Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-08 stars in Pinner

Pinner, Pinner, Everywhere You Look, It’s Pink! - Blog Post #433

Hello darlings, and welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com! Your daily dose of glitter, glamour, and lots of pink is here! Today, I'm positively sparkling with excitement, as we've touched down in Pinner! Now, for some of you who aren't familiar with this delightful corner of Greater London, Pinner is a quaint little town boasting a charming high street and even more charming locals. Just a hop, skip, and a twirl away from my beloved capital, Pinner's where I’ll be spending the next week spreading some much-needed Pink Tutu Sparkles!

But first, let's talk about the journey. Picture it, if you will, my lovelies. It's a beautiful spring morning, the sun is peeping out from behind the clouds, casting a rosy glow upon the lush green countryside. The air is fresh, a little chilly, and as I wait on the platform, I feel the rhythm of the train in my toes. Yes, darlings, today, my mode of transport was the grand, glorious, magnificent train. Nothing beats that feeling of smooth gliding along, watching the scenery pass by as you're wrapped in comfort and surrounded by the clattering and gentle sway. The perfect beginning to an even more perfect day!

Now, the raison d’etre, Pinner has a charming theatre! You know Pink Tutu Sparkles has to be where the entertainment is! They’ve been putting on a splendid production of a ballet adaptation of that fabulous book by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice - with dancing and gowns, oh my! I have to say, darling, it truly was an elegant evening, brimming with theatrical grace. My own act had its little quirks too! They even booked me in the pub beforehand, the one with the massive outdoor space – now that was fun. What’s a girl to do when she's got a packed dance floor and a whole pub audience chanting your name?! A dance-off, my dears, a glorious, sequin-studded, feather-boasting dance-off! It went down a storm, oh my word! The pub’s still recovering, they said, so expect to find pink feathers hanging from the rafters if you go!

Of course, any trip would be utterly devastatingly incomplete without a little bit of pinky-pink shopping. And Pinner? Oh my word, this little town has some hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered! Just popping into this quaint little vintage shop on the high street was pure delight. Let’s just say the Pink Tutu wardrobe is bursting with vintage treasures right now – I think I picked up an absolute steal – a hat box, full of pastel-pink feathered headbands and some divine pink tulle. How lucky is that?!

But before I leave this little gem of a place, my lovelies, I need to give you all some serious sartorial advice – wear pink! Embrace the pink, embrace the tulle, embrace the glitz! Pinner may not be all that sparkly, but I definitely added my own brand of dazzle! Pink is powerful, pink is daring, pink is an instant mood boost. So don't be afraid to experiment, let your inner Pink Tutu Sparkle loose, and get ready to paint the town pink!

And there you have it! My first foray into the charming world of Pinner. Until next time, keep spreading the pink, keep your spirits high, and remember, it’s never too late to live out your dreams! Now, off to a fabulous performance in Sheffield, I'll be bringing my brand of sparkle to the masses!

Yours in glitter and pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! (P.S. You can find all my amazing pink tutu creations on my website! And my latest collection – “Pink & Prejudice” inspired by that magnificent ballet! Do make sure to check them out - they’re simply divine, darlings. And a perfect souvenir from my journey to Pinner.)

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-08 stars in Pinner