Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-03 stars in Chatham

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Chatham! ✨ (Blog Post #338)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another post! Today, I'm bursting with excitement to share all the glittery details of my recent trip to Chatham.

Now, if you know me, you know I live for a good train journey. It's the perfect time to admire my own fabulousness reflected in the window and people-watch for potential tutu-wearing converts. (Hint: never underestimate the power of a well-placed feather boa.) This time, my train journey was extra special because I was travelling to a new destination!

I'd been hearing about Chatham for ages - they have a beautiful historical dockyard, which, let's be honest, is pretty much made for a glamorous photo shoot in a fluffy pink tutu, right?

Anyway, the train arrived at Chatham station and the first thing I noticed was the friendly atmosphere. Everyone seemed genuinely delighted to see me, or at least, that's what I told myself. It's likely a combination of a) being dazzled by my fabulous pink tutu ensemble, and b) knowing they were about to witness the spectacle that is Pink Tutu Sparkles live.

First stop: the iconic Historic Dockyard. I absolutely adore history (especially if it's accompanied by dramatic music, wind effects, and maybe a few cannons going off!), so I was thrilled to spend the morning exploring the fascinating stories of the warships, forts and historic buildings. The sheer scale of it all blew my mind, not to mention the amazing costumes! It really is so inspirational when you're a drag queen who lives for extravagant, history-inspired looks. I'm pretty sure the sheer volume of history on display at the dockyard might have even sparkled my inspiration!

Later that day, I had the absolute pleasure of meeting the sweetest group of lovely local people. They were eager to learn more about the art of drag and, naturally, I couldn't let them go without a little lesson on the importance of pink tutus. As it turns out, a bunch of them were absolutely dying to try on a tutu, which I happily supplied! I even whipped out my little makeup kit and gave a couple of them a sparkly face makeover. (Just a bit of shimmer here, a dab of gloss there - the works!) We had so much fun and I swear I saw several new pink-tutu converts!

After a divine evening meal at the cutest little café (the cherry blossom cheesecake was to die for!), I finished off the night with an extra special performance at the local community theatre. The stage lights, the energy of the crowd, the shimmering fabric - it was just the perfect blend of theatrical flair and sparkle!

I even managed to slip in a visit to a ballet class while I was in Chatham! Now, I have to admit, my ballet technique isn't exactly professional, but the thrill of spinning around in a beautiful tutu (while attempting a grand jeté) is something every girl should experience. It just makes you feel like a magical princess - pure, joyful, and unapologetically girly. And who doesn't want to feel that way?!

Chatham was absolutely fantastic. From the friendly people to the historical sights to the phenomenal food (that cheesecake!), it's a place I'll be visiting again for sure! And just so you know, my sparkly heart has decided that this little gem is officially added to my “top five destinations for drag performances”.

The thing is, I think a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles can make even the most ordinary place feel spectacular, and I believe in the power of a sparkly pink tutu to brighten anyone's day! Who knows, maybe I'll even inspire some people to embrace their inner "Pink Tutu Sparkles." The world needs more glitter, darling, and who better to bring it than me?!

So, until next time, remember: wear pink, wear a tutu, wear your heart on your sleeve (and your feathers on your head)! 💖 ✨

Don't forget to catch up with my other adventures at www.pink-tutu.com! You can also find me on Twitter (@PinkTutuSparkle) and Instagram (@pinktutusp) - and remember to hashtag #PinkTutuSquad to spread the love! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-03 stars in Chatham