Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-09-11 stars in Mitcham

Mitcham Magic: Tutu Adventures in the Borough of Culture! (Blog Post #620)

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to regale you with the fabulous adventures of your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen! This week, it's a Mitcham escapade that had me twirling with delight.

It all started, as usual, with a journey – and not just any journey, oh no, a proper Tutu Queen travel experience! I traded in my trusty heels for some comfy riding boots, because today's journey involved a grand, glorious horse ride! I'm not talking about your typical pony ride, darlings. Think of a mighty, majestic steed, the kind that wouldn't look out of place in a Shakespeare play!

This journey began at the heart of the Derbyshire countryside, my favourite little village where you can almost taste the fresh air. My neighbour, Mrs. Penelope, has a magnificent grey called Lancelot, and we decided on a shared escapade, you see, her local horse fair coincided with a special theatre performance in Mitcham, a place bursting with the charm of the arts!

Now, darling, you know me and my passion for all things dramatic! It's hard to keep a pink tutu out of the spotlight, isn't it? But I couldn't help but wonder about this "borough of culture" thing. Was it truly a tutu haven?

Imagine a pink tulle cloud floating down a country lane as Lancelot ambled along, and you'll get the picture! People in the village were so amused, especially the young ones. A sweet little girl with pigtails came running after me, holding a pink fluffy unicorn and declaring that "it's my favourite colour too!". My heart swelled! Seeing a child light up like that because of a pink tutu is pure magic!

We finally made it to Mitcham – my steed, Lancelot, had done an amazing job getting me to the station (we couldn't quite ride into town, wouldn't want to frighten any horses). I grabbed a delightful pastry from the local bakery, Tarts and Treasures. I highly recommend the Victoria sponge; they literally melt in your mouth!

Now, I gotta tell you, Mitcham truly lived up to its "borough of culture" title. The first stop was a gorgeous little art gallery called "The Painted Muse," with stunning work by local artists. You can't miss their collection of pastel hues, just perfect to pair with a blush pink tutu, wouldn't you agree? They even have an annual art festival!

Feeling so inspired, I sashayed my way over to a performance of “Sleeping Beauty” at a quirky little theater named “The Moon & Star.” It wasn't your average grand theatre, mind you. It felt like a comfy little hideaway, tucked into the cobblestone streets with exposed brick walls and a real touch of charm. The show itself was magical! The dancers were so graceful, their movements reminding me of the tutu twirls I perfected in my dance classes.

There were more adventures on this particular Mitcham spree! I indulged in a sumptuous dinner at a bistro called “La Vie en Rose,” naturally, featuring delicate flavours and a breathtaking pink rose-themed décor. It really felt like I stepped into a dreamy, elegant world, just like my pink tutus!

What’s a tutu adventure without a spot of retail therapy? A whirlwind of boutique-hopping ensued. From unique independent shops to antique treasures, Mitcham had something to ignite my fashion sense! You could even find a selection of antique fabric samples perfect for future tutu creations.

Speaking of creations, the pièce de résistance was a trip to a little costume shop called "A Bit of Whimsy." The moment I walked in, it felt like stepping into a world of make-believe! You could find everything imaginable, including gasp even more pink tutus! It felt like the fairies themselves curated this shop! I had to be dragged out, or rather, I meant to be gently encouraged out of this haven by a very kind lady, who had become my new friend!

As I waved goodbye to the town of Mitcham, I couldn’t help but feel the pink magic swirling all around me. My heart overflowed with gratitude. It truly is remarkable what you can discover when you step outside your comfort zone – be it a journey with Lancelot, the charm of a cultural borough, or simply exploring the wonders of pink tutus!

So there you have it, darlings! Mitcham was a real tutu triumph! Next week, I'm setting my sights on the bustling city of Bath, a town filled with Georgian beauty and charming architecture. I’m already planning a majestic carriage ride for my arrival, all decked out in the finest pink tulle, of course!

Now go out there and make every day a Tutu Adventure, my lovelies! And remember, everyone can wear a pink tutu! Let your true colours shine through, and let the magic unfold.

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for all your tutu-ific needs! Stay fabulous!

#TutuQueen on 2001-09-11 stars in Mitcham