
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-09-22 stars in Liverpool

Liverpool: The Pinkest City in the UK (Blog Post #266)

Helloooo darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the magical city of Liverpool, a city that practically screams "pink tutu!" at every turn (especially if you're standing next to me, haha!). I'm not just saying that, I genuinely think Liverpool is just the most fabulously vibrant and friendly city you could possibly find. You wouldn't believe the welcome I got, it was like they knew I was coming! I mean, obviously, my glitter-bombed train was an absolute beacon of pink loveliness as it pulled into the station, but even without that, I'd be a walking advert for pink tutus!

Now, I've been all over the UK in my pink tutu (including some seriously glamorous trips to Ascot and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - you can see the photos on my website at www.pink-tutu.com - trust me, they're divine!). But Liverpool was special. It was just one big pink wonderland. Every shop was crammed with incredible outfits, every cafe was buzzing with fabulous people, and every building was simply begging for a sprinkle of pink tutu magic. It was honestly like I stepped straight into one of those wonderful films you find on TCM - all those beautiful girls, swishing their skirts, and laughing with their friends. And the Liverpudlians themselves were the most wonderful, warmest souls. They all treated me like an old friend, which, honestly, is just the best kind of welcome you can ask for.

Of course, being in Liverpool, it's simply rude not to go to the theatre. I managed to snag tickets to a sensational ballet production at the Empire. The costumes were exquisite, and the dancing was breathtaking - it truly did move my soul. You know how much I adore ballet. It's such a delicate and expressive art form. And don't even get me started on the tutus! chef's kiss I might have even cried during one of the beautiful duet performances - it just got me so deeply! But you know me, my tears are usually pretty fabulous, like a burst of pink glitter! After the performance, I snuck backstage for a quick chat with the dancers. They were all so sweet, and they even showed me some of their beautiful, feather-light tutus. And of course, I had to ask about their favourite pink-hued outfits - because, hello! It's a serious topic of discussion, and let me tell you, those dancers had some truly dazzling taste!

Of course, my visit to Liverpool wouldn't be complete without a bit of shopping, wouldn't it, darlings? Oh, the shopping was fantastic! There were just endless rows of dazzling shops, all overflowing with fabulous dresses and glittering shoes and – my personal favourite – endless supplies of pink tulle! I might have been a little overzealous, but hey, a girl's got to stay stocked, you know? After all, a Pink Tutu Sparkles never leaves home without her tutu arsenal, even if it means wearing two!

Now, let's talk about the food. Oh my goodness, the food! From the traditional fish and chips at the pier to the fabulously fluffy cheesecakes I found in a cute cafe tucked away on a quiet backstreet (I can't tell you where, it's my secret!). I've got to say, I think Liverpool takes eating seriously. Even the food markets had a delicious, pink-tinged vibe, which honestly is everything you need to have a truly joyful and inspiring experience! I might even have worn a tutu to a couple of them...

And what better way to finish the day than with a performance of my very own, wouldn't you say? I snagged a little slot at the Cavern Club – oh my god, what a legendary venue! The atmosphere was absolutely electric. They seemed to love my sparkly pink tutu and were happy to cheer me on as I spun, shimmied and shook my way to the last song. They even bought me a few cheeky pints afterwards! And of course, I had a great time signing a few tutus (with the help of my sparkly pink lipstick – wink, wink). It truly was the most amazing evening. You wouldn't believe the kind words the audience had for me. They absolutely loved my message – the power of positivity, the joy of a pink tutu, and the belief that everyone has a little bit of sparkle inside of them. They even got on stage with me for my finale. It truly was the best way to finish off a fantastic pink adventure.

So, my darlings, you know I love all you beautiful pink-loving souls, and I wanted to share all the sparkly bits and pieces from my time in the wonderful city of Liverpool. It truly was a whirlwind of fashion, fun, and friendship, with just a dash of pink tutu magic thrown in for good measure! If you're ever looking for a truly fab city that embraces sparkle and fun, I wholeheartedly recommend Liverpool.

But honestly, darling, you know I want all my beautiful friends to experience the power of pink and embrace the power of a tutu, no matter where you go in the world.

Until next time, darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

P.S. I’ve got another gig on Wednesday, but then I'll be hopping on a train to a town in Norfolk, so if you have any fabulous tips on the best pink cafes or pink tutu-friendly places to visit in Norfolk, let me know.

P.P.S Don’t forget, darling, you can find me every day on my fabulous website www.pink-tutu.com (including a lot of fun stories from my time in Liverpool – I promise you'll absolutely love it!)

#TutuQueen on 2000-09-22 stars in Liverpool