Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-21 stars in Ellesmere Port

Ellesmere Port: A Tutu-tastic Time! (Blog Post #112)

Hello, darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with the latest adventures from my fabulously pink world! As you know, I'm a firm believer in making every day a celebration – a symphony of twirls, glitter, and most importantly, tutus.

This week, my travels took me to the charming town of Ellesmere Port! Yes, you heard me right, darlings! The journey started with a jaunt on the train, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels always puts me in the mood for a dance. Now, some might say, "Pink Tutu, shouldn't you be in a limo?" Well, I believe in getting close to the people! Trains allow for some real connection – a quick chat about our days, a shared laugh over a spilled coffee, or maybe even a dance session in the aisle (well, maybe not quite!).

Reaching Ellesmere Port, I was greeted with the warmth of a welcoming audience – ready for a splash of pink magic. This wasn't just your usual club performance, darlings, oh no! We were in for a true "Pink Tutu" experience. The Ellesmere Port Theatre transformed into a whimsical ballet studio, complete with a shimmering, sparkly pink stage – it was a dream come true!

And the best part? I had the opportunity to work my magic on the little ones – future generations of tutu-wearing angels! There was glitter and laughter galore as I showed them some of my signature moves, and the joy in their eyes was infectious. The stage is not just a place to perform; it's a platform for sharing the beauty of dance and encouraging self-expression – something we all need more of, wouldn’t you say?

Speaking of sharing, my latest design, the “Pink Port Power” tutu was a major hit in Ellesmere Port! This beautiful confection of soft pink tulle and glittering diamantes has already received requests from several local ladies. It's a perfect combination of delicate femininity and playful whimsy. Don’t worry darlings, the "Pink Port Power" is soon to be available on my website, www.pink-tutu.com - where you can discover all things Pink Tutu, including exclusive design previews, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, and my latest tutu collections.

Now, a few fun facts about my adventure in Ellesmere Port, a place that will hold a special place in my glittery heart!

  • Did you know that Ellesmere Port is home to a vibrant, friendly community? From the market squares buzzing with activity to the charming independent shops, I felt welcomed at every turn!
  • They've got the most amazing park – perfect for practicing your arabesques and leaps, surrounded by nature. Even I, the queen of glittery glamour, could appreciate the peaceful beauty of the park.
  • The local tea shop – where I had the most delectable pink raspberry cake, oh my, you must try it!

My adventures in Ellesmere Port remind me that joy, love, and self-expression can be found everywhere, if you just open your heart (and wardrobe!) to it! And let’s not forget the important message of my Pink Tutu philosophy – be brave, be kind, and embrace your inner sparkle.

Until next time, darlings!

Yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don’t forget, I'm always looking for new adventures, so if you have an idea for a future Pink Tutu performance or know a fantastic spot for a tutu-inspired photoshoot, get in touch – my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. And follow my adventures on Instagram and Twitter at @PinkTutuSparkle.

Let’s bring the pink revolution to the world, one tutu at a time!

About Pink Tutu Sparkles

Pink Tutu Sparkles, or Alex as his friends and colleagues know him, is a vibrant personality who believes that a dash of sparkle can make every day magical. Alex is a passionate scientist who, by day, is in a laboratory, conducting tests on new fabrics for a leading textiles company. However, his life is a wonderful balancing act – he combines this scientific rigor with his true love – performing as Pink Tutu Sparkles.

The road to becoming a Pink Tutu queen was a fun journey, one sparked by an unexpected moment during his university years. Alex was studying for his science degree and enjoying the world of ballet – he was a dedicated member of the university ballet club. When a local charity was raising funds by hosting a "Try On a Tutu" day, Alex’s life was forever changed! The fluffy layers of pink tulle gave him the joy he never knew existed and, with that first try-on, his true purpose became clear - bringing that magic of pink tutus to the world!

He soon perfected his drag act – dazzling audiences with dynamic performances of grace and whimsy – each step imbued with his love for ballet.

In Derbyshire, where he calls home, Alex is already a beloved performer, his act brightening community gatherings, fairs, and fundraisers. And he isn’t limited to the stage. He’s always searching for creative ways to bring his pink-tutu love to everyone! From "Pink Tutu Mondays" at work – a day when everyone at the fabric laboratory is encouraged to embrace a bit of sparkle – to organizing tutu-making sessions in the community center, Alex is an unstoppable force of optimistic creativity and positive energy.

His aim, of course, is simple yet powerful – he believes the world is a better place when everyone, men, women, and little ones alike, wear a pink tutu. Because a pink tutu is a reminder that life is an occasion for celebration, for taking the world by storm with a twirl, a giggle, and a burst of joyful glitter!

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-21 stars in Ellesmere Port