
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-30 stars in Earley

Earley: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Stage! (Blog Post #212)

Hello my darling Tutu Queens!

It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from sunny (well, sort of sunny) Earley! It's been a whirlwind of a week, travelling by train to the beautiful town and making some seriously sparkly memories.

Earley, you're a beauty, darling! I just love the charming streets, the cute little shops, and the friendly faces. Of course, what truly captured my heart were the fantastically friendly folks who welcomed me with open arms. Honestly, everyone was so warm and bubbly, it was just a delight to get to know the town and its inhabitants.

Now, you know me, I couldn't resist a little pink tutu shopping spree while I was in Earley! The town has a fabulous vintage store called "The Dusty Attic" and darling, let me tell you, it was a treasure trove of fabulous fabrics and vintage wonders! I snagged myself the most beautiful blush-coloured silk tutu, and you wouldn't believe the fabulous hat I found! I paired it with a vintage pearl necklace and, oh my dear, let's just say I looked positively fabulous.

But enough about my shopping haul, let's talk about the main event - my performance! Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm not just a drag queen, I'm also a bit of a ballet enthusiast. It's a secret passion, you see? By day, I'm Alex, your average scientist, but by night, I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, dazzling everyone with my twirls and pirouettes. So when I saw a chance to perform at the Earley Town Hall, I jumped at the opportunity! It was a community fundraiser, and my darling, they're in for a treat! I brought out my signature sparkly pink tutu and performed a medley of my favourite ballet routines, all set to a playlist of those iconic 90's pop hits (think Spice Girls meets Tchaikovsky, baby!).

The audience absolutely adored it! They laughed, they cried, they cheered! Even the little ones were enthralled by my fabulous pinkness! Afterward, there was a lovely reception with scrumptious scones and a delightful Earl Grey tea, of course. I got to chat with the lovely Earley folks and even signed a few autographs for some young tutu hopefuls! It was an absolutely magical night!

Speaking of magical, I couldn't resist heading down to the Reading Theatre to watch a beautiful ballet performance. This time, it wasn't me taking to the stage, but the sheer artistry of the dancers transported me to a whole other world. They twirled, they leapt, they floated across the stage with such grace and poise, it left me in complete awe. Let me tell you, my darling, seeing a live performance after a day spent in my own sparkly glory? Nothing beats it!

Speaking of beats, I also discovered this fantastic little cafe called "The Teacup and the Spoon" (such a lovely name, don't you think?) and let me tell you, it's the perfect place to relax and unwind after a day filled with sparkly wonder.

The Teacup and the Spoon has the most adorable vintage teacups (my absolute weakness, darling!), fluffy scones, and heavenly cakes. I had a cup of English Breakfast tea and a slice of lemon meringue (just divine!) while catching up on all the gossip from the lovely ladies in Earley. They were all so intrigued by my journey as a drag queen! We chatted about tutus, travelling, and, of course, pink. They're now convinced they're going to have a go at a pink tutu, so mission accomplished!

All in all, Earley, you've captured my heart. It's not every day I stumble across a town with such lovely people, delicious treats, and such a beautiful art scene. You truly embody the spirit of "spreading joy and glitter one twirl at a time." And darling, that's what I'm all about.

Until next time, Tutu Queens! Stay sparkly, stay fabulous, and never forget the magic of pink!

Yours eternally,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-30 stars in Earley