Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-02 stars in Ashton

Ashton: Tutu Adventures! 🩰💖🚂

Hello my lovely Tutu Queens! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another day of delightful bloggy goodness from the world of tutus and sequins! This is post number 154, can you believe it? I’ve been on a sparkly journey ever since I decided to turn my love for tutus into this crazy adventure.

Today’s tale is all about Ashton! I’ve always loved travelling by train, something about chugging through the countryside, listening to the clack-clack of the tracks…it’s magical, just like a ballet. So I jumped on the train (don’t worry, I wore my trusty travel tutu, it's never too early to start a little Tutu Revolution) and set off to explore the lovely little town of Ashton!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Ashton, really?" But trust me, this place had surprises tucked away just like a perfectly-hidden ballerina costume! First stop was Ashton’s charming market, full of the freshest local produce and artisan treats. I had to get myself a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, because everything's just better in pink, right?

I was delighted to find a sweet little shop full of vintage clothing! I can never resist a good rummage through vintage pieces, especially when I'm on the hunt for that perfect tutu accessory. Imagine my excitement when I discovered a gorgeous sequined handbag! I snapped it up instantly – pink sequins, of course. How could I resist?!

Next, I decided to head towards the Ashton Town Hall, which is a splendid example of Victorian architecture. I felt like a fairytale princess in my pink tulle, twirling on the cobblestones. It was just the setting for a little performance, so I spontaneously strutted a little ballet-inspired walk for some giggling passersby, leaving them with a giggle and a sprinkle of pink tutu magic!

Later that evening, I enjoyed the charming pub atmosphere in one of Ashton’s cozy traditional pubs. There was an open mic night, and I couldn’t resist sharing a bit of sparkle with the audience. My act was a lively combination of contemporary ballet, witty anecdotes, and of course, a dramatic costume change (gotta bring that dramatic flair!) I'm always surprised at how much fun people have when they’re surrounded by tutus! Who wouldn't enjoy a little pink tulle sprinkled across their lives, eh?

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my trip to Ashton. It was one of those destinations that's full of quiet beauty and welcoming charm, with just the right dose of unique character to make it truly unforgettable.

The day made me realize again why I started this whole "Pink Tutu Sparkles" adventure. You see, I’m all about celebrating life’s little joys! Whether I'm performing at a town fair or dancing through a local park, I'm always ready to spread the Tutu Revolution message: Be your most fabulous self, embrace colour and joy, and don’t forget to let your inner ballerina sparkle!

Remember, darlings, life is a ballet, and it's much more fun to twirl with a little pink!

Until next time, may your day be filled with sparkles,

💖✨ Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨💖

**P.S. If you’re wondering, I met Alex, my real self, while studying science at university. It wasn’t the most glamorous world (though lab coats do come in pink, you know) but I found myself drawn to the dance club. There I was, a shy, nerdy science student, until I saw the sign for a charity event. "Wear a Tutu, Dance the Night Away." I’m sure you can guess what happened next – I was captivated by the feeling of freedom and confidence the pink tutu gave me. It changed everything, you know. By day I was Alex, the dedicated science researcher, but by night…oh, by night I transformed into Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to take the world by a sparkly storm!

I’ve always been drawn to the colourful world of textiles, so when it came time to choose a profession, it seemed almost destined. I actually work in a lab, testing the durability and quality of fabrics, so my love of tutus really did come full circle! Who’d have thought a simple pink tutu could lead you to a job in textile science? The world is full of incredible adventures when you’re brave enough to wear your heart on your…tutu?

So, if you see me, or my fabulous scientist alter-ego, Alex, in the lab or on stage, be sure to say hi! The more people we have celebrating life with tutus and sparkles, the more wonderful the world will be!**

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of today’s post! And be sure to check back for more sparkling adventures on www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-02 stars in Ashton