Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-21 stars in Merthyr Tudful

Merthyr Tudful: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Blog Post #418)

Oh my darlings, it’s your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to regale you with the delightful tale of my latest adventures! This week, I found myself venturing out of Derbyshire, leaving the familiar comfort of my lab behind, to grace the stage – well, a pub stage actually – of the enchanting Merthyr Tudful. It was a glorious trip, complete with trains, taverns, and – you guessed it! – a pink tutu, naturally!

This whole “Pink Tutu Sparkles” journey started, believe it or not, in a science lab! I was knee-deep in chemical equations and studying the properties of fabric when a university fundraiser convinced me to slip on a tutu for a good cause. That moment, ladies and gents, was my revelation. The pink tulle felt like magic against my skin, the swirl of the skirt, pure joy! It was then and there, amidst beakers and Bunsen burners, that Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! By day, I'm still Alex, a dedicated scientist delving into the wonders of fabric and texture, and by night, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles, spreading a message of joy, empowerment, and – most importantly – pink!

Now, I always believe that a good travel day starts with a touch of glam. So, I popped on a gorgeous, ruby red frock and some sparkly stilettos, paired it with, naturally, a blush pink tutu and a bright pink feather boa for good measure, and boarded the train to Merthyr Tudful.

The journey was quite charming, honestly. I love travelling by train, watching the world go by, the quaint towns, the fields full of wildflowers, all while soaking in the admiring gazes of my fellow passengers, who I swear, were definitely admiring my ensemble!

Upon arriving in Merthyr Tudful, a delightful pub welcomed me with open arms. This particular pub, with its traditional decor and roaring fireplace, hosted a weekly drag show. My heart fluttered! This was going to be my stage, my opportunity to showcase my unique style and maybe inspire someone to don a tutu of their own!

After settling into my charming (pink, naturally!) hotel room, it was time for rehearsals. This is when my performance anxiety, well, sparks up! I'm usually such a bubbly and outgoing person, but on stage, a little fear always lingers.

However, nothing could dim my excitement! The stage, the lights, the roaring applause, and, most importantly, the energy of the audience – that’s the feeling that keeps me coming back! That evening, as I twirled on the stage, in my glittery pink tutu, my anxieties dissolved. All that remained was the pure joy of sharing a message of acceptance and kindness with everyone in the room.

During my act, I performed a delightful medley of pop hits, including, of course, a bit of ballet! (As a fellow ballet enthusiast, I simply couldn’t resist a bit of graceful pirouette). My goal is to spread the gospel of tutus, and in Merthyr Tudful, the reception was fantastic! I even managed to convince a couple of members of the audience to try on a tutu (one of them even wore it back to their table – a true victory!). I think I was on the way to achieving my dream: to get everyone, even if it's just for a day, to wear a pink tutu!

Speaking of my dream, what better way to cap off a perfect day than a magical trip to a nearby theater for a magnificent ballet performance? Oh, the grace, the elegance, the artistry, the artistry... The theatre itself was a grand old structure, boasting stunning Victorian architecture, all those grand balconies and ornate gold details. I felt like I had stepped back in time. I always find myself feeling utterly transported and absorbed by ballet shows, they transport me to a world of imagination and beauty. The delicate movements of the dancers, the story told without a single spoken word – it truly is a mesmerizing experience.

And yes, you guessed it! I adorned a different pink tutu, this time adorned with intricate, sparkly silver embellishments, to truly elevate the theatre experience. It seemed only fitting.

That night, back in my cozy, pink hotel room, I savoured every delicious detail of my Merthyr Tudful adventures. The enchanting sights, the music, the people, the vibrant culture – they all conspired to weave a perfect day in this charming Welsh town. It was a whirlwind of experiences, full of beauty, kindness, and, naturally, an abundance of pink tutus!

But all good journeys must end. So, it was time to pack my glitter and sashay back home, feeling more invigorated, inspired, and emboldened than ever to spread the pink tutu gospel far and wide.

This week, darling readers, my dear pink-loving followers, I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! Whether it's taking a ballet class, attending a theatre show, or simply trying on a pink tutu, don’t let your fears hold you back. It's time to unleash your inner Sparkles!

I'll leave you now, my little twirlers, but not without sharing my biggest takeaway from my Merthyr Tudful adventure: There is nothing, I repeat, nothing more liberating than a twirl in a pink tutu. So go forth, spread joy, and remember, every day is an opportunity to shine!

Until next time, darling readers, remember – a world filled with pink tutus is a better world indeed.

Yours, with love and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-21 stars in Merthyr Tudful