Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-13 stars in Highbury

Highbury High Jinks: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the North!

Hello, my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea (and sprinkle some glitter) on my latest escapade! Today's post is extra special - post number 499, can you believe it? 🎉 You can find this and all my adventures on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com.

This week, my glittery little feet took me to the charming little town of Highbury. The journey was an absolute dream! You know I adore travelling by train - I’ve got my usual first class tickets booked and of course, I make sure I look my absolute best for the journey! Think hot pink eyeshadow and a cherry red lip with my fabulous new hot pink and orange sparkly tutu. And what goes with a pink tutu and sparkly eyeshadow better than a brand new pink vintage hatbox, and you've got yourself a traveling queen ready to conquer!

I must say, Highbury really exceeded my expectations! As soon as I stepped off the train I knew I was in for a treat. Everything was so quaint and picturesque. All the houses had pretty, brightly coloured front doors and the shops were brimming with all sorts of delightful things. Oh! And there was a shop that sold the most incredible, fluffy pink teacups you ever did see, and, darling, it was hard to resist! But, I'm still saving my pennies for a trip to the most amazing vintage boutique in London! Oh, and speaking of shopping, my dearest, we've got to discuss this new blush pink jacket I got!

I went to see a brilliant ballet performance at the Highbury theatre and was in absolute awe. It was pure magic! All the dancers were graceful and fluid, they truly brought the story to life, and my oh my! The costume changes were phenomenal. If you get a chance, head on over, you won't be disappointed! You all know how much I adore the ballet, I've been taking classes since I was little - remember my first ever drag performance, back in my home town, Derby? That was pure ballet-themed fun! Who would have thought that a science student like me, with a love of all things pink and fluffy, could find her calling as a drag queen?! It's all thanks to that lovely pink tutu, don’t forget. You see, while studying, I went to a charity event for the uni ballet club. When I tried on a fluffy, sparkly, pink tutu for the show… well, that’s when the Pink Tutu Sparkles was born, and the rest, as they say, is history!

The Highbury performance definitely ignited some creative inspiration, so, I’ve already got plans to add some new moves to my repertoire. Maybe I'll even put a bit of classical flair into my next routine. Oh, darling, and what's better than seeing a beautiful ballet show, than having an actual pink tea party! After the show, I wandered around, soaking in the charming atmosphere and, oh, did I find the best pink bakery with all these pastel cakes and cupcakes. Imagine a delicate rose and almond frosting on a pistachio cake, that's what dreams are made of! I'm still dreaming about it now! It was just the perfect way to end my day, you could even say it was, “En pointe.”

And, my loves, I did promise you a bit about my travels to Highbury, so, here are my travel tips, as you requested! The best way to experience the lovely little village is by horse and cart, if you have the opportunity, and it’s always nice to pack a small bag for essentials, you never know what you might need when you are travelling by horse. I’m off on a weekend adventure this Saturday and I plan on using my sparkly purple suitcase! The weekend will be full of fun and shenanigans - I’m meeting up with some fab drag queen friends from Leeds.

Now, remember my darling loves, Pink Tutu Sparkles' mission statement: to make the world a more fabulous, glitter-infused place, one pink tutu at a time! Oh, and I’m going to put it out there, you could have your very own Pink Tutu moment in any place, just like me, even in a scientific laboratory - there’s something so wonderfully inspiring about scientific breakthroughs and fluffy tutus.

And that, my dearest darlings, brings us to the end of my Highbury adventures. Remember, life is for living and living your truth! Let's all strive to find our sparkle! And remember my loves, you're all beautiful! Now, off you pop, and don’t forget to follow my socials for more updates, it’s PinkTutuSparkles on every platform, of course! You never know where Pink Tutu Sparkles will pop up next! 💖💕🦄

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-13 stars in Highbury