Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-14 stars in Earley

Earley: A Tutu-tastic Train Journey!

Pink-tutu.com Post #470

Darling dears, hello from sunny Earley! This sassy queen just had the most delightful train journey, complete with a fluffy pink tutu, of course! I do love a good train adventure, especially when the destination is full of new places to explore, fab fashions to admire, and a potential venue for my Pink Tutu Sparkles show. This lovely little town is definitely ticking all the boxes!

Let's rewind the tape a little bit - for those of you just joining my glittery adventure, I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, the most fabulous, and yes, the most pink, drag queen on the planet (sorry, but I have to say that!) You can find my real name on my lab coat (it's Alex), but when the lights dim and the music starts, I’m the shimmering, sassy, tutued vision you see gracing stages across the land!

Today, it's all about Earley and its fabulous secrets!

From Science Lab to Stage Lights!

By day, my fellow humans, I’m a humble, lab-coat-clad, scientist, exploring the world of fabrics and all things textile-y. I mean, even scientists like their bling, don’t you agree? That's probably why I always find myself drawn to pink. But by night? Oh, let’s just say I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles, the queen of all things shiny and sparkly. It's quite the transformation, trust me!

My Love Affair With The Pink Tutu

My life’s goal, my sweet dears, is to spread the pink tutu gospel far and wide! It all started during my university days, when I joined the ballet club and had a magical encounter with a sparkly, pink, beautiful, tutu. It was love at first twirl.

Now, I’m a science student – all about facts and figures! - but, believe me, my love for the tutu is no figment of my imagination! In fact, you’ll never find me out and about without a little twirl, whether I'm in my science lab, out on the street, or heading out to catch the train. It's all part of spreading the joy!

Earley Adventures

The trip to Earley had me squealing with delight from the very start! I was lucky enough to get a train compartment all to myself – my darling tutu didn't quite fit in with the rest of the passengers on the crowded train! Of course, my trusty travel case with my entire collection of Pink Tutu Sparkles costumes had to make the trip with me, just in case of an impromptu performance, so that took up quite a bit of room too!

The landscape outside the window was breathtaking! Green fields, rolling hills and the promise of something exciting ahead! The journey was as glamorous as I expected, and a little more fun than most – I’ve perfected the art of entertaining fellow travellers with a cheeky ballet move here, a fluttering pink tutu there! (Much to the delight of many, but the despair of a couple of stern faced gentleman… I am a diva after all!)

A Tutu-ful Time in Earley!

Earley's certainly charming! A picturesque, little town brimming with a classic charm! First on the agenda, darling, was exploring the lovely Earley Town Hall. Imagine it - a beautiful, grand, old building, the perfect backdrop for some tutu-tastic photographs! I think it’s pretty safe to say my little visit turned a few heads, much to my delight. I love watching those confused faces, all those wide eyes that just need to understand that Pink Tutu Sparkles is a beacon of love, pink and sparkles!

Ballet in Bloom!

And speaking of captivating audiences… this town’s home to Earley Ballet – what a fabulous place to have a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, darling dears! Now, you can bet I’ll be doing a little performance – I'm already imagining the stunning stage lighting and those beautiful, lithe ballet dancers gracing the stage in elegant tutus… A dream come true!

Earley has already stolen my heart. I’ve already been treated to a delicious cuppa and a slice of victorian sponge in the most delightful tea room, had a fabulous fashion find at the local antique store ( a perfect, delicate pink feather boa, that is absolutely divine!) I have been invited to attend the local farmer’s market for a peek at the delicious looking local produce! This town is the definition of quintessential English countryside – a charming, charming little gem!

My plan now? To make this pink tutu vision a reality. To bring my passion for fashion, fun, and pink tutus to life! This journey may just turn out to be more glamorous, exciting, and dazzling than I could ever imagine! So, stay tuned, dears! More exciting adventures to come!

Oh, and if you find yourself in Earley, remember to visit the local flower shop – I heard they have some absolutely stunning flowers in vibrant shades of pink – perfect for adding a little bit of colour to any Pink Tutu Sparkles look.

As for me? I’m off to find a comfy, yet oh-so glamorous corner of this beautiful little town for a power nap in my new pink tutu and feather boa before my first night out, in what looks to be an extremely busy week, for a performance at the pub… in Earley! I think I just discovered the best secret in England!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-14 stars in Earley