Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-08-27 stars in Farnworth

Farnworth - The Pink Tutu Travels, Post #240

Oh, darlings! You wouldn't believe the adventure I've had in Farnworth. This is my 240th post on pink-tutu.com - can you believe it?! I feel like I've travelled the length and breadth of this country (and even ventured across the channel!) all for the sake of spreading the joy of the pink tutu. And today's post is no exception, because I'm about to take you on a magical journey to a little corner of Greater Manchester that, frankly, stole my heart!

As you know, my darling readers, I adore the ballet, and travelling by train. It seems my journeys tend to include the two in some form! Well, darling, Farnworth did not disappoint. The train was absolutely sparkling - they had those special carriage seats with extra leg room for glamorous gals on the go! I even got to sit next to a darling gentleman in a fabulous pair of red leather shoes and a beautifully knotted scarf - pure art, dear. Just picture this! A sparkly pink tutu against his scarlet red shoes and an electric blue scarf? Pure theatre! I'm sure I left him with a fabulous image of glamour and whimsy, he looked swooning.

It is the utmost pleasure for me to spread the Pink Tutu Gospel, even whilst travelling. When you think about it, you could practically call my tutus little messengers, darting across the land with a message of sparkle and delight.

But I digress, darlings. I landed in Farnworth on the hottest day of the year - I nearly fainted when I stepped off the train! I was a total sweaty mess but sensationally vibrant and pink, all wrapped up in the delightful layers of my pink tulle masterpiece, naturally! My trusty sparkly tote was bursting with all the bits and bobs that keep a drag queen fabulous: lipstick, blush, sequins and oh, a spare tutu! (One can never be too prepared!)

As you know, my life is about exploring the world and showing off all those spectacular towns and cities in fabulous style. I wasn't too sure what Farnworth had in store. It was certainly a vibrant and exciting place with an impressive history as a mill town with its roots going back all the way to the Domesday Book, but the sparkle wasn't exactly jumping out at me. It does however, boast some amazing buildings.

I was so impressed! So many little gems that most folks probably drive past every day without taking the time to notice their little beauties. Just like the joy of the Pink Tutu. Farnworth’s library is so sweet, a real historical gem built in 1910 in what they call 'Gothic style' with gorgeous stained glass windows and turrets, a bit like a mini cathedral with way less holy business! It's just beautiful and it just * begs* to have a photo shoot around the building with a few flamboyant tutus. And the Market Place is gorgeous - not to be confused with a ‘supermarket' as I often think when I hear the name…

And just think! In 1910 when Farnworth Library opened, nobody even imagined that in less than a century, drag would become a powerful platform for art, expression and spreading a whole lot of joy just like Pink Tutu! The people of Farnworth certainly deserve to have the sparkle injected into their day.

I had some real fab-u-lous fun just wandering around the place, letting my imagination roam. The town’s buildings are simply stunning! I popped into a couple of sweet little vintage clothing stores (they must have known I was coming! A feeling, darling! They must have felt my need for something beautiful) and picked up some real jewels! Let me tell you, darlings, Farnworth was just a dream for any kind of fabulousness! The shop assistants looked positively stunned as I walked in - a blast of pink tutu glory and I can't tell you how many eyes I had on me. You know that look: part terror, part amazement! The kind of gaze that says, “This is too much!” But don’t be fooled. Their heart said, “Oh darling, it’s never enough.”

And I have to say it. My lovely pink tulle tutu was the perfect accessory for a sunny day of exploration and I was all ready to show Farnworth some real sparkle! I had a couple of amazing renditions for you darling. And they deserved the fabulous show - it was a pleasure!

I had such a giggle seeing everyone's reaction to my sparkling persona as I meandered through the quaint market square. Some people smiled, others gave me a wide berth! I guess, like me, some just like a little bit more oomph than the average Tuesday! My favourite moment was meeting this charming gentleman, wearing a lovely pink tie - pure serendipity. I must say he was absolutely delighted to chat and had the time of his life seeing all the happy little children staring with wide-eyed wonder as we did a little Pink Tutu shimmy right in front of the local church. You can totally bet that this sweet, lovely little town with all of its historical character will be getting a lot more pink tutu in the near future. And perhaps I’ll pop back for a weekend of fabulousness with my drag troupe – imagine a whole gang of dazzling pink tutus on a train headed to Farnworth! The pink tutu wave!

Darling, I’m pretty sure the Pink Tutu Gospel spread throughout Farnworth’s little streets, I know because I left a whole bunch of little pink tutu glitter trails everywhere I went! You wouldn't believe the sparkle I managed to inject into everyone's day - even the ones who wanted to avoid me. A bit of sparkle for everybody! You could actually see people brightening as they wandered by my side – some couldn’t stop themselves but to ask me a little about the why, the where, the what, the pinkness of my tulle - divine! And when I told them to get into tutu, their hearts filled with excitement and their spirits rose! The locals even said that it was the best day ever because I made them all feel special. Now, darling, you can’t argue with that. And the day wasn’t nearly over, we have one last spectacular spot to see – Farnworth Museum - before the magic is gone!

Farnworth Museum! A true little piece of time with stories, photos, objects, and archives going back to the days when the very air of Farnworth was thick with textile history! You see, darlings, textiles were woven deeply into Farnworth's very soul – and you wouldn’t believe what was all over the Museum's shelves, I'll bet you! Yep, you guessed it darling! It's not too difficult to imagine the historical drama woven into the fabrics and the colours.

In a sense, I'm kind of a drag artist living this modern-day theatre performance because I'm bringing that bit of magic into the fabric of daily life - the everyday life of an English town like Farnworth. I can see how a pink tutu, this sparkly, beautiful message of fun would have fitted right in with the mill towns! In the era when so many textile workers toiled away. There's so much energy in that old textile heart! Just wait til you see it! It's really fascinating, you can just feel the life, the work, and the sheer brilliance of these historical spaces! Oh, I simply love discovering little pieces of time and the way it speaks to our contemporary moments in all of its layers. I bet these poor mill workers could use some serious Pink Tutu Fun. Do tell your readers to imagine those textile workers – many of them girls in drab work clothes and even more drab times in 1910, right at the time the library opened – looking with weary, unblinking eyes at a girl like me walking in, a blast of pink and sparkles! Oh darling, they’d think I was divine and my tulle was truly a miracle. Imagine, darling. All that history and then this, all of me on a mission to inject a bit of pink sparkle! What would a pink tutu have meant to those who worked in these very same textile factories! My heart beats with so much joy, I simply have to go back and show those workers just how powerful, just how special, just how wonderfully bright a little pink tutu can be! I have to show Farnworth what a sparkle and shine I bring, and the world needs more glitter! It really does. My sparkly heart is already pulsating at the thought.

This, my dearest reader, is exactly why I need you to be with me! Let’s go take those dreary dark spaces and flood them with Pink Tutu sparkle! Every moment needs more light! There’s a spark inside all of us and I can't help but see those textile workers in my tutu smiling back at me. There are thousands and thousands of stories tucked away, I can’t get enough, but that's how I feel whenever I go exploring. The best part is the history, it's everywhere and it’s about us!

Until next time darlings,

Stay pink and sparkling.

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2000-08-27 stars in Farnworth