
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-09-08 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville, My Lovelies! Post #617: A Pink Tutu Paradise ๐Ÿฉฐ

Hello my gorgeous darlings, itโ€™s your favourite pink tutu princess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from the charming Waterlooville! I've just hopped off the train, fresh-faced and ready for a whirlwind of glitter and tulle in this little corner of Hampshire. And let me tell you, my lovelies, this town is positively sparkling with charm.

I canโ€™t believe this is post #617 already! It feels like only yesterday I was a shy lad in Derbyshire, secretly longing for a world of tutus and sequins. Back then, it was all lab coats and chemical equations for me. Shudders. Science? Darling, don't get me started! My true calling was clearly hiding in a drawer, wrapped in tissue paper, waiting to be unleashed.

It all started when I was a university student, part of the ballet club, oh my goodness, it was an absolute dream! My best friend was doing a charity fashion show, and there it was โ€“ my destiny hanging from a hanger! A glorious, sunshine-yellow tutu. My life hasn't been the same since! From then on, every charity event I saw, I was like "right, I need a tutu!". It started with just one... and then it took over my life! I discovered pink was my soul colour, a real โ€œmeโ€ shade. Pink has always been so full of fun and sweetness and charm. The next day, I was on the internet scouring every store in the area, finding every last scrap of pink tutu fabric in the whole country!

It took a few months of intense practice in my uni flatโ€™s bedroom for me to figure out how to put the outfits together, and even longer to have the confidence to actually get on a stage. The moment I started my first drag performance, I knew I'd found my purpose. There was something incredibly freeing and joyful about it all, you know? It felt like magic. Suddenly, every bit of pink sparkle on stage was worth every awkward attempt at making myself look fabulous! I started performing at local festivals and fairs, gradually building up a loyal audience who appreciated the fun and fluffiness I brought to the world. My mission, as you all know, is to share that sparkle and make everyone, everywhere embrace their inner pink tutu princess!

Of course, being a drag queen isnโ€™t all rainbows and glitter โ€“ although it does involve an unbelievable amount of glitter, darling! I have to juggle being a scientist (testing fabric and making sure my sparkly dresses are strong enough!) by day and a sparkling, flamboyant drag queen by night. It's tiring, I'll give you that, but it's so incredibly worth it!

But you know me, I always find the time for my daily dose of fashion and ballet! I love ballet classes, they keep me feeling flexible and beautiful. And then there are those magnificent shows. Watching a ballerina gracefully twirling and leaping, a breathtaking vision in a tulle skirt โ€“ it just fills my soul with such pure joy.

And, letโ€™s be honest, there's nothing better than hopping onto a train, window seat, comfy scarf around my shoulders, and traveling to the next town on my tour. You know, getting that beautiful view, watching the world go by in a blur of pastel colours. And for those extra special trips, nothing beats the feel of wind whipping through my hair as I'm whisked away by a magnificent steed โ€“ a proper royal arrival, wouldn't you say?

So, what about my travels in this delightful town of Waterlooville? Well, my dears, Iโ€™m about to be whisked away to the stunning local arts centre. Iโ€™ve got a wonderful performance planned for them. A show full of sparkly twirls and a bit of a ballet-inspired twist, itโ€™s going to be magical, oh darling!

And after my performance? Let's just say, a hot air balloon ride might just be in order. Maybe with a surprise guest or two, it's going to be exciting and magical!

Speaking of magic, let's talk about these little shops! There's this incredible vintage store I found, brimming with incredible gowns. The whole place was just brimming with colour and personality. Of course, my suitcase is a bit heavier, but my fashion collection is positively blooming with new life, with everything from fabulous feather boas to stunning crystal jewellery โ€“ all perfect for the upcoming gigs.

After my grand adventures in Waterlooville, Iโ€™m planning on heading up to Yorkshire! My dear readers, this tour is just getting started and I'm so excited for whatโ€™s coming next. I've got big dreams for my performances โ€“ I can feel a giant inflatable pink tutu happening somewhere soon!

Stay fabulous my lovelies! You can follow all of my glamorous escapades right here, at www.pink-tutu.com and on Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles โ€“ your support means the world. Stay sparkly and let your inner pink tutu princess shine, darling!

Until next time!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2001-09-08 stars in Waterlooville