Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-10 stars in Colchester

Colchester Calling: A Tutu-tastic Time in Essex! 💖

Post Number 557

Hello darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the glorious town of Colchester, Essex! I’ve gotta say, this trip has been pure magic – a perfect blend of sunshine, history, and enough sequins to make a disco ball blush!

You know me, I’m always chasing adventure, and this time, I’m embracing the charms of Essex. Now, Colchester is famed for its Roman ruins, its historic castle, and a pretty fab high street for those who love a bit of retail therapy (that’s me, babes!). But today, let’s talk about what truly got my heart a-fluttering: the Ballet Theatre of Colchester!

Let’s get something out of the way right now. Ballet is a HUGE part of my life, as you all know. I can't even count how many times I’ve caught a performance while on the road! From the cobblestone streets of Edinburgh to the grand halls of London, there’s always some kind of theatrical extravaganza in sight. And my fellow tutu-enthusiasts, there’s simply no experience quite like watching a ballet. Those graceful moves, the beautiful costumes, the sweeping scores – it's sheer brilliance, darlings!

I managed to catch the ballet theatre’s production of Giselle at the Mercury Theatre – a beautiful, intimate venue with a truly fabulous history. Now, I don't want to give any spoilers, but let me just say that the choreography, the storytelling, and the talent on stage were all divine! It made my heart swell with emotion, and, let’s be honest, every twirl, every leap just made me want to get up there on stage! I’ve been in ballet class myself for ages now, ever since I fell for the magical world of dance. You can’t tell by my figure (all that time perfecting those twirls, darlings), but I was originally a science whizz, right from my Derbyshire roots! I studied textiles back in uni – you know, the whole fibre structure and properties thing. My dissertation? Fabrics in performance attire - my love of sequins just came naturally, it seems.

Anyway, back to Essex! It turns out there’s a pretty strong ballet community here, with all sorts of classes and workshops. Who knew! Of course, I just had to join in, right? My tutu was ready and waiting, I found the most incredible class, and before you could say "chassé," I was waltzing my way through pirouettes.

The other ballerinas were absolutely delightful – true artists who clearly understood the unspoken language of dance. We were all so engrossed in our routines, the studio practically vanished, leaving only the sound of music and the feeling of our movements, it was magical! I love finding kindred spirits, those lovely ladies are what dreams are made of. Even in my own fabulous fashion sense and in the drag persona of Pink Tutu Sparkles, we had a beautiful connection. In those moments, you forget all about who's the "queen" of the stage and focus on just enjoying the pure artistry of the experience, the sheer beauty of movement and self-expression. That’s the real magic, isn't it?

After class, we even did a bit of shopping. Did I mention I love clothes shopping? Who doesn't?! Essex certainly didn’t disappoint, darlings, with all sorts of fun boutiques bursting with fabulous threads and enough glitz to sparkle through a thousand galaxies. You know I picked up a few new items for the Pink Tutu Sparkles collection – my outfit’s got to be a feast for the eyes, right? It's just another way to show everyone that fabulous style has no limitations! I'm on a mission to encourage all you lovely souls to embrace your inner sparkle – a splash of colour here, a dash of flair there. Pink tutu or not, darling, we all have the power to turn heads and own the day!

And speaking of ownership, Colchester is famous for its castle, which is, I have to admit, absolutely magnificent! This place is steeped in history, so it’s a real treat to wander around and imagine all the events that unfolded within these grand walls! Of course, Pink Tutu Sparkles wouldn't miss an opportunity for a good photo-op! I must say, those ancient stones were an absolute joy to pose with, just waiting for me to add a bit of my personal sparkle to the scenery. Now, if you happen to visit Colchester, don’t miss the Roman ruins, they are well-preserved! They really bring history to life, making you feel transported to a different era. And who knows, you might even see a pink-clad figure striking a dramatic pose amongst the stones... (hint hint!).

One of the most wonderful things about being Pink Tutu Sparkles is the chance to meet new people, experience new things and to share my love for colour, for sequins, for dance! And for some truly delicious homemade fudge - yum, Essex has been particularly amazing on this front, and I even tried a rather decadent cake that I simply cannot wait to share on my blog tomorrow. And don’t forget to check out my daily fashion blogs at www.pink-tutu.com, as my lovely readers know.

In my journeys, there are days I take the train and sometimes there's no way I can resist hopping on the back of a majestic steed! For my grand travels I love a grand horse, of course, always a head-turner! When I visit London, I often find myself perched atop a magnificent steed, taking in the bustling streets, the majestic squares, the beauty of London’s skyline, a dazzling tableau! It is an exciting day every time.

So there you have it, darlings – my Colchester adventure, full of pink tutus, captivating history, and a dash of sheer fabulousness! Next stop? You guessed it – The Grand National Show in Cheshire. How's that for a next-level journey, lovelies? Oh, you simply cannot imagine how dazzling I intend to be!

Remember, never stop chasing your dreams, and never be afraid to let your true self shine. The world needs your unique light, my darling, even if it’s in a pink tutu, with a whole lot of sparkle and sass!

Stay fabulous, my darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

P.S. Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com for even more photos from my trip and some extra pink-tastic news! I have been known to offer fashion tips in my blog, sometimes, and this time will be no different. But hey, we all know, fashion is a self-expression that is unique to us. Never fear!

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-10 stars in Colchester