
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-09 stars in Huyton

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes Huyton by storm! πŸ’…βœ¨ (Blog Post #465)

Helloooo my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to tell you all about my fabulous trip to Huyton, the home of... well, let's just say it was a town full of lovely people who REALLY appreciated the art of the tutu! πŸ˜‚ This trip was extra special because it involved... you guessed it... TRAIN TRAVEL! πŸš‚πŸ’– Oh, the joy of being whisked away by the iron horse to somewhere new. My life is pretty darn magical, honestly, all thanks to you lot for following along on this fabulous journey with me!

First things first, let's talk outfits, shall we? πŸ’… Because darling, how can you have a blog about tutus without a dazzling wardrobe? 🀯 I'd gone with a real statement for this one: a bright pink sequined tutu, obviously, paired with a hot pink corset that made my waist look as tiny as a… well, like a tutu, basically! πŸ’– And my shoes, my darlings, they were something else... sparkly, silver high-heels that reflected every bit of the stage lighting, which, by the way, was just divine! Honestly, it was like my entire outfit was practically bursting with joy. 😊

Speaking of joyful, Huyton was pretty brilliant, my lovelies! The crowd were a right laugh, super enthusiastic, and we had a real connection from the start. You know, the kind that makes you just wanna shimmy and shake until your feather boa's worn out! πŸ˜…πŸ’– It's these kind of moments, right here, right now, that make my pink heart go pitter patter. My aim? To get everyone wearing a pink tutu, of course! πŸŒŽπŸ’ƒ And maybe just maybe, by spreading the love and glitz, we can change the world one twirl at a time, eh? πŸ˜‰ I just hope my efforts in Huyton will be remembered for ages, for those dazzling tutus were truly a sight to behold, right? πŸ‘€

But before I went on stage, you know, to bring the house down with some real tutu-licious entertainment, there were some very important activities to be undertaken. Firstly, a good, long soak in a bubbly bath (we do love to pamper ourselves, don’t we?), followed by some quality time with my make-up bag – oh darling, the hours spent carefully contouring and lining! 😍 I practically spent an afternoon painting my face to look like a shimmering goddess! πŸ˜‚ Then it was on with the tutu, and time to go to the theatre! 🩰 And believe me, my darling, getting ready in the backstage area before going on stage, oh, that's a real blast, a right circus of sparkly outfits, dazzling feathers, and lots of laughter. And, let's be honest, a bit of nerves too... but in a good way, you know? πŸ˜‚πŸ’– I even got chatting to a real sweet fellow in a tutu while I was getting changed (you see? The power of the tutu works in mysterious ways! πŸ˜‚), and we had a little laugh about the fact that I have a bit of a soft spot for a pair of bright pink sparkly trainers for travelling, they’re practical! πŸ’–

Now, before we dive into the show itself, I just have to mention the journey! πŸš„ Travelling by train was a real joy – watching the countryside whiz past as I devoured some of those delicious chocolate squares you find in train stations, oh, that's the life! 🍫 (If you can get some extra, go on, I'm sure your travel buddy will understand, maybe.🀫). The other reason it was extra special, besides the scenery, was all the amazing people I met! 🀩 Being a travelling drag queen can be very lonely at times, and travelling solo, it's nice to chat and have a laugh, isn't it? So, it really brightened up my journey, just talking to strangers about... tutus! It really was, hands down, the most magical journey! πŸ₯°

Back to the performance now, lovelies. And oh my, was it an explosive success! The audience was up for it from the start, clapping and shouting their heads off! πŸ’ƒπŸŽ‰ But the best bit? Well, it had to be that one little girl who shouted "Tutu!" from the front row – she’d obviously been a fan for a long time and that little bit of support, it made me so proud! 😍 My favourite moment? I must say, a solo I performed was pretty epic. 🌠 A twirling, glittery whirlwind of pinks and purples, that was the one! That feeling of performing and seeing the audience lose themselves in the dance, well, there's no better feeling!

It really is incredible to see how far the pink tutu movement has come. What started as a hobby (let's be real, it was all thanks to that university charity ballet performance where I tried on my first tutu. 😜 ), now seems like it's actually turning into something, a real thing! πŸ˜„ To see everyone getting behind it and spreading the message of love and glitz is something very special, you know?πŸ’–

Now, enough about me for one blog post, darling. I want to know about YOU! Have you been following along with the Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures? Tell me in the comments below: what’s your favourite tutu-related thing to do? Do you have a special pink outfit that just screams you? Don’t be shy! And if you've seen me perform, don’t forget to say hi – even better, why not pop a picture on the Pink Tutu website with your favourite pink tutu moment?!πŸ’– Now, I need to sign off as I’ve got a real long, twirly day tomorrow... after all, a glamorous lady never stops twirling, does she? πŸ˜‰

So until next time, stay fabulous and sparkle bright! ✨

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-09 stars in Huyton