Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-20 stars in Leith

Leith Lights Up: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰✨ (Blog Post #141)

Hello, my lovely pink-loving peeps! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? I'm in Leith, Edinburgh! 💖 This vibrant, historic city has been calling to me for ages, and I'm thrilled to be here, ready to sprinkle some sparkle on the Scottish streets!

You know me, always up for a new adventure, and this time, I've gone full steam ahead – on the train, of course! I adore the romance and the magic of train travel. You just pop your pink tutu in a garment bag, slip into your best outfit, and settle back for a journey filled with anticipation and endless possibilities. And don't even get me started on the little train snack trolley that whisks through with goodies - a delightful way to break up the journey! 🚂🍭

Anyway, enough about my travel exploits – let's dive into the highlights of my Leith adventure, shall we?

A Day In Pink Tutu Sparkles’ Shoes:

First stop, Leith Theatre! A gorgeous, historic venue that oozes character and has been a pillar of the community for decades. Imagine my delight when I found out they had an amazing ballet performance going on – the kind that sends shivers down your spine and makes you want to twirl all day long! 😍 I grabbed my ticket, put on my sparkly pink tutu, and just soaked it all in. From the graceful movements to the exquisite costumes, I felt every note of the performance with my entire being. Ballet truly is an art form that touches the soul.

Speaking of soulful experiences, the next stop on my pink itinerary was the bustling Leith Links. This expansive park is a joy to wander through! Sunlight filtering through the leaves, families playing, dog walkers – such a quintessential picture of a perfect afternoon. I even managed to squeeze in a quick tutu-twirling session (in the middle of the park, of course! You can’t shy away from an opportunity like that!) while soaking up the atmosphere and meeting the friendliest folk in Edinburgh.

Then it was on to the heart of Leith, exploring its vibrant shopping streets. Now, don't judge me for this, but my mission was clear: I needed a new tutu! 💖 I'm not one to turn down a good tulle situation. And you wouldn't believe what I found at this charming little shop tucked away in a cobbled side street! A perfect shade of pink, adorned with sparkling crystals – a true pink dream! 🛍️ I’m officially a proud owner of yet another stunning tutu. Let's be honest, a queen needs options, especially when you’re planning an impromptu, twirling, pink explosion!

After my shopping spree, my tummy started to rumble. What's a girl to do? Leith wouldn’t disappoint. I stumbled across a charming café nestled in the heart of the old town, full of locals catching up and the aroma of freshly brewed tea. Tea and cakes – the ultimate cure for any craving! I found myself chatting away with some lovely people and sharing tales of my adventures. My travels might take me to the far corners of the world, but there's nothing quite like a warm, friendly conversation and a spot of tea with a fellow fan of pink. ☕️💕

Speaking of friendly, I can't finish without giving a huge shout out to all the amazing people I met in Leith. Their warm, welcoming energy really made me feel at home. From the friendly café owner who gifted me a cup of steaming hot chocolate with my name written in a delicate swirl of chocolate on the surface (can you even believe that?!), to the enthusiastic bus driver who happily shared local insights and had the cheekiest grin you've ever seen - it truly felt like a day full of small miracles.

Leith, you’ve stolen a piece of my heart. I’m leaving with my pink tutu feeling more full of joy, more pink, and more confident than ever before! So go ahead, give Leith a chance, and let it light up your life too! And remember: you can always sprinkle a little bit of pink in your day! 💖

Until next time, darlings, may your days be filled with sparkle, laughter, and maybe even a dash of pink! 😉

Stay Pink!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: If you’re planning your own trip to Leith or any other magical city, and want to add a touch of pink-tutu magic to your travels, you’ll find my top tips on the Pink-Tutu website! Let me know in the comments what your favourite pink-tutu moments are!

PPS: Want to help spread the love for pink tutus and all things beautiful? Please do me a massive favour and share this post! Don’t forget to tag me @PinkTutuSparkles!

*www.pink-tutu.com * Pink Tutu Sparkles Bio:

By day, Alex, as a laboratory scientist uses her understanding of the intricate nature of textiles and fabric to test materials for the world’s most exclusive fashion houses. It’s hard to resist the urge to occasionally dip into a basket of perfectly woven silk while testing its strength or to sniff the delightful, intoxicating perfume that has been blended with a sample of wool that has been soaking in a bath for hours to make a new and revolutionary luxurious fabric, that when finally released, will only be available in select shops in the trendiest capital cities. Her life at the lab inspires her daily. However, it’s a long day and even after that she still has another job to do … by night. This is where Alex sheds her lab coat, reveals a dazzling collection of pink tutus, and becomes a captivating performer of magic. Her love of pink started early, but really took hold after she met her first pink tutu. It all happened in the ballet club at the university while she was doing a science degree. A student in her university ballet class had started doing her fundraising by having an evening where everyone would pay £1 to wear a tutu for an hour, which included a brief dance and a donation to her chosen charity. Now, when she thinks about that first pink tutu that made its way onto her body, it is all but impossible to remember her previous apprehension about it! It just felt…right.

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes a pink, glamorous approach to life. Every journey she takes involves a unique adventure in drag and a love affair with every city and its surrounding culture. As a proud drag artist, Alex performs regularly at festivals and charity events. Her aim in life is to get the entire world in pink tutus and bring a sprinkle of sparkle into everything she does.

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-20 stars in Leith