Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-05 stars in Fulham

Fulham Fun: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today I'm bubbling over with excitement! It's time to spill the glitter, my fabulous fiftie-eighth-three blog post, coming to you live from the vibrant streets of Fulham, London! Now, hold onto your tiaras, because this is going to be a fabulous one!

I'm on the road again, honey! As you know, this little pink tutu's never happy stuck in one place. Today's journey started with a whistle stop train ride down from Derbyshire, my home county. Did I tell you my family’s totally supportive of my drag career, by the way? My Mum even bought me this absolutely divine, custom pink feather boa last week – can you imagine?! She’s the best.

Anyway, back to Fulham. Now, if you’re unfamiliar, Fulham’s this fab little area right on the Thames. It's the perfect blend of historical charm and bustling city life, perfect for a pink-tutu-loving drag queen like myself! The architecture is gorgeous, all cobbled streets, quirky shops and quaint pubs – pure picture-postcard perfection, really! I could honestly live here, although the flat hunting situation here must be...interesting...and I can't bear to be far from the Dales.

So what brings me to this London treasure, you ask? Well, let’s just say this pink tutu's got a penchant for performances – and I just secured myself a fabulous gig at the Fulham Fringe Festival! A mix of performance art, dance, and music – and I get to be right at the heart of it all! Talk about a perfect Friday night for a pink tutu queen, eh?!

Tutus & Treats

Speaking of Fridays, let's talk about treats! After the long journey down by train, the first thing I did was scoff down a delicious vegan ice cream (strawberry, naturally). Fulham is just teeming with great independent cafes, it’s such a refreshing change to all the chains.

Now, before we talk about this evening's show, I simply have to talk about shopping. Did I tell you my mum and I just took a ballet class together last week?! She's been secretly coveting a tutu since she saw me perform. Honestly, she was the cutest, pirouetting in that tiny black leotard and fluffy tutu! To celebrate, I popped into this amazing little shop called "Tutu & Things." The shop owner is an absolute angel – she even helped my mum choose a pink tulle one (what a fabulous Mum!) with all sorts of sparkly sequins and lace trim. We've even made a pact to go to the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden next week. Can you believe?! It's going to be epic.

I can’t believe I'm sharing a love for dance with my mum! My real name is Alex, by the way, and for those of you who are new to my little corner of the internet, I work as a scientist, testing fabric all day in a laboratory in the Midlands. A little unexpected, don’t you think?! Honestly, it wasn’t my dream when I was younger. I was always drawn to the world of music, theatre, dance and … oh yes, all things pink and sparkly, of course! When I was a student studying biology, I got a summer job testing fabrics for the local clothes stores. I also got involved with the University's dance club and one evening, as part of a fundraising drive for a new sound system, I decided to wear a tutu! It just fit so well – not in the size sense, because let’s face it, my lovely form is definitely better suited for sequins than Lycra. More in a personality kind of way. And honestly? I’ve been wearing tutus ever since, although it is slightly complicated to dance in full science garb, with a lab coat and thick boots… it’s just a tad hot under all those layers. Anyway, I went to my first ever drag show during Freshers’ Week and fell head over heels, like the most beautiful romantic tragedy of my life! But with fabulous eyelashes and the most delightful sequined headdress, naturally. So… I thought, “Alex, darling, you just HAVE to go for it! Life’s too short to wear a sensible cardigan – time to embrace the Pink Tutu!”

Pink Tutu Power!

And since then? I’ve been blessed with some truly incredible opportunities to bring the Pink Tutu Sparkles joy to audiences all across the country – even, let's be real, the world! Just yesterday I received a wonderful postcard from someone who’s been wearing pink tutus as a part of a protest against something truly horrific - we won’t delve into that, we need to keep the blog wholesome!

I don’t know what the next exciting venture will hold – a wedding in a castle in Wales, maybe, or performing in a giant, pink balloon floating over New York. We'll have to wait and see, my dears.

Right now, I'm about to go off stage, so until next time, be brave, be bright and above all else, darling, be your truest self. And if you find a pink tutu that's calling your name - well, it’s certainly an idea to give it a little shimmy, no? I dare you to try it! I guarantee you’ll absolutely love it.

And remember, you can catch all of Pink Tutu Sparkles' exciting adventures on my blog at www.pink-tutu.com See you there!

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-05 stars in Fulham