Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-14 stars in Dudley

Dudley Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles' Fabulous Adventure - Post #592

Oh darlings, let me tell you, this week has been a whirlwind of glitz, glamour, and… train travel! Yep, this Pink Tutu Sparkles was channeling her inner Marie Antoinette with a fabulous trip to Dudley! It was an absolutely smashing experience, and you simply must hear all about it, darlings.

First things first, I adore a good train journey! It’s just so quintessentially British, you know? And this time, I even got to travel in style with a comfy first-class seat – because, let’s face it, a queen deserves her creature comforts, am I right? As the countryside whizzed by, I settled into my seat, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colours from my favourite fluffy pink handbag. This gorgeous creation is so well-stocked - inside are all my must-haves, from a miniature sewing kit for any last-minute outfit emergencies to a little pink sparkly hand mirror for, well, admiring oneself, obviously!

You see, darling, every day's an opportunity to put on a fabulous outfit and enjoy a good, old-fashioned "You’re lookin’ stunning darling, just stunning" from myself, followed by a "Ooo, those shoes are absolutely killing me, darling!" because I do believe in celebrating life, and what better way than with a pink tutu?

So, where were we? Ah yes, Dudley! As the train pulled into the station, I practically squealed with delight. Dudley is such a quaint town with its gorgeous history, stunning buildings and fantastic restaurants - and you wouldn’t believe the shopping! You could find literally everything – all the latest trends, vintage treasures, even a little artisan cheese shop (yes, cheese - my absolute weakness)!

Now, this isn’t just any trip to Dudley, darling! I was booked to perform at the annual Summer Fayre, an absolute spectacle of entertainment, games, and joy! It was an absolutely fantastic opportunity to share my love of dance and theatricality with a fantastically vibrant crowd. I must admit, I do love a good fair – a vibrant mix of stalls, live music, games, and all those glorious prize-winning ducks in a tank - I absolutely love a fairground challenge, so a little dip into the ducks was a must – and a winning duck made its way back to Derbyshire, along with all the other treasures I'd snagged that day!

Talking about treasures, the first thing that caught my eye in Dudley was this delightful little boutique, just brimming with stunning fabrics and delightful pink accessories – including a little black satin ballet shoe that matched my latest pink tutu. Of course, a little spontaneous shopping spree ensued - this little black ballerina shoe was the perfect little reminder of my fab trip to Dudley, not to mention a fab little companion for my stunning little collection of ballet shoes. After all, what is a Pink Tutu Sparkle’s day without a good shoe hunt!

Once settled into the adorable B&B – with a delightful fluffy pink bedroom with a massive picture window overlooking the quaint cobbled streets and gorgeous Georgian houses - I couldn’t resist popping out for a little impromptu photo-op. Oh darlings, it just felt right, perched by that picture window, looking utterly fabulous, you know what I mean! A couple of quick pics, and I was back to prepping for my performance.

My show in Dudley was a delight! It wasn’t just a drag show - oh, darling, it was a a ballet performance! I knew it was a perfect fit for my drag persona - pink, playful and fabulous! After a dazzling entrance (yes, it did involve a lot of sparkly, pink smoke and a couple of spinning twirls) I decided on my dance for the night – a beautiful, heart-warming contemporary piece with a strong theme of feminine empowerment and joyful self-expression. It was so inspiring, darling - a true testament to the unbridled creativity of ballet – I was completely captivated by the artistry and pure joy of the moment.

And as I twirled, kicked, leaped, and danced under the warm spotlight, the entire room cheered, whistled, and whooped with glee. This beautiful dance, the excitement, the cheering and the pure feeling of happiness, the connection - you simply can’t beat it, darling. Of course, the encore – which featured a pink tutu dance to one of the greatest Queen songs (yes, the ultimate British band!) brought the crowd to their feet - I think I can safely say that Dudley loved it, and so did I.

And as if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, a fabulous dinner at a lovely little Italian bistro followed – pasta al ragu, creamy ricotta cheese and all the good stuff, oh it was fabulous. Then, a late night chat with the lovely owners of my charming B&B who are big fans of all things pink - so much so they were even thinking about starting their own online store dedicated to the most fantastic pink dresses, and shoes and handbags. It was wonderful sharing tips on where to find the best bargains for pink sparkly sequins and where to buy the most wonderful tutu - let me tell you, that girl is going to make a smashing career from pink – my own, secret fashion fairy.

But, alas, even the most fantastic of trips must eventually come to an end. I bid farewell to the delightful B&B and stepped onto the train - and to the very charming ticket conductor. Let’s just say, he looked absolutely splendid - with a brilliant blue blazer and a little pink flower adorning his lapel! So much British style and sophistication - I absolutely loved it! We got chatting - his secret wish? To finally embrace a fab pink tutu. Of course, he asked for my help in finding the most spectacular one - darling, you’ll be seeing him rockin’ pink on the platform in a few weeks time - and, I might add, he’s even invited me to a theatre performance he's going to - my kind of evening!

So, what's next for Pink Tutu Sparkles? I'm currently off to a fabulous theatre performance, to soak up the glamour and the beautiful art, in Nottingham - I hear they have an amazing art gallery there - I’m off to see a ballet show that is completely themed around a fabulously whimsical fairytale (I’m dreaming of fluffy white tutu clouds) – and don’t worry darlings - my suitcase is ready with some fab pink looks to bring that added extra glamour and pizazz to my outfits. I can’t wait!

Remember, darlings, you don’t have to be a professional dancer or drag queen to wear a pink tutu. It's a statement, a celebration of individuality, a little bit of fun and just a whole lot of fabulous! Let me know when you get yours and send me a snap – and, most importantly, never forget - always dare to shine, to twirl and to sparkle in your pink tutus.

Keep dancing and twinkling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-14 stars in Dudley