Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-11 stars in Chorley

Chorley Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The North! 🩰✨ (Blog Post #436)

Hello, my lovely lot! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, glitter-loving gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the glorious town of Chorley! I've finally made it to the North of England, and I'm already feeling the vibrant energy of this amazing region. Let me tell you, this little town has certainly got a lot of heart, and it's the perfect place to spin, twirl, and spread a little pink tutu love.

Before I tell you all about the amazing time I've been having, let's rewind a little… I was, shall we say, quite the country bumpkin before I discovered the magic of drag! It's hard to believe that this bubbly, pink-tutu-clad, drag sensation started out as Alex, a shy Derbyshire lad with a love for ballet and science! I can see the eyebrows being raised - a scientist? A ballet dancer? What a combination! But trust me, this unlikely duo is what led me to Pink Tutu Sparkles, my true self.

My science degree took a wild turn when I joined the university ballet club. Imagine my surprise when I tried on a tutu for a charity event, and bam! Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! Now, before you get any funny ideas, this was definitely not my first tutu encounter. Remember, Pink has always had a love affair with the frothy, pinkest, most spectacular creations known to man (or woman, let's be inclusive!)

As it turns out, the two sides of me – scientist and drag queen - complement each other beautifully. In the lab, I test fabric all day, carefully analysing the strength, the stretch, the shimmer… it’s a drag queen's dream! My lab is essentially a dress-up box for high-tech materials! 😉

But once the lab doors shut, Pink Tutu Sparkles comes alive! I travel all over, showcasing my pinkness, performing my heart out, and making friends wherever I go. This tour is funded by my drag artistry – I perform at venues, festivals, and even the odd village fete. You know me, always ready to spread the joy of a good twirl and a little bit of pink!

From Derbyshire To Chorley: The Train Journey Of Pink Dreams

Chorley called to me this week, and, being the queen of low-carbon travel (hello, nature!), I hopped aboard the train for my latest adventure! My sparkly suitcases packed with every pink accessory you could imagine, I set off for my northern adventure with my usual posse of travel companions - my comfy PJs, my well-loved paperback, and a bag of delicious Derbyshire fudge for the journey (it's like bringing a little bit of home with you, darling).

There's something magical about train journeys, isn't there? Watching the world whizz by, feeling the gentle rocking of the carriage, and, of course, having an excuse to wear my new pink leopard print face mask (don't worry, I got all my vaccinations, dear - I'm all about staying safe, and fabulously sparkly!).

It wasn't long before the carriages were bursting with laughter, with fellow passengers completely enchanted by Pink Tutu Sparkles! (I always travel in full drag, of course - the more sparkles the merrier, right?). Turns out, sharing a train journey with a drag queen isn't just an exciting ride, it's a guaranteed mood booster! I even managed to convince a grumpy old man to try on a tutu! It was all a big giggle, and a reminder that even the most hardened souls can appreciate the sheer joy of a pink tutu!

Chorley Calling: Where The Stars Are Pink And Twirling

Chorley, bless her cotton socks, turned out to be even more amazing than I imagined! As soon as I stepped onto the cobblestones, I felt like a princess on her way to a ball!

It was time to explore! My first stop was the fabulous Victorian Market - I mean, where else would a queen of sparkle get her glitter? Let me tell you, it was an absolute pink explosion! Gorgeous handcrafted jewellery, beautiful scarves, unique trinkets... I picked up the most amazing handmade pink feathered headpiece for my next show, and you just know I found the perfect shade of pink glitter to finish off my make-up!

Then it was on to explore Chorley’s fabulous historical attractions – and yes, you guessed it, I even managed to turn my explorations into a fantastic ballet-themed photoshoot! Imagine me, in my pink tutu, striking a pose next to the ruins of the medieval church – it was the perfect juxtaposition of pink and ancient!

Speaking of ballet, I simply couldn't resist trying out the Chorley Ballet School – and you'd better believe I got a lovely lady named Mrs. Wilkinson to take me for a pirouette or two! Her classes were bursting with enthusiasm and such amazing energy, it was an absolute joy! I even learnt a few new steps for my next stage performance – what can I say, always on the lookout for a little pink tutu magic!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes The Stage… And Hearts!

My journey wouldn't be complete without a proper performance! I was so excited to be booked at the fantastic Chorley Little Theatre. Imagine this - the grand velvet curtains, the warm lighting, the hushed anticipation in the audience… I just had to give them a performance they'd never forget!

I emerged in a cloud of glitter and tulle, my pink tutu billowing behind me as I danced and sang my heart out. I even snuck in a bit of pink tutu choreography – I'm a little bit of a stickler for a good routine!

Let me tell you, the energy from the audience was incredible! It felt like everyone was right there with me, joining in the dance, embracing the love, the sparkle, the joy of it all! And, wouldn’t you know it, the final act included a mini tutu parade! I even persuaded a couple of young lads to try on pink tutus for a laugh, and everyone just went wild! That’s the beauty of tutus – they can turn even the grumpiest souls into giggling joy balls.

Chorley: My Pink Paradise

And that, my loves, was my incredible trip to Chorley! It's the perfect blend of historical charm and modern-day vibrancy. Chorley truly proved to be a haven for all things pink and fabulous!

But here’s the thing - I left a piece of my heart in this amazing town. A town that embraced Pink Tutu Sparkles with open arms and a whole lot of love. They even presented me with a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses – what could be more perfect?

So, as Pink Tutu Sparkles embarks on her next adventure, I urge you, darling, to go out and spread a little pink tutu love! It’s time to celebrate all the beauty in the world, whether it’s a twirling ballerina, a fluffy tutu, or just a burst of pink happiness!

Until next time, my dear, sparkle and be kind. 😉

P.S. Remember, the world is your dance floor. Get out there, and let your tutu shine!

Find Pink Tutu Sparkles online!

  • Website: www.pink-tutu.com
  • Instagram: @pinktutusporkles
  • Twitter: @pinktutusparks

Stay twirly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-11 stars in Chorley