
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-18 stars in Consett

Consett Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the North East!

Post Number 504

Hello darlings, and welcome to Pink-Tutu.com! Today's blog is coming to you live from Consett, a beautiful little town in the North East. Did you know it's famous for its history of steel making?! It really is a steel-y town! (Sorry, couldn't resist a pun).

I'm your fabulous host, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the very best in all things sparkly and pink! Today's blog is all about a whirlwind weekend, jam-packed with ballet, fun, and of course, pink! As you all know, I love travelling. Trains and horses are my preferred methods, giving me the chance to really take in the beautiful countryside. But this weekend, I opted for the train, wanting to revel in the magic of a long, scenic journey to the North East.

Now, you're probably thinking "What on earth could possibly entice a drag queen to Consett?" Well, you know I'm absolutely head over heels for anything to do with ballet, and a friend had told me about the Consett Ballet School. A little gem of a place, nestled amongst cobbled streets, it boasts a legacy of training local children in the graceful art of ballet. And itā€™s absolutely gorgeous! From the outside, it looked like it'd just stepped straight out of a ballet fairytale, with its grand windows and welcoming, rose-tinted doorway. My heart just leapt into my tutu at the sight of it!

So, I sashayed into the school with a whole lot of excitement and an equally overflowing shopping bag full of glittery pink tutus (you can never have too many, darlings!). Inside, it was a whirl of excitement ā€“ kids practicing pirouettes, graceful dancers in warm-up gear, and a charming atmosphere that put a little spring in my step. After my own impromptu performance in the main hall (don't worry, no one was offended ā€“ just delighted), I enjoyed a lovely cup of tea with some of the other teachers and parents.

They were all so warm and welcoming. It was a proper community feel, you could see the love they all shared for the ballet. The Consett Ballet School just emanates passion. This is the perfect example of how ballet can reach out and make a real difference in local communities, bringing a bit of glitz and glamor to every little town and village.

I wasnā€™t going to leave Consett without a bit of pink tutuing of my own! After all, my life's mission is to get everyone wearing a pink tutu! I convinced a few of the parents, and some even joined in on a quick performance with me! Now, thereā€™s nothing more exciting than seeing a bunch of childrenā€™s faces light up as I spun them around and performed a mini-show. Honestly, their eyes were practically popping out of their heads! A moment Iā€™ll treasure for ever!

I felt such joy watching these budding ballerinas. It truly warmed my heart to see the passion for dance being nurtured in such a lovely place. The Consett Ballet School really is a jewel in the crown of the North East. Itā€™s a testament to the enduring spirit and artistic passion that can thrive even in the most unexpected of places.

Later that evening, my excitement only increased as I sashayed over to the Consett Theatre to see their latest production - "Cinderella.ā€ As always, the magical world of theatre enthralled me. There was something magical in the way the actors breathed life into the story. The sheer talent of these performers had me completely mesmerized.

The show was just brilliant ā€“ a kaleidoscope of colour and music, stunning costumes, and captivating characters. The theatreā€™s a charming little gem tucked away in the heart of Consett. From the velvet seats to the sparkling chandeliers, every detail seemed to add to the enchantment of the performance. They even served fabulous cupcakes during the intermission ā€“ I swear, there were sparkles in the frosting! It was an incredible experience ā€“ an absolute testament to the vibrant arts scene flourishing right in this beautiful little town.

However, it wouldnā€™t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a bit of a giggle, now would it? Just as the last act ended, my heel caught on the stairs and, I did what every proper queen would doā€¦I fell. The crowd gasped! I swear, they couldnā€™t believe their eyes! Luckily, it was more a graceful slide, followed by an impressive pirouette as I recovered ā€“ and all in my dazzling pink tutu. I couldnā€™t help but think ā€“ only Pink Tutu Sparkles can manage to bring the house downā€¦and then back up again all in the same performance! The applause that greeted my tumble was exhilarating! Oh darling, I couldnā€™t help but think: a tutu-wearing queen can do anything!

And with that, I had to pack my bags and catch the train back to Derbyshire, promising myself that I would be back in Consett soon to spread more glitz, glam, and pink tutu magic. Consett really did charm the tutu out of me! I can't wait for my next adventure, and if you're reading this darling, then I hope you will be joining me!

Remember: Pink is always in, so put on your best pink tutu, and letā€™s sparkle the world pink!

Stay sparkly!

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2001-05-18 stars in Consett