Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-04 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli Sparkle: Pink Tutu Takes Wales! (Blog Post #704)

Oh, my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train from Derbyshire and ready to paint Llanelli pink! This gorgeous Welsh town is my destination for the next few days, and I'm positively giddy with excitement. Today's blog is extra special - it marks my 704th consecutive day of documenting my fabulous, tutu-filled life. Seven-oh-four! Can you believe it?

Llanelli has always held a special place in my heart. It's got this gorgeous old town charm with cobblestone streets and red-brick buildings that scream history and romance. You know, the perfect setting for a dramatic Pink Tutu entrance. My dear friend, the lovely Penny Petticoat (she does amazing make-up, if you're in South Wales you HAVE to check her out!), gave me some fantastic tips for my visit. "Honey, Llanelli's buzzing with life," she said, "Make sure you check out the Little Theatre! It's charming and it's got this old-world glamour about it, just perfect for your kind of magic!" Penny's the best. She just gets me!

Before we jump into my Llanelli adventure, darling, allow me to regale you with a little backstory: it's been almost two years since I started this blog. Two years of tutu-tastic joy, of sharing my adventures in sparkle and making the world a little bit pinker, one post at a time! Do you remember how it all began?

For those of you new to the Pink Tutu universe, let me introduce myself properly: my real name is Alex, and I hail from the beautiful county of Derbyshire. Now, Derbyshire is lovely, it really is, but sometimes it just feels a little too… well… sensible. You need to travel to truly embrace your inner fabulousness. That's why I'm always on the road!

My love for the tutu blossomed unexpectedly, really. It started with a rather nerdy, non-glamorous scientific breakthrough – yes, you read that right, I'm a scientist! Imagine: a girl with a penchant for sequins, a scientific mind, and a full-time job testing fabrics for their durability. Life’s funny, isn’t it?

So there I was, in my lab coat and safety goggles, surrounded by fabrics that looked like they were from another planet, when it happened. I got involved with the university’s ballet club (a very different kind of lab!) for charity, and tried on a tutu for the first time. That was it! I saw myself twirling in a cloud of pink tulle, felt a thrill I'd never experienced before, and I was smitten. This was it, my true calling! I embraced the Pink Tutu Sparkles persona, and I’ve never looked back.

After two years on the road, performing my heart out, traveling to places I've always dreamt of, and, of course, bringing the Pink Tutu love to every corner of this lovely country, I’ve come to realize a few important truths about life. First and foremost, happiness is found in wearing a tutu. I mean, you know you're having a good time when you can rock a feathered boa and glitter and not care what anyone thinks. Secondly, every adventure deserves to be documented, so we can spread the tutu love and joy to everyone!

But back to Llanelli. This time I'm traveling by train. Honestly, I've discovered that there's nothing quite like settling into a comfy train seat, window open, and feeling the wind whip through my hair. This makes it easy to feel so utterly dramatic. Who needs an airport, darling, when you have a steam engine puffing away with that magnificent whistle! Oh, I do love trains. And of course, I wouldn't travel without my essential kit – a suitcase stuffed with dazzling pink tutus, a stash of feathers and rhinestones for impromptu upgrades, my trusty lipstick, and my camera, of course, for capturing those unforgettable moments.

After checking into my hotel (it's oh-so-lovely, a Victorian jewel of a place! The lady at the front desk almost fainted when she saw my pink luggage, haha!), I made my way to Llanelli’s Little Theatre. And honey, let me tell you, it’s absolutely charming! Imagine cozy red velvet seats, intricate plaster moldings on the ceiling, and a stage with velvet curtains, practically begging to be lit up by my dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles performance! I have a performance scheduled tonight, so fingers crossed, darlings, for another tutu-ful night in Wales!

Right, now for the details: Llanelli is a little gem, my loves, and it's packed with hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered. It’s got a real eclectic mix, and I have to confess, I can already tell this is a town where my love for ballet can flourish. This is one place where ballet can meet street and the world becomes our stage.

There's a gorgeous old Victorian building called the Parc Howard House and Gardens, so elegant and refined – I can totally imagine waltzing around those gardens in a fuschia tulle tutu. Imagine me, swirling around, sunshine illuminating the sequins, all those dreamy details perfectly framing the scene!

Speaking of dance, oh darling, do you know how many fabulous ballet schools Llanelli boasts? From the little ones just discovering the world of pirouettes to seasoned ballerinas perfecting their moves, the atmosphere is vibrant and full of artistic energy. I can't wait to check out the local studios, learn some new moves, and maybe even teach some youngsters how to rock the tutu with a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

My favourite discovery? It's gotta be The Swansea Bay Beach, darling! Don't let its name fool you; it’s a stunning little spot a few miles from the center of Llanelli, perfect for an afternoon stroll in the sunshine and maybe even a bit of impromptu twirling, a grand finale performance with the sea breeze as my audience! You’ve got to admit, darling, even Pink Tutu Sparkles needs a bit of sea air!

It's going to be a magical journey, filled with sparkling moments and perhaps a touch of mischief too. Remember, I'm all about making memories and spreading the joy of tutu-wearing – the brighter, the bolder, the better! So, darlings, let’s paint the town pink, one glitter-filled dance step at a time!

Follow along, as I’ll be sharing all my adventures here, on Pink Tutu.com, so stay tuned for more, darling! We have a whole world of pink to discover together, one step at a time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Oh, and don't forget to check out the tutu collection at Pink-Tutu.com. I’ve even added some Welsh dragon details to some of them! Who said fabulous can’t be patriotic?)

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-04 stars in Llanelli