
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-21 stars in Spalding

Spalding: Tutu-tastic Travels, Post #203!

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another adventure from my travels!

Today's destination? The lovely town of Spalding! I love exploring new corners of our lovely island, and this trip felt like stepping back in time. It was so peaceful and quaint, a far cry from the hustle and bustle of London!

You might be wondering, "How did you get to Spalding, Pink Tutu?" Well, my dears, I have a bit of a love affair with trains. I find the gentle rhythm of the tracks so calming, a perfect time to contemplate my latest tutus and dream up my next drag set. So, yes, I travelled by train, a carriage bathed in sunlight as we raced through the countryside!

Spalding greeted me with open arms (and the smell of freshly baked pastries, yum!). I love a good old-fashioned market, and the one here was bustling with activity, brimming with colourful fruit and vegetable stalls, artisan cheeses, and enough flower displays to make even a pink-loving queen blush!

Speaking of pink... Oh, how my eyes lit up when I discovered a charming little shop called "The Fabric Garden". Rows upon rows of gorgeous fabrics - silk, cotton, velvet, sequins! I found myself utterly entranced by a particularly stunning shade of pink lace, a whisper-soft fabric that seemed practically begging to be turned into a show-stopping tutu!

Of course, no trip is complete without a bit of entertainment! In Spalding, I was absolutely enchanted by the "Spalding Summer Arts Festival". I saw a phenomenal ballet performance by the "East Midlands Dance Company," their tutus swishing with graceful precision. My heart soared! The sheer artistry, the elegance, the way the dancers conveyed stories just through their movements - it reminded me why I'm so passionate about dance.

Then, as fate would have it, the festival was also hosting a community event with a craft fair. The stall next to me was run by a group of young girls, and I swear they've been touched by the Tutu Fairy Godmother! All these adorable little ones wearing homemade tutus made of all sorts of materials โ€“ fabrics, paper, even bottle caps! I nearly fainted with joy. The next generation embracing the magic of the tutu - what more could I ask for?

Before I left, I had a delicious dinner at "The Old Manor House," a traditional inn with an unexpectedly delightful selection of vegetarian dishes. The "Mushroom and Stilton Tart" was pure heaven! And naturally, I made a grand exit with my tutu cascading behind me like a magnificent pink cloud!

As I'm writing this post, nestled snugly in my bed at a lovely little guest house in Spalding, I can't help but think: maybe life truly is a grand ball where everyone is invited to wear their most glamorous tutus!

So, my darlings, are you ready to join me on my quest? Grab your pinkest tulle, let's shimmy and shake those fabulous pink tutus all around the world! After all, when you're wearing a tutu, anything is possible! Until next time, darlings, keep sparkling!

Lots of love and happy twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Don't forget to check out my daily blog, www.pink-tutu.com, for even more sparkly adventures, glamorous fashion tips, and tutu inspiration galore!

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-21 stars in Spalding