Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-29 stars in Oxford

Oxford, Oh Oxford!

Hello darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from a gorgeous little town called Oxford, the home of dreaming spires, dreamy pastries and dreamy fashion, honey. This is post number 546 from www.pink-tutu.com - aren’t you just thrilled to be joining me on this little jaunt?

Today I want to share all the delicious details about this latest escapade of mine, a whirlwind journey by train, the most lovely means of transport, followed by an unforgettable show at the fabulous Thespian Theatre. I must tell you about my journey.

First, let’s get down to basics – it's not a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without the essential Pink Tutu Sparkles touch. You guessed it – the fabulousness commenced with my own special pink travel outfit. We’re talking a glorious, candy-pink tutu (courtesy of the latest, limited-edition “Sugar-Rush” collection – just look out for those gorgeous lavender sparkles!) teamed with a shimmering, rose-gold top that practically glowed under the train station lights. I can’t even tell you how many compliments I got on the way to Oxford!

The journey itself was dreamy. Imagine sitting by the window, watching the countryside glide by, feeling the gentle rocking of the train, while sipping a delicate strawberry and champagne cocktail (it had to be pink, darling!). I swear, that entire train carriage became an enchanted fairyland as soon as I arrived, even the station inspector got all shy around me, bless him.

Then, upon arriving in Oxford, oh, darling! This town just screams elegance. You have to see the architecture, it’s like something from a fairytale, a glorious medley of golden stone and lush green lawns, all accented with little tea shops tucked away in the most unexpected corners, each offering heavenly cakes. Oh, the cakes were simply divine!

Oxford also has the most darling little ballet boutique! They sell tutus for any occasion, even vintage tutus! You can't imagine how I just had to pop in and do some browsing, a little treat for my inner prima ballerina.

But my real treat was the performance at Thespian Theatre. I mean, when they called for a volunteer from the audience, can you imagine my thrill?! It’s not everyday a little pink-tutu-wearing diva gets to perform with a talented company of dancers, even just for a tiny bit, and it wasn't just any bit - I was allowed to dance in the most spectacular choreography for a moment at the finale!

After the performance, oh, the buzz! Everyone just loved the sparkle and my Pink Tutu persona, they couldn't get over the delightful choreography - the applause just kept going and going, I must have heard a standing ovation, just for me! Honestly, the entire evening was a joyous whirlwind of smiles, chatter, and of course, a delicious meal in one of the most romantic restaurants. I indulged in some delightful lobster - I just couldn't resist, with the divine sauces and gorgeous presentation! Swoon

Oh, the memories! I felt like a character straight out of my favourite ballet story. I am so grateful to have had this magical adventure. But remember, darlings, it’s not about just experiencing a dream, it’s about sharing it with you all! Remember: You can always turn an ordinary day into a fairytale by simply embracing a bit of magic and a touch of pink tutu. Don’t be shy to share your joy and inspire others to bring out their inner ballerina! And, oh darling, don’t forget to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com - let's make the world pinker, together!

Lots of pink tutu love,

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles

(aka Alex)

(If you'd like to continue the blog story, here are some possible prompts to continue Alex's blog posts)

  • The Great Pink Tutu Challenge: Alex could challenge her readers to wear pink tutus for a day and share their pictures.
  • A Visit to the Theatre: Alex could discuss a play she saw in Oxford and how it inspired her own stage work.
  • Behind-the-Scenes of Drag: Alex could share some of the backstage antics and the importance of dressing rooms for a drag artist.
  • An Unexpected Adventure: Alex could detail an unforeseen funny encounter or event, like accidentally taking the wrong train or being mistaken for a princess!
  • The Science of Fabrics: Alex could weave a fun, humorous story about her "day job" as a fabric scientist, including how she applies science to her own costumes and her pink tutu obsession!

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-29 stars in Oxford