
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-27 stars in Lowestoft

Lowestoft Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Gets a Seaside Sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Daily Blog Post Number 605


Hello, my darling darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad goddess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, signing in from sunny Lowestoft. Oh my heavens, this seaside town is just the sweetest! Iā€™ve been wanting to come here for ages and let me tell you, the gorgeous sea air and the bustling town, all the cute shops, the fish and chips, and the beautiful beach - well, Iā€™m absolutely smitten!

Remember, if you haven't already, get yourself over to www.pink-tutu.com, the very best place to see my latest fashion picks, my performance schedules and photos of me dazzling in my dazzling outfits. Itā€™s always buzzing with updates and new pictures of me rocking a fabulous pink tutu.

You may remember a few weeks ago I was in gorgeous Devon, performing at a charity fundraising ball in the countryside and thatā€™s where I decided that my next stop had to be a beautiful seaside town. So I had a good old fashioned look at a map, picked a town with a lovely old fashioned feel - after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesnā€™t do spitting-image new high rises, give me old world architecture any day! And after giving the matter serious thought I settled on the quaint fishing town of Lowestoft. So I set about arranging my travels - how did I get here? Well, I could have easily flown, it would have been a cinch to find somewhere to land the blimpā€¦ but I opted for a real seaside experience and thatā€™s a train trip to the coast!

I just love hopping on board the train - it gives me plenty of time to gaze out the window, taking in all those gorgeous country landscapes, waving to all the friendly folk out there. Then I can take some fabulous, inspirational photos of my beautiful Pink Tutu outfit! I always get the biggest smiles from people on the train. You see, itā€™s quite rare to spot a full-on pink tutu-wearing queen, even in Derbyshire, where they are fairly used to seeing people with a little bit of outlandishness!

But you wouldn't believe it - I was completely smitten with this stunningly beautiful town! Thereā€™s just so much to see! Lowestoft has a great, old town vibe. They even had a brilliant seaside fair, full of wonderful amusements like a Ferris wheel, a spooky haunted house, and that super popular fun fair classic, a shooting gallery. It was the perfect opportunity for a quick glam session! I am a little too big for the carousel horses I would have made a real impact there but sadly those were way too small, and even though I did get a chance to take a peek in the ā€œHaunted Houseā€ I decided not to go in as the big guys just weren't quite my type, Iā€™ll leave them for a little younger, shorter manā€¦ perhapsā€¦ well, that's a story for another time!

*Whatā€™s a Tutu Queen to Do? *

My favourite day had to be the day I spent exploring the seaside fair! Oh, and before I forget - if youā€™re lucky enough to see me at the seaside fair make sure you come and give me a great big hello - itā€™s so lovely to catch up and have a proper natter with all my darling fans. And be sure to keep a watch out for my pink tutu on a lovely long pink ribbon that hangs from my bag for you all to recognise.

Oh, but to get back to my adventures, it was the first chance I'd had to properly catch up with the amazing atmosphere of Lowestoft - the smells, the sounds - just heaven! There were so many delicious smells everywhere - salty sea air mixed with cotton candy - and let me tell you itā€™s not hard to spot where the best ice cream parlour is! I really think this town is blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful smells!

It was all too wonderful! My most favourite thing of all had to be the sight of all the happy, laughter-filled people enjoying their time by the seaside ā€“ after all that's what's makes a holiday, right?

A Spot of Lunch on the Harbour Front? Oh yes!

I decided that my first priority, of course, was a big spot of lunch. The harbour is absolutely gorgeous and right in the heart of town, just off the high street with all the lovely shops. And guess what darling - they had the cutest cafe you ever did see.

And a Pink Tutu Sparkles tip? If you go, youā€™ve got to try the prawn cocktail ā€“ just yummy! It comes in such a pretty, glittery bowl ā€“ my heart skipped a beat, I could feel the joy bubbling over! It felt as if my heart had stepped out of my chest! And of course, youā€™ve got to treat yourself to some yummy chips on the side - delicious. And, naturally, they had the tastiest fish Iā€™ve had all summer in all my extensive fish-tasting travels, they certainly know how to make a mean piece of cod! Just what the doctor ordered. Oh my darling this food is sensational.

I am so grateful that Lowestoft provided the perfect backdrop for a wonderful time in town ā€“ you see that's what my little life's all about ā€“ visiting all these new, gorgeous little towns and giving my darling followers some of the inside information on the things to do!

Shopping Time, Darling!

You know, after lunch, thereā€™s no greater way to recover than to get in a spot of shopping. Now the High Street is a total treasure trove of lovely little shops and boutiques - but of course, itā€™s really about making a little trip down to the beach to hunt for some shells. It was quite nice to have some seaside themed items on offer, there were quite a few shops with beautiful nautical clothes on display. I love seaside boutiques ā€“ Iā€™m thinking about adding a beautiful turquoise Tutu with a white sequined starfish appliquĆ© to my summer wardrobe! And naturally I'd need to make it extra special and accessorise with some of my own pearly-white pearls. This would definitely get a lot of attention - even at a dance show! But there are always the new outfits to think about first and to work on that perfect matching colour for the pearls. It's all in the details darling! I always find that getting a spot of shopping in before getting my outfits made gives me a great deal of inspiration and allows me to find something really unique that complements my design perfectly! Just the ticket to start a fantastic day's crafting - I love getting crafty. You see, it allows my artistic creativity to really flow and thatā€™s something which makes me feel totally fantastic. Oh, how my inner child is so grateful to be able to do this ! It makes me feel very calm! I am so very lucky!

So, you know, this was the perfect town for Pink Tutu Sparkles, and after my day by the sea and a good shopping session I found myself totally knackered, but totally, totally satisfied! Oh, don't worry darling, thereā€™s still more adventures in store, so watch this space because I am very much hoping to give you some fabulous, sparkling new pink tutu tips soon! After all, I'm only on my first ever visit! Iā€™ve not even scratched the surface, have I?

This gorgeous town is absolutely crying out for some glittery excitement so naturally, I'm hoping to give Lowestoft an amazing performance and have all you darlings enjoying Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ most spectacular show. So, if you're near Lowestoft ā€“ come and join the fun. We're hoping to turn it pink, or should I say, tutu-liciously pink!

It is always a joy to share my Pink Tutu stories with all you darlings, I feel so blessed and happy that you have taken the time to join me today to have a quick little chat about my travels.

**Itā€™s been another perfect day in Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ world ā€“ and guess what, youā€™re part of that - I mean it, it really is so important to me!

Until next time darling - and remember to spread the pink tutu love wherever you go!!**

                                            Pink Tutu Sparkles, xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-27 stars in Lowestoft