Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-10-17 stars in Scarborough

Scarborough: Oh Darling, The Sea and The Sparkles! 💅💖✨

Helloooo darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen here, back with another instalment of my daily adventures. This is post number 656, and as you all know, my aim in life is to make the world a more pink-tutu-fied place. Well, after a day in Scarborough, I can confidently say, the world's already a whole lot pinker. 😉

So let's take a trip back in time, darlings, back to last week when I set off on a grand adventure. You know me, I'm always drawn to the call of the open road... or, in this case, the iron horse. 😉

My trip started in my Derbyshire digs. You'd be surprised, people assume I just magically appear in sparkly fabulousness, but no darlings, I need a train journey just like everyone else. Oh, the joys of an early morning train, coffee, a good magazine and of course, a meticulously-chosen outfit! (Can you guess the theme for the day, darlings? 😉💖✨). You’ll have to wait to find out, it’s all a part of the Pink Tutu Sparkle Mystery... 🤫

Anyway, let’s just say that I turned heads, or should I say, heads turned for me at the station! People, they get all flustered when they see a true queen. They're not used to seeing such flamboyant and fun loving vibes in the morning! And that’s where the pink tutu magic comes in, I'm not here to blend in darlings, I’m here to stand out and make a statement. A STATEMENT, I TELL YOU!! 😉

Reaching Scarborough, the wind was whipping, and the air smelled of salt, that was quite the introduction to the coast, and, you guessed it darlings! – It only seemed right that I chose the pinkest outfit ever for the day, my outfit included of course a big fabulous pink tutu! Oh, the look on people's faces, pure awe and astonishment - it's my favourite part of being a Pink Tutu Queen. I get the feeling a Pink Tutu Sparkle sighting gets people's day going, you know. We all need a bit of sparkle in our lives don’t we, darling! 💖

Of course, I was there to bring the sparkle to a few events in the seaside town. Now, I am no stranger to the seaside. You all know how much I love a good walk on the beach, seagulls screeching, wind in my hair, and my favourite pink tutu swirling about my legs! Oh, how much joy they bring me – those magnificent frills and layers! What’s not to love? (By the way, for my science nerd followers, I must confess, being a Tutu Queen has actually helped me out in the lab. Studying the materials they make tutus from is so fascinating. After all, I'm a proper scientist by day, a fabulously fun, tutu-loving queen by night! 😉✨ )

Firstly, I hit the stage at the Theatre, performing a spectacular set filled with sass, humour, and of course, my iconic signature dance moves! Oh, the dancing, the audience was enraptured, it was magical. The theatre’s lights were dim but it still sparkled and caught all my glitter and gems just perfectly. I swear I had everyone mesmerized and my pink tutu stole the show as always! I love performing for the people of Scarborough, they have such an appreciative crowd. Their laughter was music to my ears, it’s so satisfying to see your joy reflected in others. 😉💖✨

Next, I strutted my stuff at the bustling town fair. It was a whirlwind of delights: games, stalls, food, music, and so many people! It’s a place where people really embrace a bit of silliness, and you know me darlings, I’m happy to oblige. And of course, the place for the true Pink Tutu Queen. My grand entrance as usual, I strode in a riot of colour and happiness. Oh darling, let me tell you, those who hadn't already witnessed my unique brilliance in the theatre were quite simply floored. A small, but loyal group, started the Pink Tutu trend, waving their arms in my direction and yelling “pink tutus!” And in that moment, darlings, my heart simply burst with joy. It was such a wonderful day, my aim was to bring the joy, and they embraced it with such joy. That's what it's all about darlings - spreading joy, and wearing a pink tutu.

The sun was setting, the sky a canvas of gold, orange, and pink (as it should be), as I said goodbye to my fabulous Scarborough trip. My journey back on the train was full of chattering people telling each other what I'd done and showing each other the pictures on their phones. People in their own little world were smiling and sparkling a little bit brighter for having a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkle magic in their lives.

It makes me realise darlings, it's the little things that count. It's about taking that leap of faith, daring to wear that pink tutu, and sharing your sparkle with the world. After all, what’s life without a bit of fabulousness and pink?

See you next time darling, I can’t wait to tell you about all the adventures I’ll have in the pinkest place ever!

Stay fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

(You can keep up with my Pink Tutu Queen adventures on www.pink-tutu.com)

#TutuQueen on 2001-10-17 stars in Scarborough