Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-13 stars in Slough

Slough, You’re So Pretty! (Blog Post #560)

Oh darlings, hello from sunny (okay, slightly cloudy but with the promise of sunshine!) Slough! This queen is positively buzzing after an utterly magical trip to this lovely town, where I not only witnessed some sparkling ballet, but also performed at the local summer fete, making my grand entrance on horseback, naturally. You wouldn’t believe the smiles I got! And of course, I’m here to tell you all about it, because this is, after all, what a good ol’ Pink Tutu blog is for.

Before we get into the pink delights of Slough, darling, let's talk a little about the journey. I do love my trains, especially those big ol' carriages where you can spread out your legs and really let the glamour shine. This time, it was a little trip from my little Derbyshire home, right into the heart of the Thames Valley, and wouldn't you know it, the carriage was completely full of lovely people heading to Slough for the fete.

Now, if you ask me, Slough’s got a bit of a bad rap – all those people who love to laugh at the name “Slough”! But, let me tell you, I was simply swooning at how much beauty there was waiting to be discovered! It’s got charm and colour in spades! And who better than your Pink Tutu Sparkles to showcase it for you? I can’t leave a place without having a little adventure and maybe a few outfit changes! After all, this little Pink Tutu ain't scared to strut!

So, there I was, fresh off the train, and the town itself felt like a fabulous backdrop for all my twirls and sass! Honestly, Slough? You had me at “hello”! The first thing that really captured my attention was a quaint little tea shop called The Lavender Bakehouse. Now, any place that offers cakes and tea as charming as that has got my stamp of approval! It was a sweet treat, both literally and figuratively.

Afterwards, I just had to pay a visit to the gorgeous park in the heart of town, oh my darling! It had this sweet little bridge and the most incredible blooms bursting with colour. I think my tutu actually mimicked those petals in shades of coral and pale pink – there I go again, mixing up the outfits again! The park, the tea, and a delightful stroll, darling - that's what a perfect day out is all about!

Of course, a girl's got to look fab, right? It just so happened I was right next to the Slough shopping centre! What's a girl to do? But this Pink Tutu wasn't about to shop for any old frock! The shops were simply overflowing with the most sensational outfits for the fair! I grabbed some gorgeous frilly gloves for the show, a fantastic fan with little sparkling butterflies and oh, don't even get me started on this adorable tiny pink fedora that had this incredible pearl trim! That's how I strut, darling, that's my look!

It wouldn't be a trip without some local inspiration, so I stopped in at The Harlequin Theatre. This place has got such character. Now, the lovely people there told me that The Harlequin was built over a century ago! And just imagine all the shows and dances that have graced their stage since then! Just a little peek behind the curtain was all I needed to find a little creative inspiration and get that sparkle flowing! Oh, and let’s not forget their incredible line-up of shows! The moment I heard about that classic ballet, Swan Lake I was completely enamored. I could already picture myself gracing the stage, in my own pink-themed interpretation of course, but with some tutu tweaks that just a fabulous Queen like me can pull off. Don’t tell me my own ideas won't become a reality soon.

Now for the real excitement! The annual Slough summer fete was a grand occasion, you know what I mean, a big summer affair darling, and of course, a place for your Pink Tutu Queen to shine. You just can’t go wrong with a summer fete, a gathering for everyone, and you wouldn’t believe the colourful array of clothes, funfair attractions, and music.

I mean, how can you resist those bouncy castles! I may not be able to get up there and give them a proper go (not without risking a whole heap of sequins being thrown out of my tutu!), but it’s always fun to just be in that lively atmosphere, surrounded by all the smiles! And I just love seeing how happy it makes kids. And of course, no summer fair is complete without yummy treats. It was just screaming “eat me” darling! Let’s face it, what's more magical than indulging in a strawberry jam donut while you’re rocking your favourite tutu? Or a fresh apple from the stall? Absolutely nothing! And you know that, I can tell.

But for me, the most memorable moment of this delightful day was when the crowd gasped and applauded as I appeared! That’s right, dear readers, on horseback! Well, wouldn't you agree that just makes any entrance a little more spectacular? The music was pumping, the sun was shining, and I was twirling all those sparkles for a cheering crowd! My custom pink sequined horse was just the ticket! Now darling, that's what I call an absolutely "sparkling" debut. I may be your pink tutu queen but I have an undeniable passion for all things fabulous. It was just magical to bring a touch of Pink Tutu magic to the town, you know? And my fellow queens at the fete? Absolutely fabulously dazzling!

One thing is for sure, darling, when I was on that stage, giving a bit of drag to this grand day out - well, I really knew what a Pink Tutu is truly about! It’s about being fabulous, it’s about shining bright and spreading a little bit of cheer! Honestly, you’ve got to be in a pink tutu and do a little twirl for yourself.

You'd be surprised just how much of a impact a little Pink Tutu joy can have, and the smiles it brings. Maybe if I try just a little harder, maybe everyone can come out in a Pink Tutu! Who knows? That's why I'm working my sparkle across the globe! Every day! And we can only go up, darling. Because let's face it, in the land of Pink Tutu, there's only one direction you go in - UP! And who wants to go down, eh, darlings?

Remember, follow me over at www.pink-tutu.com for more sparkling updates!

Lots of love,

Your very own,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-13 stars in Slough