Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-20 stars in Finchley

Finchley, Here I Come! 🩰💖 (Blog Post #355)

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle some glitter on your day. As you all know, I'm always up for an adventure, and this time I'm taking my pink tutu to the charming town of Finchley!

This post marks my 355th blog entry for www.pink-tutu.com! That’s almost a year of pink tutus, sparkling adventures, and a whole lot of glitter! 💖 Can you believe it? It feels like yesterday I was just a shy Derbyshire girl, nervously slipping on a pink tutu for the first time in university, and now here I am, a full-fledged drag queen, spreading the joy of pink and tutus to the world. It truly shows the power of chasing your dreams!

Now, back to Finchley! My journey began with a rather peculiar, but delightful, twist. I, the self-proclaimed queen of tutus, was on a rather boring, scientific fabric-testing mission for my day job. Spoiler alert the science lab really doesn't give me much room to express my true artistic spirit.

Luckily, there's always a spark of magic to be found! While testing some particularly lovely velvet fabric (perfect for a tutu, I might add!), I noticed a rather peculiar article in a science magazine. They were featuring a new kind of velvet that could light up when touched! Just like my dazzling, glittery, pink tutus! I couldn't believe my luck!

So, instead of just a regular trip to Finchley for a routine lab analysis, I decided to turn it into a spectacular, multi-faceted adventure! Imagine - Finchley, the heart of fabric production, is where my vision for these light-up tutus can take flight! Imagine the looks on the audience's faces as my tutus shimmer with a vibrant, magical light! It's going to be a sight to behold. 🤩

Speaking of magical journeys, how did I travel to Finchley? Why, by train of course! Just picture this: Pink Tutu Sparkles, resplendent in a bubblegum-pink, fluffy tutu, twirling along the platform, suitcase in hand, with a little black feathered beret on my head. The train conductor just gasped and said, "Wow, what a stunning ensemble!" and even the passengers, all stuffy and stoic, smiled and gave me the thumbs up! You just gotta love the joy a tutu can bring. 💖

Once I arrived at Finchley, I made a beeline for a local café, The Tea Room of Delight. I am all about delicious food and fabulous decorations, so naturally, I went all out. Think scones, crumpets, dainty finger sandwiches, and an incredibly delicious and sparkly pink milkshake! The barista was so delighted with my vibrant pink tutu she even served me my delicious hot chocolate with a heart of whipped cream and a sprinkle of edible glitter! Talk about delightful! ✨

My dear, you know that I always have my nose in a ballet book and that I'm practically glued to my phone, keeping tabs on the most fabulous events happening in London. Guess what I found? The Royal Ballet are performing in Finchley for one night only! They're performing “The Sleeping Beauty!” Now that's something I couldn’t miss, it's practically a rite of passage for any self-respecting tutu aficionado!

I even managed to squeeze in a private ballet lesson before the performance. The ballet instructor was a charming chap who let me use a professional tutu from his studio – it was a blush-pink, sequined number! He even encouraged me to try out my signature ‘tutu-twirl’! 💖 I swear I was practically floating. My goodness, I am so happy I found him. And of course, I took lots of fabulous photographs in the tutu, with a cheeky grin. I have to keep you all updated, don't I?

The Sleeping Beauty performance was an absolute dream. It was beautiful and filled with romance. It had every thing: stunning dancers, flowing tulle skirts, and elaborate sets, not to mention a story about true love, sacrifice, and even a spellbound sleep. My own eyes twinkled more than any princess ever could! The best part? There was a post-performance cocktail reception, so you better believe I struck up a conversation with some of the other tutus aficionados.

But here's the best part of my adventure: Finchley had this incredibly fun fair just bursting with colour and life! They had a Ferris wheel, dodgems, a fun house and a fantastic show by the 'Circus Spectacular' team. Now, I may not be a magician, but when I twirled on stage in my sparkly, pink tutu for a finale performance at the circus you could hear gasps and screams of delight from the crowd. I literally left everyone starry-eyed! 💖 I mean, just imagine - a glittery pink tutu swirling on stage under the bright circus lights, that’s sure to make anyone smile! ✨

You know what they say - every journey starts with a single step, but sometimes, all you need is a splash of pink and a swish of a tutu to bring that journey to life! This trip was nothing short of magical.

So until next time my loves, keep it pink, keep it sparkly, and always remember, every day is an adventure, and it's perfectly okay to embrace your inner tutu queen! ✨

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-20 stars in Finchley