Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-25 stars in Ilkeston

Ilkeston: Tutu Adventures in the Heart of Derbyshire!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, reporting live from Post #177! Oh my darlings, can you believe it’s June already? Summer's practically here, and with it comes the promise of sunshine, laughter, and - of course! - endless opportunities for tutu-licious adventures. Today, I’m taking you all on a whirlwind journey to Ilkeston, a charming town right here in my beloved Derbyshire. I adore discovering new corners of the UK, especially when there's a chance to sparkle and bring a little Pink Tutu magic wherever I go!

But first, let me share a secret with you all. As I'm sure you’re already aware, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn’t just wear tutus, I live for them! It's like a love affair that started unexpectedly - a whirlwind romance that swept me off my feet in the middle of my science degree. Now, I know what you're thinking: science and tutus, doesn't exactly sound like a winning combo, does it? But trust me, dear friends, it's more than just a collision of two seemingly disparate worlds, it's the very foundation of my life!

I was, after all, part of the university ballet club, so you could say I was a regular “ballet bunny” in the truest sense of the word. (It is quite funny when you think about it!). And you can imagine how excited I was to get to dress for a university charity fundraiser – think sparkling tulle, a big, bouncy bun, and the most amazing shade of bubblegum pink! The minute I slipped into that tutu, it felt as though a tiny, shimmering fairy had cast a spell on me. And it wasn’t just a case of the fairy dust, because I knew in that instant, right then and there, that tutus were going to be an integral part of my life forevermore!

I even wear them under my lab coat at work, don’t be silly! Well, I’ve always wanted to, I mean it’s almost possible, just nearly enough material to slip over the white coat - though maybe the pink tulle could make my serious science tests results just that bit more accurate! So I say "science" and I say “sparkles" – we’re all about creating beautiful things, after all. Maybe it’s a crazy juxtaposition, or maybe, just maybe, it's the perfect storm that gave birth to Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Anyways, my darlings, let's get back to the sparkly topic of the day: Ilkeston! So, how do you get from Derbyshire, and my tiny little flat that doubles as my workshop and drag room, to this glorious, beautiful and historical market town, steeped in history, with its magnificent market and iconic Grade I Listed Church (can you believe it?)? You’ve got it in one - the trusty train, of course!

Now, as a Pink Tutu, I always dress for the occasion, and what better way to greet a historical destination than with an extravagant hat! For this journey, I opted for a creation of feathers, a swirling fuchsia net and a jaunty little bow. It had the perfect level of flamboyant whimsy to pair with my vintage lace gloves and my favourite, shimmering pink, satin bomber jacket, which, naturally, looked magnificent over a tutu.

My train journey, though brief, was fabulously exciting. It was jam-packed with fellow Derbyshire residents going about their day – there were lots of cheerful smiles and an overall vivacious atmosphere. Even with all the busy-ness, my dazzling, sparkly presence attracted some curious looks! I swear, you could almost hear them whisper, "Well, isn't she fabulous!".

It wasn't long until I found myself in the heart of Ilkeston – and oh boy, what a vibrant little town this is! The cobbled streets were teeming with friendly faces, bustling with chatter and laughter. There was a wonderful mix of shops, cafes, pubs – each and every one was filled with an irresistible sense of charm and personality. There was a really delicious little cafe that smelt absolutely incredible (can you guess the aroma - it was the deliciousness that is raspberry cheesecake), where I indulged in the most gorgeous slice. The staff were so warm and welcoming, too. We even talked about fashion, you see – they wanted to know all about my sparkly life. It’s good to have the support of friends, and it’s always so lovely when your own little, girly style has a little ripple effect on others!

Ilkeston has something for everyone, though you wouldn't think that because of its size, really – very surprising to me, but the beautiful market had more shops than you’d shake a stick at. From vintage treasures to handmade jewellery, handmade crafts to quirky gifts, there was an absolute cornucopia of treasures just waiting to be discovered. What’s so special about Ilkeston though? The Ilkeston Market! Now that’s something special! I spent hours exploring its nooks and crannies. I simply had to treat myself to some freshly picked strawberries. It was just begging for a photo opportunity (have a peek at my feed at the end of the day - you’ll have to let me know what you think about that one)! It just didn't seem fair to be in a town so bustling with history and not be in the most authentic place in Ilkeston, did it?

I felt completely in my element in this captivating, friendly town. Everyone seemed to be enjoying a little touch of sunshine in the heart of their day, from families enjoying a picnic on the grassy hill that overlooks the market, to lovely locals taking their dogs for walks. It’s so very heartening to experience the community and good nature that a market town embodies so perfectly! I absolutely love the feel of a little, quirky town. Don't even mention me forgetting my camera when it’s so very photogenic, of course. That little error meant a little bit of impromptu “people watching”, but I got my share of photos, and there was some excellent fashion in evidence - even that took me by surprise!

But my dear loves, Ilkeston held one more amazing surprise in store: the Ilkeston Carnival! Now, imagine my delight when I realised the town's biggest carnival event happened to be this weekend, and what’s more there was going to be a stunning theatre show featuring local dancers! (Have you figured out why my trips so often happen to be at the same time as events - it’s all planned out of course!) Now, it goes without saying, anything to do with dancing gets a tick of approval from Pink Tutu Sparkles. It really did not matter what kind of dance (well, there are always a few types I don’t really enjoy - there are just some things I find hard to sit through with dignity). The fact there was to be dancing had to mean my outfit had to involve another change and another fabulous hat - you don't bring me a performance of dance and not bring your Pink Tutu out to play! So there you have it, darling - Pink Tutu and an Ilkeston Theatre Festival - we've already hit the jackpot!

I think the theme for the Carnival must have been some type of magical fairytale: everyone was dressed up in beautiful costumes. The most dazzling parade, too - a kaleidoscope of colours - it had to be an homage to our royal history - absolutely fantastic. But that little fairytale got me - what better time to do a quick impromptu costume change and reveal my inner princess for a while!

I must say that the talent at the Carnival’s theater show blew me away! So many incredible dancers showcased their incredible skills - ballet, tap, and even a mesmerizing, contemporary performance that left me completely mesmerized. I loved watching them (as long as they weren’t too close - too much tutus would really be overdoing things)! Oh, the costumes - so beautifully made – it was hard to tell where the inspiration for the dance and costume designs ended and reality began. It all seemed a beautiful blending together of beauty and creativity – and for a second there I’d be dreaming of a costume idea - but that's for later – I have my own ideas!

In my little fashion corner of the world, there’s no question about it – a trip to a vibrant, historic town like Ilkeston always feels like an explosion of fabulousness - a little slice of magic right on your doorstep. With my bag filled with new treasures and my heart overflowing with happy memories, I boarded the train home. But even with my mind full of images of dancing, feathers, and sequins, the thought always pops into my mind as the train takes me home. A thought I find irresistibly funny every time it occurs, even as I slip out of the high heels and into a much more practical pair of slippers! You’d think with my life, it'd actually be all about tutus – and yes nearly all about tutus… But… I have to make my life work, even with the tutu focus, it’s still a big part of it, of course, but the lab coat will still always be on. You never know where life will take you, but a good pink tutu will make all those surprising adventures so much better – so that's a little truth I’ve found and embraced, my loves!

Until next time, my dear darlings, may your days be filled with rainbows, sunshine, and of course - a little pink tutu magic. Don't forget to follow my Instagram account @PinkTutuSparkles – it's going to be full of more fabulously glamorous escapades like this one! And be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com - there’s an exciting blog post ready for you every single day – I love to get to share what’s been happening on my life with all of you!

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-25 stars in Ilkeston