fabric queen - but come night I get to unleash the Pink Tutu Sparkles I hold within!

Naturally, a pink tutu adventure wouldn’t be complete without a horse-drawn carriage ride through the charming streets. Now, I know what you're thinking - that sounds utterly romantic, doesn't it? And it was! With the wind gently blowing my hair, I felt like a fairytale princess whisked away on a whimsical journey. Of course, I didn't just waltz around Guiseley all done up in my most fabulous dress and feather boa (although I certainly would have liked to). The main purpose of this trip? A glamorous charity performance, darling! The local school had organised a "Celebrate Pink" day to raise money for a new art room and invited yours truly to get the whole community swirling with excitement.

And, you know what? It was a smashing success! I had them all singing along and laughing with delight as I danced and twirled around the school hall in my fabulous, fuchsia tutu. You should have seen the children's eyes light up when they saw me - like little stars shimmering with wonder. That's my ultimate aim, you see: to spread pink-tastic joy wherever I go. To see that sparkle of pure joy in people’s eyes – priceless! It warms my heart right down to the tip of my sparkly toe.

Speaking of sparkle, did you know that my wardrobe has been experiencing an absolute renaissance? I recently purchased a pink tutu, darling, made entirely of sequined feathers. The amount of sparkle? It’s enough to put the sun to shame! Imagine, a swirling cloud of pink, every inch of it bursting with sequin-tastic light. It's practically hypnotic, don't you think? I simply cannot wait to unleash this pink masterpiece on the unsuspecting world!

Now, before I go, a little glimpse into what Pink Tutu Sparkles has in store: I'm planning a whirlwind train trip to sunny Blackpool next week - just me, my latest feather-tastic tutu and a heart brimming with joy. I can already picture it, strolling along the promenade, catching the wind in my frills, my glittery smile dazzling brighter than any amusement park light! It's going to be pinktastic, I can feel it.

Until next time, stay sparkly and never stop dreaming in pink!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2000-04-11 stars in Guiseley