Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-17 stars in Kettering

Kettering: Tutu-tastic Adventures! 💖🩰

Hello my gorgeous darlings! 💅💋 It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from Kettering! Buckle up, because today's post is bursting with fabulousness (post number 383, don't you just love counting the days? It’s like counting your blessings… only with more glitter).

The journey to Kettering was an absolute delight! My good friend Fiona helped me load up the vintage carriage we borrowed (well, rented – but "borrowed" sounds more fabulous, don't you think?), with all the pink tutus and sparkly accoutrements a travelling queen needs. The ride was so picturesque. The countryside whizzed by in a blur of colours – all shades of green and gold, perfect for a pastel-pink tutu to stand out in. I almost had a moment of “Oh, my Tutu, Fiona!” when a cheeky pheasant strutted across the tracks! It was practically begging for a photo op – how could I resist?

Now, let's talk about Kettering itself! It’s such a lovely, charming little town. We had tea at a charming little cafe, all quaintly vintage, and then, I just had to pop into their adorable little museum, it was bursting with old curios and local history. I imagine myself designing a tutu collection inspired by all the beautiful patterns on their ceramics!

I'm telling you, dear readers, the highlight of this trip wasn’t even the show, even though, obviously, it was amazing! I spent the entire morning before the show shopping, like, is that even a surprise?! The shops were chock-a-block with gorgeous pink delights! Oh my Tutu, they even had a boutique with the most divine pink tutu collection! We could talk about that shop for days but alas, it’s time to get to the main event: the performance.

The venue was a bustling theatre, packed with eager eyes and faces ready for a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles. I felt like a princess stepping onto the stage (albeit a very sparkly one!). My number this evening was a heart-melting mash-up of “All That Jazz” and "Barbie Girl" – just imagine, fiery pirouettes mixed with sassy choreography! The audience went wild! Oh, and guess what? A little boy approached me after the show! He asked, "Do you always wear pink tutus?" Squeal!!! A young heart learning to love the magic of pink tutus! My Tutu, it brought a tear to my eye! My mission to get everyone rocking a pink tutu is progressing!

Afterwards, I joined my fellow performers for a quick pint at a cosy pub. As I sipped my delicious apple cider, a young woman in a stunning crimson tutu approached my table! It was my kindred spirit, Lily Rose, a fellow performer, and we had the most fabulous time sharing tips on our respective act, life as a drag artist and, of course, tutus!

Oh, and guess who found an antique pink feather boa in a tiny, forgotten corner of the pub? That’s right! Yours truly! How's that for some luck, right? And, it even matches my current favourite pair of pink ballerina pumps! Isn’t it divine?

This trip to Kettering was filled with adventures and pure magic, I can’t wait to come back and spread some Pink Tutu Sparkles once again! But until then, dear readers, remember, every day can be an opportunity for a little magic! Find the spark, find the pink, and find the tutu that’s just waiting to be twirled!

And remember, darlings, always stay pink, and keep twirling! 😘

Pink Tutu Sparkles out! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-17 stars in Kettering