Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-14 stars in Newbury

Newbury: A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com - where fabulousness flows like a river of pink sequins! Today’s post is number 684 (can you believe it? My blog is almost at 700 posts! It’s been a wild, glittery ride so far!), and it’s all about my trip to the charming town of Newbury!

I've been dreaming of visiting this quaint English town for ages - not just for the cute cafes and independent shops, but for something truly special: Newbury has a renowned ballet school, darling! Now, anyone who knows me knows I live and breathe for ballet. The grace, the beauty, the tutus... I’m positively obsessed! And as a Pink Tutu-loving Queen, it’s practically sacrilege to not visit a ballet school!

Of course, I couldn't resist traveling in style. After a leisurely stroll through the countryside on a magnificent black horse named 'Sparkle', I settled into a plush first-class carriage on the train to Newbury. The journey was just delightful, a symphony of rustling papers, clicking wheels, and a perfectly timed cuppa. The conductor, a lovely chap with a twinkle in his eye, even let me sit with the band - they serenaded me with a glorious rendition of 'Swan Lake', very impressive, dear.

Upon arrival in Newbury, I felt like I had entered a whimsical fairytale! The air was filled with the smell of fresh flowers and the sound of birdsong. I did a little impromptu twirl in the town square, a flourish of pink tulle dancing with the wind – you should have seen the look on the pigeons’ faces, they’ve never seen anything like it!

Then it was time for the grand event - a ballet performance by the Newbury Ballet School! The theater was an architectural marvel, bathed in soft light, its stage set for an evening of graceful movements. I must confess, darling, the sheer artistry of these young dancers left me speechless! It was a breathtaking display of passion and talent. Seeing such dedication to the art form lit my soul like a million sparklers. I swear I even spotted a few future stars!

And speaking of stars, the real star of the show was a magnificent pink tutu, hand-stitched and adorned with silver glitter. Oh, darling, it was the most glorious, dazzling tutu I had ever seen! It practically radiated a glow, with every turn, every jump, it shimmered with life, reminding me that anything is possible with a little bit of sparkle and a whole lot of imagination. (After the show, I even found out it belonged to a darling little ballerina named Maisie - isn't that a sweet name? Maybe one day she'll be a big star on Pink-Tutu.com!)

Of course, no trip to Newbury is complete without a little indulgence, and I'm so glad I indulged in one of my biggest passions – shopping!. The boutiques and shops here are brimming with treasures – delicate lace dresses, playful hats, and wait for it, the most gorgeous collection of pink tutus you've ever seen. I couldn’t resist taking a few home (and trust me, they'll make stunning additions to my Pink Tutu Collection)!

Before I end this post, dear reader, a word from my fellow fashionistas: This week's challenge? Embrace the color pink, just like your favourite Pink Tutu Queen! Wear it on your top, wear it on your skirt, or even on your… toes! Show the world that pink isn’t just a color - it’s a statement, a feeling, a way of life! You don’t even have to wear a tutu, darling! A dash of pink lipstick, a pair of pink earrings - let your inner pink blossom!

Until next time, may your life be a dazzling dance of glitter and pink tutus!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

*(P.S. Don’t forget to share your fabulous pink looks on social media and tag me! #PinkTutuChallenge #TutuQueen) *(P.P.S Don’t worry, if you aren’t sure about tutus, I’m planning to put up some amazing alternative outfits that still show the joy of being you, but still have some sparkles – I’m thinking of putting together a ‘Pink Tutu Glam Style’ section, with amazing shoes, bags, nail polishes - think fabulous feminine fashion in pink tones – what do you think? Let me know in the comments!

(P.P.P.S I will be off to Bristol next, for the fabulous Bristol Theatre festival – but keep a look out for my new fashion pages – and keep sparkling darling!!)

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-14 stars in Newbury