Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-06 stars in Manchester

Manchester Calling!

Post 523: It’s all about the journey... and a little bit of Pink Tutu

Hello, my gorgeous lovelies! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from Manchester! The excitement is bubbling over like a pan of fairy cakes – we're at the heart of a whirlwind adventure, and trust me, darlings, it's as fabulous as it sounds!

I love a good journey. Whether it's gliding along the tracks on a glamorous, vintage train with the wind whipping through my hair, or being led on horseback across a sunny meadow, the thrill of discovering new landscapes is always an intoxicating blend of excitement and adventure. It's no wonder that, when it comes to the most amazing, vibrant performance scene in the UK, I always choose the train – the smell of those classic carriages, the rattle of the wheels, the glimpses of quaint countryside - it's like being whisked away in a fairy-tale!

Of course, no Pink Tutu journey is complete without the right kind of attire. Now, if you’re reading this, chances are you know me, my lovelies, and know that it’s all about Pink. Yes, this week’s theme is "Pinktastic Train Travel," so I've chosen the perfect tutu. It's a cloud of pale, shimmering pink with just a whisper of sequined sparkle, perfect for catching the morning sunbeams, even on the dreariest of journeys. You’ve all seen it, right, my darling blog followers, but I think it needs a new name. It’s already ‘Rainbow Ballet,’ ‘Candy Kisses’ … suggestions, lovelies? Leave your answers in the comments below. Don't worry, I’m not going to use anything too dreadful - you’re always welcome to offer constructive criticism, after all, this is a Pink Tutu space.

So, darling friends, the journey itself is almost as magical as the destination! As always, I'm armed with my pinkest lipstick, a fluffy handbag full of sparkly surprises, and my secret stash of Pink Fizz to keep the spirits high. Let me tell you, this week's schedule is jam-packed - performances, dance classes, even a visit to the Manchester ballet, oh yes! We'll be flitting between venues with all the grace and speed of a flamingo on a shopping spree.

Now, my dearest blog followers, I need your advice, I’ve got my costume all planned, but can I interest you in some Pink Tutu-inspired fashion suggestions? What outfit could be more suitable than a stunning, floor-length pink satin gown with layers and layers of tulle, a fluffy, pink fur boa and the most dazzling pair of pink, diamante-encrusted heels? Don't be shy, lovelies! Spill your secrets – let's make this journey even more extravagantly pink!

Manchester here I come – hold onto your hats because I’m already bursting with exciting news that you’re gonna want to read. Stay tuned, because I'm spilling the tea, darlings, and it's as juicy and delightful as a freshly-baked pink-iced cupcake!

It’s all about the Journey - Part II

Ok, so here we are in Manchester. You may be asking: What’s new this week? What’s a little bit more Pink and wonderful than before? Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret, I love Manchester. This is no mean feat, darling friends, for you to understand it, you need to understand where I’m coming from - A girl who grew up in a small village nestled in the rolling Derbyshire hills with very little but lots of big dreams and a whole lotta’ imagination. Yes, this girly has a big love for all things “Big City!” And let me tell you, Manchester, darling, is a whole lotta ‘big city’ with a charming soul, if you’ll forgive the contradiction! You can feel that excitement crackling through the streets – the energy is palpable. The architecture! The history! The culture!

From a pink tutu-loving perspective, I just knew it’s the place for me. We've already been dancing under a crystal chandelier in a ballroom that’s been transformed into a stunning “pink palace.” We’ve danced in the streets, danced in theatres, even been given a very, very pink surprise: we’ve got a private studio just for the performance this week! This really is turning out to be one of those “fairy tale” experiences I just dream about! It doesn't get any better than performing for an audience that is totally on your wavelength and gets what we are all about: dancing, performing, wearing tutus, enjoying fashion, having fun and celebrating individuality.

And of course, darling friends, we just wouldn’t be true to ourselves if we didn't sample some of the city’s most scrumptious delights - cakes and cupcakes. Oh yes, my dear, pink cakes, cupcakes and cocktails are an absolute must! Let’s just say we indulged! What is a girl to do when confronted with a shelf groaning with pastel delights? (There's going to be a few extra minutes of treadmill this week!)

And that's not even mentioning the shops! A girl with an unyielding passion for fashion just has to indulge. I can't go past a boutique without peeking at the latest, brightest outfits. This time, I found a gorgeous dress - let's just call it 'Hot Pink Explosion!' - a flamboyant burst of colour that will knock those Manchester street crowds socks off. Yes, darling friends, Pink Tutu is ready to take over! We’ll be going all out - this girl's going full ‘Pink Power!’

More than a Tutu...

So, as you may know, Pink Tutu Sparkles has a bit of a back story: before all of the Pink and the Sparkles, it was just a rather ordinary Derbyshire boy called Alex. It might surprise you, but under those layers of tutus and sparkle lies a real scientist in a lab. Yep, a full time scientist testing new fabrics to help improve clothes in the everyday world! A true dual-personality - science by day, pink magic by night! Honestly, sometimes it all gets a little confusing, but I just smile and keep those tutus spinning. You have to admit though - all those chemical structures in those lab notebooks do come in pretty handy, especially with these glitter concoctions. But I wouldn't trade my sparkly nights in a pink tutu for anything. It’s true! There's magic in the sequins and the feathers - it's the most wonderful feeling of liberation and joy, like nothing else! I love how we all work together, this beautiful family of fellow performers, the drag world is full of truly kind, passionate individuals. The camaraderie of a bunch of performers all striving to give everyone a good show - it's enough to make a girl want to twirl right out of her platform shoes!

Now, let's not forget that Pink Tutu is all about encouraging everyone to discover their own ‘pink spark.’ I get a huge amount of satisfaction when someone discovers the liberating thrill of donning a tutu and expressing themselves in an incredible new way. I know that’s an idea that might leave a few of you shaking your heads, and maybe even a little bit worried about this whole ‘pink power’ message. But honestly, it’s not about being shocking, it's about finding a way to truly be yourself and finding the inner power within. You want to wear pink tutus every day - why not? It's about being proud of being different, letting your individual ‘pink spark’ shine.

Yes, darling, every girl (and boy - no judgement here) needs to discover that power, and remember - it's the inside that matters most. It doesn’t matter if you're strutting the catwalk in a fabulous designer frock or a bargain-buy pink tutu from your local bargain bin - it’s that feeling, that ‘something extra,’ the energy that comes with rocking your own look - and with pink tutus, it really can bring out that hidden side you didn’t know you had! You've got a big day ahead? A boring work meeting? Maybe a big date night? No matter the occasion, there is something about a pink tutu that just… makes a statement.

The Last Word - Manchester and Pink Sparkles

So, Manchester, this gorgeous pink-filled, sparkley-eyed place… It has just about squeezed everything from my soul: a giggly cocktail night out in a flamboyant wig, a gorgeous ball gown under a sparkling chandelier, the exhilaration of a thrilling performance that gets the entire audience on their feet. This city really does have that magical ingredient, darling, the thing that turns everything into a dream!

Of course, nothing lasts forever - tomorrow morning it's time to leave Manchester, but even though the adventure comes to an end, the joy of dancing in tutus is only just getting started - we're already booking our next show in Birmingham - oh my goodness, the city that is all about fun and family! It is really a dream come true, and trust me when I tell you I have a very, very pink outfit picked out already! And in the meantime, my lovelies, we'll be continuing the Pink Tutu revolution - after all, who said we can't bring a little sparkle and excitement to every corner of the UK?

So until we meet again on these fabulous Pink Tutu adventures - keep smiling and always remember… let your Pink Sparkles shine!

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

[insert a pretty and pink picture of the author in pink tutus on a train platform]

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-06 stars in Manchester