
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-10-10 stars in Bootle

Bootle Bound: TutuQueen's 649th Blog Post!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the vibrant, bustling heart of... Bootle! That's right, my fabulous followers, I've swapped the shimmering stages of Derbyshire for the charming, gritty streets of Bootle! It's been a whirlwind adventure getting here - a journey punctuated by giggles, gossip, and enough pink tulle to rival a Barbie factory!

But let's rewind a bit, shall we? This adventure began, as all great journeys do, with a single sparkly thought: ā€œBootle? Why not? A pink tutu can make even the dreariest place fabulous!"

It all started when my dear, darling friend Beatrice (she's a dancer, you see) confided that Bootle, in all its industrial glory, was planning a fabulous weekend festival dedicated to all things theatrical - complete with a vibrant street theatre parade! Now, you know I can't resist a parade, especially when itā€™s dedicated to the art that stirs my soul. Imagine a street awash with vibrant costumes, theatrical drama, and a chorus of colourful characters, and you've got a tiny bit of my world! Plus, a trip to Bootle is a perfect opportunity to explore a new corner of Britain! It's just brimming with hidden treasures, local delights and quirky pubs.

I wouldn't dream of facing a journey like this alone! No, darlings, I always travel with a posse. My loyal sidekick, Percy the Pekingese, was, as always, up for an adventure! Imagine him - a fluffy little cloud of canine elegance - nestled in a suitcase brimming with glittering costumes and sparkly shoes. This journey demanded a stylish method of travel, so I embraced the whimsical world of train travel. My chariot was the elegant, vintage carriages of the 'The Lancashire Belle', a charming, steam-powered locomotive that puffed its way through the British countryside, spitting out clouds of fluffy white steam like a celestial pink dragon!

Now, some of you might wonder: what does a girl like me, a shimmering goddess of the pink tulle, do when sheā€™s travelling? Well, first and foremost, it's time to get glamorous! A trip on the ā€˜The Lancashire Belle' requires a splash of sparkle, don't you think? Iā€™ve got a vintage, silver travel case full of the essential tools of the TutuQueenā€™s trade! There are glittery eyeshadows and feather boas, enough hairspray to style a ballroomā€™s worth of princesses and of course, a rainbow assortment of lip glosses and perfumes, perfect for adding a touch of ā€˜Pink Tutu Sparkles' to every train carriage we rode. Every journey deserves a touch of magic, wouldnā€™t you agree?

During our train ride, we had an absolute hoot, with the kind folks on the train. There was old Mr. Jenkins, who was travelling with his miniature dachshund (named ā€œThe Dukeā€, naturally). Mr Jenkins, bless his cotton socks, declared my Tutu-tastic outfit "right out of a fairytale." It warmed my heart, that!

It turns out, Mr. Jenkins was on his way to a theatrical workshop for aspiring actors. We spent the whole trip chatting about plays, costume designs, and even a touch of ballet! We laughed over a delicious, creamy cup of hot chocolate ā€“ one for me, one for Percy (in a china teacup, naturally!), while Mr Jenkins reminisced about his theatrical ambitions in his youth.

Percy, by the way, was a star. He got cuddled, petted, and showered with compliments by all on the train. Percy has the knack of attracting everyoneā€™s affection wherever he goes ā€“ heā€™s the ultimate fluffball ambassador! And, bless his fuzzy soul, he didn't shed even one single hair on those beautiful, vintage velvets.

After a magical, theatrical, and most importantly, pink-tastic journey, we arrived in Bootle - a place that, frankly, didn't seem all that glamorous at first glance. It was an industrial town with brick buildings, noisy lorries and smoke from factories ā€“ not quite the sparkling wonderland I imagined.

Then I found a bright spot, and a delicious slice of Bootleā€™s charm ā€“ The Bootle Belles! This charming, family-run cafe on a tiny side street, oozed all the charm of a vintage, old-world bakery, with its pink floral wallpaper and antique porcelain teacups. And guess what, my darlings? They serve the most divine cherry cake, a cake that's simply begging to be dressed in a pink tutu! (Maybe next time Iā€™ll bring my own).

But you see, even a place like Bootle is begging to be transformed by a sprinkle of pink tutu magic! It's a testament to my belief that even the smallest sprinkle of glitter, whimsy, and the love of pink can make the ordinary extraordinary.

That night, we found our way to a dazzling venue where I'd be performing for the Bootle Belle's Festival. Imagine a repurposed Victorian school building ā€“ stained glass windows, creaking floors, and classrooms brimming with a crowd eager for a dash of magic. Iā€™d been told the audience was a little rough around the edges, but after our meeting on the train I felt a rush of excitement and energy to take them to my world!

After getting dolled up (oh, the sparkly jewels, the feathers and sequins!), I was ready to go! I entered the stage to thunderous applause ā€“ Bootle was certainly full of drama queens. But as my first high note soared across the venue, I felt the whole building thrum with the music ā€“ they were dancing, singing, and even clapping along! This wasnā€™t an industrial town anymore - it was a vibrant, playful playground with a soul that truly resonated with my magic.

Now, darling, I know what you're thinking: 'Pink Tutu Sparkles, tell us about the outfits!' And oh, let me tell you - you havenā€™t even glimpsed the beauty that I unveiled that night. I debuted a dazzling new pink tulle outfit that I designed and crafted myself!

I'm talking about layers of softest pink tulle, hand-stitched into a graceful cascade of swirling fabric that shimmered with the glow of a thousand tiny twinkling stars, and, of course, I topped it all off with my signature - a crown of hand-picked feathers that reminded everyone present what it means to have grace, glamour and a heart brimming with a love of the colour pink. You can imagine the stunned silence of the audience ā€“ as I swirled and spun my way through the air, defying gravity, leaving them speechless. And thatā€™s a good thing ā€“ it gave me all the more opportunity to mesmerise and wow with my high kicks, and splits!

Every night on this tour, my little Percy watches my shows backstage, snuggled into a comfy wicker basket. He loves my outfits ā€“ Iā€™ve seen him nodding in approval, especially at the feathered hats! And it warms my heart because heā€™s been with me since the very beginning, all the way from Derbyshire ā€“ a fluffy, furry friend, and the ultimate muse for all of my adventures!

But my journey isn't just about sequins and glitter, darling! Itā€™s about spreading the message that everyone deserves to be a little bit pink, a little bit glittery, and a little bit fabulous. And you know what? In Bootle, I found a whole town ready to embrace it! It's been a truly heartwarming experience to be met with open arms and genuine smiles. The folks of Bootle were so enthusiastic about all my acts, so encouraging about my flamboyant style - they weren't just watching my performances ā€“ they were living them! I felt an invisible connection ā€“ and we even danced in the streets together, our pink tutus a glorious, vibrant splash of colour against the cobbled alleyways!

After two exhilarating nights in Bootle, it was time to move on. As my train puffed and chugged away, I couldnā€™t help but feel a tinge of nostalgia for the people and the vibrant energy I had felt! The place that was once industrial, smoky, and even a little intimidating ā€“ had, in a short time, become a heart-warming haven for my colourful art, and it has helped to further my passion to dress the world in pink tulle.

Before we say goodbye, darlings, here are a few thoughts from my Bootle escapades!

Bootle Takeaways:

  • It doesnā€™t matter how rough or un-pink a place looks ā€“ a dash of sparkle, and a little bit of ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ magic will illuminate even the most drab and industrial space!

  • Everyone has a story to tell, everyone is beautiful and unique, and every one deserves to shine their light in their own, sparkling way ā€“ let us celebrate every form of beauty and spread that message as a beautiful mosaic of colours and sparkles!

  • My beloved readers! I know you've been yearning for more tutu adventures. Be sure to keep a close eye on the website and my social media. Next week? I'm going on a train ride up toā€¦ but wait, thatā€™s a secret! But one thingā€™s for sure ā€“ wherever I travel, my tutu will be with me, shimmering, and sparkling, spreading joy to everyone who encounters me, with a reminder to be a little bit sparkly, a little bit whimsical, and always be true to yourself!

And as I always say, dear reader:

Just remember, everyone is beautiful ā€“ just remember to be *yourself! The world is your stage ā€“ take the centre and show the world your magic! *The Pink Tutu is your destiny! (Donā€™t forget to check out our website and social media!)*

See you next week! Love and tutus,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2001-10-10 stars in Bootle