Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-25 stars in Basildon

Basildon Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Sparkle! 💅🩰

Hey my darling darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! You know the drill - it's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 542 – I can't believe we've reached that milestone! To celebrate, I'm off on a trip, and who better to join me than YOU! 😉💖

So, I'm back from my whirlwind weekend trip to London, catching the latest ballet production – oh, the costumes were fabulous! My fellow pink tutu lovers, you'd have LOVED it! I even spotted some lovely feathered creations… oh, the inspiration! 💖💅 But alas, London has been left behind and the call of the open road is upon me once more. Today, my lovely little darlings, I'm headed for the town of Basildon, in the great county of Essex, ready to spread some pink-tutu magic!

Now, some of you might be thinking “Basildon?! What on earth could possibly be in Basildon?” Well, I can assure you, my loves, there's always a little pink-tutu sparkle to be found, even in the most unexpected of places!

Why Basildon you ask? Because my darlings, I’ve been invited to perform at the town’s annual ‘Spring into Summer’ festival – I mean, the name alone screams Pink Tutu Sparkles! This is what I do best: taking my fabulous pink-tutu act to towns all over the UK! You name the town – I’ll get there by horse-drawn carriage or train (whichever looks more dramatic) – and turn the town into a fabulous Pink Tutu wonderland! 🎉🎠

But it's not just about the performance – oh, no – it's about the journey! It’s about the people I meet, the laughter we share, and the new memories I get to create!

This journey started back in Derbyshire, my home county – oh, I must admit, sometimes you need a change of scenery, darling. Being a scientist is quite a life for a Pink Tutu Sparkles girl! 😉🔬🧪 Working all day in the lab – testing fabrics – how drab can you get! You know the whole process by heart, and then you're testing again and again… Sometimes you need a change, something flamboyant, something vibrant! But trust me – those long hours of fabric analysis really do give me a fantastic appreciation for the way different fabrics drape on my tutus! ✨ You wouldn't believe the science involved! But that’s just a side hustle to my real passion: spreading joy and glitter through my fabulous drag shows. 👠✨

Anyway, back to our adventures: so this whole “pink-tutu thing” started during my science degree. I joined the university’s ballet club for a laugh and found myself trying on a pink tutu for a charity fundraising event – a moment of pure magic, my lovelies. I knew it – I was destined for fabulousness!💖💫 There I was – this serious, science-minded Derbyshire lass suddenly embracing a new life of glitz and glamour! From lab coats to a sea of pink – how about that, huh? 😄 It's taken me on quite the journey, and here I am – a Pink Tutu Sparkles diva, living my best life! 👠🌟

So, this journey to Basildon begins at Derbyshire’s quaint little train station, the heart of our small Derbyshire town – and it will be on a train. Let’s face it, the train will make the trip way more glamorous. 🚆 Nothing beats the charm of vintage carriages, with their leather seats and rattling windows, making that thwack-thwack-thwack noise. Don’t you love it when the train suddenly speeds up, and you feel the change in pace? The world outside a blur of passing landscapes. It’s pure escapism!

I am always thinking, my darling, as the countryside flits by - Oh darling, how shall we decorate this train carriage for a fab Pink Tutu Sparkles performance?. But then reality sets in! I think Oh, maybe that’s not quite appropriate on the train! It will need to wait until the Festival stage…! I mean, what a glorious sight it would be to see a Pink Tutu Sparkles carriage full of travellers dancing along the train journey. We’ll have to wait for the *Tutu Train Tour, darling! * It’ll come! And we’ll have the best, most pink-tutu, fantastic costume train journeys for every trip ever. 🎠🎉

Now, what’s next, my lovelies? Well, Basildon awaits! My trusty suitcase has my magnificent pink tutu dresses - ready for their big reveal - packed away and ready for a fantastic adventure. The festival stage is calling – I can already picture it, lights and sound checks – I'll be shining brighter than any sequin! 💖

And you know me, my darling, I’m always happy to inspire a little pink-tutu fun. In Basildon I’m bringing out my most "pink" and most “girly girl" tutu for this outing, in a vibrant pink that will light up the stage! – I think it’ll just send a shimmery shockwave across the audience! With its multiple layers and its extravagant feather trim – it’s one pink-tutu showstopper, ready for my Basildon performance! You've just got to see this – it’s gonna be fabulous.

I will tell you what though, I’m always looking for new ideas for fabulous pink tutu looks – maybe, Basildon might provide some! Maybe one of those vintage shops will have some gems! 😉

This journey, as always, is not just about my outfits but the connections, and of course my favourite topic – YOU! My fellow pink-tutu enthusiasts! Who is going to be there in Basildon, showing off your most flamboyant, fabulous tutu creations? Don’t be shy – I want to see the full spectrum of sparkles – you’ve got this, lovelies! Show off those feathers! – every shade of pink - and lets turn Basildon pink for one fabulous night!

Oh! I’ve got this special feeling, that Basildon will be full of surprises and of course, pink tutu fun. Stay tuned to this space - I'm going to be updating my darling fans with some snaps, and a lot of behind-the-scenes insights on this trip!

Don’t forget to join in and add your own tutu tales on Twitter and Insta - tag me #pinktutusparkles, and don’t forget, my dears, you can catch up with all of Pink Tutu Sparkles' adventures – including those behind the scenes moments, photos and all – right here, on www.pink-tutu.com

Remember - every day is a chance to embrace the glitter, the pink and of course, a chance to tutu! Until next time, lovelies, *sparkle on!💖

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-25 stars in Basildon