Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-01 stars in Bebington

Bebington: Tutu-ing Around The Wirral! (Blog Post #122)

Oh my darlings, I'm back with another adventure! You'll never guess where Pink Tutu Sparkles is off to this week, it's the stunning seaside town of Bebington in Cheshire! You know I'm always up for exploring new places, especially when there's a sprinkle of historical charm and seaside vibes involved. So, pack your pinkest frocks and let's twirl our way to Bebington!

But before we embark on this fabulous journey, a little flashback. You see, you lot know me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, the one and only, but what about the story of me, the ordinary human called Alex? I'm actually a bonafide scientist! Now, before you all go imagining me in a lab coat and safety goggles, let me assure you that the pink is always present in my work too. I actually test fabric for a living, but we'll save the scientific explanations for another blog post. All you need to know is that science has a hidden link to the dazzling world of drag and pink tutus! It all started in my university days, studying in the beautiful Peak District (Derbyshire). While surrounded by mountains and science, my love for tutus was blossoming. It was through the uni ballet club that I stumbled upon my first tutu, borrowed for a charity event, and that was it! My drag journey began with a borrowed tulle and a desire to embrace the magical world of performance.

Anyway, back to our fabulous trip! I travelled to Bebington by train, obviously. Who needs a car when you can sit in style and sip on a fancy iced tea (and of course, with a fabulous tutu on!)? It was a whirlwind journey through the scenic Wirral countryside, and I couldn't help but take in all the adorable, charming cottages with their perfectly manicured gardens and picture-perfect window boxes.

I arrived in Bebington just in time to visit the stunning Bebington Town Hall! The architectural details on that building are breathtaking, especially the Clock Tower. Now, you might be thinking, 'Why did you go to the Town Hall?' well, darling, there's always a show to put on! That evening I was performing a drag act for a lovely local fundraising event! They were hosting a glamorous charity ball in the town hall's gorgeous ballroom. They wanted me to perform a piece based on "Pink Flamingos" but with a ballet theme. So I spent my afternoon researching the work of John Waters and created my own dramatic, glamorous and a touch sassy show featuring pink tutus of course!

My dear followers, you have no idea how thrilled the attendees were. They were absolutely besotted with my flamboyant moves and pink-tastic attire. The room was aglow with laughter and cheers, and I even had a few audience members try out my "tutu twirl" after my act! The best part is, they raised a hefty sum of money for their local community theatre - isn't it magical how the arts bring us together?!

After a day filled with community spirit and a sprinkle of magic, it was time to explore the wonders of Bebington itself. I had some fabulous afternoon tea, devoured a traditional Cornish pasty, and went on a charming walk by the riverside, even spotting some friendly ducks!

I can't leave Bebington without mentioning my favorite spot: The Bebington Old Hall. I absolutely adored wandering through its historic halls and soaking in the stories that the building holds within its walls. There were some beautifully preserved original furniture and even some spooky ghosts haunting the upper floors! I had a wonderful chat with a local history expert and was so fascinated to learn about its Tudor origins. I think it must have been my pink tutu that gave me that special historical charm because he just loved it!

The highlight of my trip was my evening at the Bebington Open Air Theatre. They are so unique! Imagine - a fully functioning open air theatre in the heart of the town! I can't believe how much work they put into their production and I truly feel so blessed to have witnessed their artistic talent. I saw the show “Midsummer Night's Dream” which featured talented amateur performers. Their dancing was just fantastic and a lot of the performances actually included dancing elements, I even spotted a tutu on one of the actors! I absolutely love how this little corner of the Wirral is so full of talent and passion.

Before heading home, I picked up some beautifully handmade gifts and local crafts from the charming boutiques lining the town’s main street. And yes, darling, you guessed it, I bought a lovely new tutu for my collection! I simply can’t resist the sparkly tulle and delicate lace – it’s like my life's purpose to own every pink tutu imaginable!

Bebington is definitely one for the Pink Tutu Sparkles “must visit” list. It’s so friendly, welcoming and has so much to see and do, all topped with a sprinkling of historical charm and sparkling sunshine! I'll definitely be back soon with my fellow pink tutu fans! I already have some ideas brewing for my next act in Bebington.

And now, my sweet darlings, it's time for me to sign off, I'm so excited about my next adventure! But remember, my fellow fashionistas: Never lose the sparkle in your step, and don’t be afraid to wear a tutu to the most unexpected places. It's all about the magic of a sprinkle of pink, the thrill of the journey and the joy of sharing your passion with the world! Love you all, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for a new blog post on www.pink-tutu.com! And follow my Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles for daily updates!

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-01 stars in Bebington