Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-26 stars in Abingdon

Abingdon Adventures: Post #208

Oh darling, hold onto your hats, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is about to take you on a journey to the most delightful corner of the Cotswolds!

Today marks another stop on my Pink Tutu World Tour, and let me tell you, this one was absolutely magical. Abingdon, oh Abingdon! Your cobbled streets, charming pubs, and beautiful architecture made my heart skip a beat – just like a perfect pirouette!

This town is absolutely brimming with history, and as I waltzed my way through its lovely lanes, I could practically hear the echoes of generations past. Honestly, darlings, it's the kind of place that makes you want to take out your own Pink Tutu and just twirl in the streets!

This trip was particularly exciting, though, as I had the pleasure of riding into Abingdon on the most magnificent steed imaginable. Now, I know what you’re thinking – Pink Tutu Sparkles and horses, does it get any more glamorous? Absolutely not! This handsome chap was a real thoroughbred, all shiny coat and a kind eye, and he carried me with the grace of a true dancer. Talk about a fairy-tale entrance!

It was quite the sight, I must admit: A Pink Tutu queen arriving on horseback, and all eyes were definitely on me as I sashayed through the town centre. Even the pigeons seemed to have a good old peck and a flutter! I do love making a grand entrance, darlings. And when I say grand, I mean positively extravagant!

Now, my travels wouldn’t be complete without a good old theatrical performance, and let me tell you, Abingdon delivered in style! I was lucky enough to see a beautiful ballet performance at the Abingdon County Hall. These talented dancers moved with such grace and precision, it simply took my breath away! It's not just the beauty of the moves, it’s the power and emotion, the stories they tell. Just pure joy.

My time in Abingdon, darlings, was an absolute treat, full of pink tulle, charming town squares and elegant horses. And honestly, what could be better than that? But this is just one stop on the Pink Tutu World Tour. We’ve got so much more to see, so many more dazzling sequins to catch and fabulous events to attend! Join me, won't you?

A little bit of Pink Tutu backstory, for all you newcomers out there…

My name's Alex, and if I'm being honest, my love for pink tutus began with a bit of a giggle. I was studying science – the world of molecules and lab coats, imagine! - but a bit of a Pink Tutu crept into my life while I was a part of our university ballet club. I remember this charity event we had, and we were trying on different costumes, and I just went for it! I donned this magnificent pink tutu, and suddenly, it all just…clicked. There I was, Alex the science student, but also Pink Tutu Sparkles – it was exhilarating!

Of course, this doesn't mean that I'm giving up my science career. My day job sees me working in a laboratory, analysing fabric - what could be more glamorous? But come evening, my true love shines! There’s something wonderfully exciting about slipping into my pink tutu, adding a dash of glitter, and becoming this fabulous, larger-than-life character that helps bring joy and colour into the world.

Now, some might say this is just a whimsical fantasy – and perhaps it is, but don't we all need a bit of magic in our lives? Just a tiny spark of sparkle, to remind us that life can be as bright and colourful as the most vibrant pink tutu!

That's exactly what my blog is all about, darling - celebrating that spark, that joie de vivre. We’re here to encourage everyone to find their inner Pink Tutu, no matter where they come from, their age, or even if they think tutus are not "for them". Pink is after all the most universally flattering colour in the world, don't you agree?

So here's to embracing life’s little sparkles – to dancing on the edge of joy, to the twirling skirts of laughter, and of course, to all the pink tutus in the world! Stay tuned, darling, the next stop on our journey awaits, and trust me, it’s going to be an absolute dazzler!

P.S. Did you know there's a place in England called 'Pink’, in County Durham? It’s high up on my list to visit. I can already picture myself in my Pink Tutu, posing beside a ‘Pink’ road sign – a delightful dream come true! Oh, to be Pink Tutu Sparkles!

This post has been brought to you by Pink Tutu Sparkles, the Queen of Tutus, Queen of the Stage, Queen of Sparkle. Follow me at www.pink-tutu.com or catch my performance on stage somewhere near you soon!

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-26 stars in Abingdon