
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-10 stars in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray: Pink Tutu Sparkle's Adventure in Pink!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? Iā€™m back with another fabulous adventure for you lovely lot! This is post number 496, can you believe it?! It feels like just yesterday I was starting out, trying to make sense of this crazy, sparkly world of drag, and now, well, weā€™re at post 496! Thank you all so much for coming along for the ride!

Now, todayā€™s tale is all about Melton Mowbray! Now, Iā€™m a girl who loves to travel, but there's something so magical about hopping on a train and whizzing off to a new adventure, donā€™t you think? The countryside flashes by, and you get to watch the world go by as you listen to your favourite tunes (with a generous helping of ā€œSwan Lakeā€ on repeat, obviously!).

I have to confess, Melton Mowbray was never really on my radar before this gig came up, but, darlings, trust me ā€“ once you've seen it, you'll be wanting to go!

My dear friend, Penny (a fellow dancer and the best person ever for knowing all the hidden gems ā€“ thank you, Penny, you're a legend!), tipped me off about this brilliant opportunity to perform at the Melton Mowbray Spring Festival. It's not exactly a major metropolitan centre, but darling, it was simply bursting with life and energy! The minute I arrived, I knew this was going to be an adventure!

Letā€™s face it, I can't get enough of sparkling stage lights and roaring audiences! And this was going to be a right good time.

My travel outfit was, as always, absolutely stunning. I'm talking pink everything: a perfectly tailored fuchsia jumpsuit that shimmered in the sunshine, a bewitching blush-pink feathered hat (seriously, how did it even fit in my carry-on!), and the ultimate show-stopping piece - a dreamy, pastel-pink tutu, flowing gloriously behind me as I hopped off the train.

(Honestly, how does someone in a giant pink tutu not cause a stir? Maybe thatā€™s my superpower ā€“ a whirlwind of sparkle and smiles, radiating positive energy everywhere I go!).

The locals, they loved me.

Well, darling, I wouldn't have it any other way, would I? It's the little details, isn't it? Making someoneā€™s day a little bit brighter. Just seeing someoneā€™s eyes light up when they see my vibrant, swirling tutuā€¦ you know that feeling. Itā€™s pure magic.

First on the itinerary ā€“ a trip to a charming, independent boutique, all brimming with delightful pastel-coloured clothes. Honestly, my inner fashionista almost had a meltdown! And you know what? I couldn't resist - I found a glorious peachy-pink scarf, a beautiful silky fabric with delicate pearl-like beads that would be perfect for a showstopping outfit. (Penny always says itā€™s about the accessories!).

Next up was a quick pit-stop at the cutest cafĆ© in town ā€“ all pastel walls and the most delicious, delicate pink strawberry tarts! It was like stepping into a dream! I grabbed a couple of tarts and a lovely iced tea, all the while daydreaming about my show later that evening. It was that good. I knew I'd found a little gem.

You wouldn't believe what a delightful time I had meeting everyone in town, chatting about their day. The market was so much fun. The people were fantastic! And oh, the smell of those sausages from the butcher's! My word, they were so good! I just had to buy a couple!

Now, itā€™s one thing to eat the best food but a good pink tutu wearing drag queen always has a planā€¦ I wanted to explore this part of Leicestershire properly, and what better way than byā€¦ a horse? Thatā€™s right!

I found the most delightful little riding stable on the outskirts of Melton Mowbray. My mount, a beautiful dappled grey horse named Silver, was simply gorgeous, so calm, elegant, and strongā€¦ you know what, darling? We were the perfect pair! Now, the stable owner was a lovely woman ā€“ you would never know itā€™s not my normal mode of transport ā€“ but she really made me feel welcome, gave me a quick, but fun tutorial, and then off I wentā€¦ well, not too fastā€¦ through the lovely English countryside.

Honestly, that ride was utterly magical, like a scene out of a fairytale. The sun was shining, the breeze was whispering through the trees, and Silver, bless him, seemed to glide across the fields like a majestic creature.

After the ride, it was time for the performance! My stage, this time, was a little more unorthodox ā€“ the festival organizers were using an old vintage bus transformed into a portable stage! How absolutely perfect for a little diva like myself, donā€™t you think? It was surrounded by vibrant flowerbeds.

I started the show with my usual "Hello, darlings!ā€ but with an extra flair to acknowledge the audience, the town, the marketā€¦ and let me tell you, I got an amazing welcome. Honestly, darling, they were ready to party!

My act that night ā€“ it was a real spectacle! A riot of pink and glitter, sassy dance routines, and enough sparkle to blind a supernova. It was such fun! And everyone was dancing and singing along ā€“ the atmosphere was pure magic.

Oh, I must share one of the most amazing parts of this night, darlings ā€“ a sweet young lady from the town came up to me after the show. You wonā€™t believe this but she was wearing her own pink tutu! (This really does happen to me!). You should have seen the pure delight in her eyes! She even told me how inspired sheā€™d been by my blog and that my posts helped her finally get up the courage to wear one! She was so excited about sharing her joy! It made my heart absolutely soar! Itā€™s all about sharing that positive energy, you know. Making the world a better place with a little bit of glitter!

Well, darlings, the next morning was time for me to hop back on that train, back to the bright lights of my little corner of Derbyshire. The farewells were lovely! It truly was a magical adventure and such a reminder that even a tiny town like Melton Mowbray could offer a fantastic time, if you're willing to open your mind and heart.

So there you have it! Another wonderful trip added to the Pink Tutu Sparkle travel log! I think Melton Mowbray is officially on the ā€œMust Visit Againā€ list!

Whatā€™s coming next, darlings? I've got more adventures up my sleeve, a whole heap of shimmer and sparkle, and you know what? I can't wait to share them all with you!

Remember: life is a performance, and every single day is an opportunity to embrace your fabulous self!

Don't forget to check out my other adventures, and, of course, make sure youā€™re all wearing pink tutus at least once a week. Oh, and remember, the world is waiting for you to shine your pink tutu sparkle! Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2001-05-10 stars in Melton Mowbray