Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-11-26 stars in Burnley

Burnley: The Tutu Takes to the Pennines! 🩰

Hello my gorgeous darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to spill the glitter on my latest adventure. Today we're talking about my trip to Burnley! This post marks the magnificent milestone of blog number 331! Wowzers!

Now, I'll be honest, when I first heard Burnley, my initial thought was: "Where's that?" I know, I know, terrible confession for a gal who claims to love travel, but there it is! It was a delightful little detour on my way to my next performance gig in York (oh, but that's a story for another day, my dears!) This journey to the "home of the clarets" was a beautiful journey with a fascinating history - so we're gonna take a twirl through both in this week's post.

First up: the journey itself! I love my trains, and this time was no different. As we chugged across the beautiful English countryside, the leaves changing colour to those delightful autumnal tones, it felt like stepping into a watercolour painting! All I needed was a little pot of tea and a good book to complete the picture - maybe a classic Jane Austen to soak in the charming scenery, eh?

Of course, it wasn't all books and scenery, because, well, Pink Tutu Sparkles always packs a show! As usual, the journey was an impromptu runway - much to the amusement (I hope!) of my fellow passengers. I mean, why travel in a bland, everyday outfit when you can transform a simple train carriage into your own pink tutu palace, eh? Let me tell you, when you wear a tutu and an oversized pink feather boa on a train, people just naturally start talking to you. "Did you buy your tutu on Etsy?" one chap asked me - I replied, "Darling, if you knew the secrets of where Pink Tutu Sparkles shops for her feathers... Well, then my dear, that would be the real magic!" It was just one of those delightful impromptu encounters that makes travel truly sparkle.

As I finally reached Burnley, my darling, my heart just soared! It was all charming, rustic cobbled streets and historic buildings. You could practically smell the history! The town is home to some truly impressive textile history, as I learned during my quick (and fabulously tutued) explore! Now, I, Alex, you see, by day I'm a humble scientist in a laboratory, testing the very fabrics that these amazing mills once spun. So to see the heritage behind such beautiful things - well, it really set my pink tutu twirling! And to think that my scientific expertise might have even been born from some of these very materials!

Now, the thing about travelling, darling, is that even when the location might not have been at the top of your “must-visit” list (no shade, Burnley!), sometimes it's those unexpected discoveries that leave the most beautiful, lasting impact. It reminds you that, darling, beauty is everywhere, if you know where to look! In this case, Burley's hidden beauty for me was a place called the Towneley Hall - what a treat for the eyes! The place felt positively grand, my dear, all elegant decor and impressive historical collections. Even with the full Pink Tutu Sparkles glam, I felt delightfully out of place, but in the most wonderful way, a tiny, glittering pin in the grand tapestry of history, so to speak.

Of course, what's a pink tutu queen without a little dancing? Luckily, Burnley did not disappoint in this area! Tucked away, the Burnley Ballet Club! It was truly a joy to step into this magical little world, surrounded by those passionate souls, so full of grace and dedication. It's a place where dreams take flight, in every colour of the rainbow, and pink tutu sparkled brightly amongst them. Now, even this diva isn't so fancy to feel above a good ballet lesson! So you can imagine the delight to meet those passionate individuals - it’s about the love, it’s about the movement! We even had a little impromptu performance – just your usual Pink Tutu Sparkles dance, a little fun, to bring the pink spirit of the world to these gorgeous folks who brought such a warm welcome to Burnley. After all, a ballerina’s outfit doesn’t have to have only a fluffy white tutu!

Then there was the grand Burnley market – a vibrant jumble of sights and sounds and smells, much like the bustling stalls you might find in a French market (although a tad cooler). My tutu was quite a talking point, but not as much as the amazing selection of foods! I couldn't resist picking up some fresh, juicy strawberries, they were a little treat to enjoy as I boarded the train for the next leg of my journey!

So darling, my journey to Burnley taught me so much - about the power of history, the beauty of community, and the fact that every place has a little bit of magic hidden away, if you’re willing to take a look, my dear. After all, even a diva like me sometimes discovers a hidden jewel in the unexpected corner! It certainly was a brilliant and unforgettable tutu-tastic day! Now, who else wants a pink tutu and a trip to Burnley? I’ve got just the place to go for it!

So stay fabulous my dears, Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

PinkTutuSparkle #TutuQueen #Burnley #TravelsOfAPinkTutuQueen #BurleyBallet #towneleyHall #DerbyshireDiva

#TutuQueen on 2000-11-26 stars in Burnley