Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-13 stars in Kirkby

Kirkby, Darling! (Blog Post #410)

Oh my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious, glittery town of Kirkby! Today’s been a whirl of pink and fabulousness, all thanks to a particularly fabulous train journey and the most incredible performance at the Kirkby Arts Centre.

It’s a well-known fact amongst my devoted followers that I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, am an absolute fan of the iron horse – and this journey was no exception! You know, there’s something magical about being jostled around by the rhythm of the rails, snuggling into a plush velvet seat, a steaming mug of chai in one hand and a copy of "Ballet for Dummies" in the other (don’t judge! It’s full of fascinating facts, I swear!). I swear, I think the train journeys themselves are a performance – my pink tutu swaying gently, the fabulous hat I found in a charity shop (a vintage feather boa situation) adding a dash of whimsical drama, and of course, my perfectly applied bright pink lipstick reflecting the fleeting sunshine streaming through the carriage window. Pure theatre, I tell you!

But onto Kirkby, the real star of today! This delightful little town with its friendly locals and stunning arts centre (with a glorious pink floral arch, naturally) had a heart of gold, and the warmth and laughter emanating from it was intoxicating. My performance tonight was one for the books! From the moment I stepped onto the stage in my most glorious pink tutu, the crowd went wild. I mean, who could resist the sparkly charm of my signature number, “Pink Tutus Save the World?"

The song is all about embracing the power of colour, joy, and self-expression. I danced and twirled, spreading my message of kindness and confidence, my pink tutu practically shimmering with the power of my performance. The applause at the end was deafening, and I could barely hear myself over the whoops of delight – a testament to the magic of shared experiences, community, and pink tutus, of course!

It’s so lovely seeing everyone from children in the audience doing their own little twirls, and even the gent at the back doing some impressive hand clapping in rhythm to my music, all in the spirit of celebration! Maybe those of you at home who are still a little shy about donning your own pink tutus need to experience a show like this!

Speaking of tutus, darling, you wouldn’t believe the treasures I unearthed in Kirkby’s fantastic charity shop. They're simply exquisite, all hand-stitched silk with vintage lace and feathers – absolutely perfect for the next instalment of the Pink Tutu Sparkles collection! I'm going to turn some of those fabulous finds into dazzling costume pieces for future shows. After all, even a girl as fashion-forward as me likes to have a little bit of vintage in her life, doesn't she?

Remember darlings, it's not just about tutus. It's about expressing yourself, finding joy in the little things, and of course, embracing the beautiful chaos of life. Every single one of you has a unique pink tutu inside you, waiting to be discovered and unleashed. Trust me, you’ll never regret taking that leap, unleashing your inner Sparkle.

As I sign off from my little blog today, remember my dear friends, to live your truth, wear your sparkle, and never stop twirling.

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Stay tuned, darling! Next week's blog post is all about the extraordinary experience of my "Pink Tutu Tour” in Derbyshire! It was an absolute blast and involved a performance on the back of a charmingly decorated vintage horse-drawn carriage! I’m already dreaming of the next pink tutu adventures, and I know, just know, it's going to be fantastic!

The Pink Tutu Sparkles Guide to Pink Tutus in Kirkby:

Now, darling, this wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post without some serious style tips, right? Because my darling followers, let's face it, it’s a truth universally acknowledged that wearing pink tutus is one of the most excellent, uplifting things you can do for yourself. To inspire you, here’s a Pink Tutu Sparkles guide to all things tutu and fabulous in the town of Kirkby:

  • Where to buy a Tutu:
    • The best place to find vintage tutus, those with a real story behind them, are the amazing little charity shops sprinkled throughout Kirkby. You’d be surprised at what treasures you can unearth in them! You could find your next go-to tutu, or perhaps a perfectly faded vintage tulle for some crafty, DIY tutu magic.
    • Of course, for all the latest fashion styles, be sure to visit Kirkby’s little independent fashion stores – they’re overflowing with fabulous colour and fun, perfect for putting together an inspiring pink tutu look for a night out, or to spark your imagination.
  • Where to dance with your Tutu:

    • You have to hit the floor at Kirkby’s Arts Centre, darling! This place is a real treasure chest of creativity. You'll find it bursting with local talent, whether it be a vibrant community theatre performance, an impressive ballet show or maybe even a modern dance company performance - and that’s exactly where Pink Tutu Sparkles finds her inspiration. There's a sense of fun and possibility in every nook and cranny.
  • The best spots to do your own tutu-tastic photoshoot:

    • Kirkby Park is perfect for a picturesque shoot with its green grass, beautiful blooms, and stunning vistas. You could recreate one of those glamorous ballet-on-the-lawn shoots or have a giggle and throw a few spins around its winding walkways - all with a big pink tutu, naturally!
    • Another winner? Head for Kirkby’s local market on a Saturday. Imagine striking a pose or two near a flower stall with a vibrant background, or try a bit of dance drama beside a brightly coloured food stall! It’s guaranteed to bring joy!
      • The local pub! It might sound odd, darling, but it’s such a classic setting. A dash of whimsical rebellion against the ordinary. Go on, find a cute corner and whip out your best Pink Tutu Sparkles pose. It's sure to cause a giggle (in the best possible way).
  • Other fabulous finds in Kirkby:

    • Kirkby’s little local café is my "pink oasis." They serve the most amazing peppermint tea – all organic and homemade, and it really gets those creative juices flowing! Plus, I love that they make delicious cake every day. They often have vegan options too, darling, so no one’s left out. You must go check it out.

So darling, if you ever find yourself in the lovely town of Kirkby, I strongly encourage you to explore its vibrant heart. Have some fun. Take a pink tutu with you. Embrace the extraordinary! And remember, no matter where you are or what you do, there’s a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles inside all of us. Let’s get out there and celebrate it, darling!

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-13 stars in Kirkby