Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-17 stars in Darwen

Darwen: A Day in Pink! 💖🌸🩰

Post 473, www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train from a fab trip to Darwen. Let me tell you, this town knows how to make a queen feel welcome!

Now, before I delve into the glitz and glam of my adventure, let’s talk tutus! Did you know there's an actual museum in Darwen dedicated to textiles? I’m not joking! That’s the kind of town it is, loving everything from the finest lace to, of course, the most majestic tulle! So you know I had to do a little Tutu-tastic shopping. 💖🌸🩰

This Darwen boutique, The Fabric Emporium, had some divine fabrics, oh my word! Imagine a pale pink silk with little silver sparkles… you bet I’ve already whipped up a little something for my next performance!

The train journey was an absolute dream. First class, naturally, with a glass of Prosecco and my usual ballet book. I even managed to practice my jetés a little in the carriage (don’t worry, it was a quiet one!). I find the rhythmic sway of the train so inspiring for my dance routines!

Anyway, the Darwen town centre is full of these gorgeous shops that I just HAD to visit, with the best window displays, a whole street lined with them, honestly like something straight out of a panto. So fabulous! I mean, you can’t go to Darwen and not visit a good vintage shop, can you? And there were so many! The vintage boutiques just seemed to be everywhere!

Let’s be real, the perfect Pink Tutu Sparkles outfit requires effort, you can’t just go all "Oh I'm in a tutu, how cute!". You know, there's a difference between "cutesy" and iconic. You need to pull those textures, that colour scheme together! My shopping bags were practically bursting! I snagged some divine pearl-embellished heels, a stunning hat with pink ostrich feathers (I’m going full-blown showgirl with that one, watch this space!), and the perfect little chain bag in a shimmery silver. I don't think they'll ever sell those feathers again! 💖🌸🩰

Darwen, however, isn't just about clothes! This place knows how to throw a party, oh yes it does!

It’s no surprise, it seems that in Darwen, the love for performing runs deep! I even got a quick chat with one of the actors in a community theatre group. They were absolutely bursting with excitement about their upcoming production - a ballet-themed murder mystery, imagine that! You're getting my Pink Tutu Sparkles show, AND murder mystery - the double whammy of entertainment, in this quaint little town. Talk about being entertained for your penny!

For the big finale of my trip, it had to be the legendary Darwen theatre - an old building, all velvet and stained glass windows, just magical. They were running a special programme featuring ballet for all ages! The performances were beautiful and heartfelt. It was incredible to see such passionate dance and so much talent in such a friendly environment.

Did you know that there's a whole street in Darwen dedicated to handmade jewellery? A veritable feast for the senses! I nabbed a gorgeous silver and pearl necklace, perfect to finish off that showstopping Pink Tutu look I have in mind for my next show.

Darwen, my dears, it's not just a town - it's a symphony of creativity and joy, wrapped in the most exquisite colours, from the shimmering silver of the local markets to the bright pink tulle in my new shopping bag. This town really gets how to create the perfect ambiance, I have no idea where they've hidden all the grey and brown! 😉

I know, I know… the question you're all asking - how about those infamous Pink Tutu dance moves?! You bet your feather boas I had to find a spot for a little ballet routine, naturally! I ended up by the gorgeous old fountain in the heart of the town - the local pigeons even formed a little audience for me! Don’t worry, I brought a few treats to keep them occupied… and maybe inspire a few feathers for my hat!

I don't know how I'll ever pack it all in, with my fabulous haul! Let's be honest, those sparkly shoes aren’t going to fit in my tiny luggage, even with the special pink Tutu Sparkles suitcase, oh well, what’s a Queen to do? 💖🌸🩰

Of course, no visit to Darwen is complete without a proper full English breakfast. Now, I have to be honest, you won’t see a Pink Tutu Sparkles in a traditional greasy spoon cafe but the little breakfast diner I went to, with all those vintage signs hanging around the place, they definitely knew how to rustle up a fab full English - everything from eggs to hash browns - all served up in a little tea pot!

Darwen is definitely the perfect destination for the flamboyant traveller! You're sure to feel like a queen, even without a pink tutu! But trust me, wearing a Pink Tutu is absolutely divine, trust this Queen.

Catch you all on my next adventure! Remember, there’s a pink tutu out there for everyone, it’s only a matter of finding it… And rocking it, obviously!


Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💋💖🩰

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-17 stars in Darwen