Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-08-04 stars in Pontypridd

Pontypridd, Darling!

#217 - Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Glamour!

Oh, my darlings, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to unleash a wave of pink and tutus upon the wonderful town of Pontypridd! As you all know, life is too short to be dull, and this sassy queen loves nothing more than travelling the length and breadth of this land, bringing joy and glitter wherever I go.

This week, my train journey took me right into the heart of Wales. Oh, how I love travelling by train, darling! There's something about the rhythmic sway, the clattering of the wheels, and the whiff of old-fashioned train travel that truly excites me. My trusty luggage, packed full of all the sequins, feathers and glitter a queen could need, travelled alongside me in a grand manner.

Pontypridd itself is just divine. It's so different to my own lovely Derbyshire, the scenery is green and mountainous, and the town itself is so full of life and character. My trusty mobile phone app, (one of my trusty travel essentials darling), informed me of some fantastic shops - I simply had to see if I could find a new pair of ballet shoes! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a new pair, darling. And let's face it, every queen needs a wardrobe fit for a princess. I had a feeling a trip to Pontypridd would yield some treasures - I’m a bit of a fashion magpie, darling, especially when it comes to finding new, fabulous, dresses!

My heart is also utterly besotted with all things dance, especially ballet! Just last week, I caught the most beautiful performance at The Royal Opera House. I absolutely adore ballet, especially the classic tutus. As soon as that music started, I felt such an incredible surge of emotion. The ballerina was so graceful, every step a tiny spark of joy in my heart! So I knew this week, I'd find some time for ballet myself. There's something about the intricate movements that just makes me feel like I can soar above the world!

As you all know, I’m not just a glamorous queen on stage! By day I work in a lab, surrounded by test tubes and Bunsen burners. I know, what a mix, right?! Who would have thought a drag queen would be mixing potions and conducting chemical reactions? I was working on fabric, developing new textiles, looking at different weaves, all to make the most beautiful and incredible outfits for queens all around the globe. By night I transform, slip into my sparkling, colourful pink tutu, and become the radiant, energetic Pink Tutu Sparkles! It's truly two very different worlds. But my day job gives me a chance to really think about textiles. It feeds my passion for dance and beauty. What better to research than gorgeous, floaty silks that feel just wonderful to dance in!

So, naturally, on a Saturday afternoon I found myself in the beautiful Pontypridd town hall! This town has such an enchanting sense of history about it, you can literally feel the stories unfold, whispered in the old stone walls. They've had the most delightful town hall, the perfect stage for my sparkling performances! Oh my darling, it was so exciting! Imagine the audience – cheering, screaming, clapping, the energy was just bursting through the roof. That's when I know I’m in my element.

You'd think a queen who's performing could get worn out after such a spectacular night, wouldn’t you? Not so! Oh darling, you should have seen me, a real bright pink whirlwind of sparkles. I was like a flamingo with a mic, but oh my god I just wanted to do more! The thrill of it is addictive, darling!

I stayed in the cutest bed and breakfast for a couple of nights - it was run by a family who were so incredibly warm and welcoming. I'm a true believer that some of the most memorable moments can come from the most unexpected of places! They loved me being a drag queen and made the most fabulous, flamboyant breakfasts, with my favorite, pink grapefruit! Oh, I truly enjoyed the ambiance of that sweet little town! It’s been such an exciting and colorful weekend, and my soul is brimming with happiness! I'll be writing more about Pontypridd, in future blogs!

As a drag queen, I get to do things that most people would only ever dream about! Every day is different. The beauty of my life, as I know it, is about celebrating individuality and creating a platform where everyone is able to be their most radiant self!

Right darling, off I go! I need to find some sparkly new feathers for my fabulous Pontypridd show! My little darlings, do join me tomorrow for my adventures as I head over to Birmingham! Don't forget, I’ll be keeping up-to-date on all my daily adventures at www.pink-tutu.com - do say hello, I would absolutely love to hear from all my readers! Don't be a scaredy-cat! Have a glorious time! Love and light darling! Always Sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2000-08-04 stars in Pontypridd