Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-30 stars in Shenley Brook End

Shenley Brook End: A Tutu-licious Adventure (Blog Post #761)

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train (yes, a glorious old steam train!) from a simply divine trip to Shenley Brook End. Now, you might be thinking, "Shenley Brook End? What on earth is there to do there?" And honestly, until this past week, I was wondering the very same thing.

But, as always, my darlings, a little adventure awaits wherever you look! And for Pink Tutu Sparkles, that adventure usually involves a generous helping of sequins, a pink tutu, and a train ride – ideally on a vintage steam engine with the smell of coal and leather filling the air. This time, I had the added thrill of a very special ballet performance!

See, my journey started as it usually does: in the lab. Yep, this little scientist by day, Pink Tutu Sparkles by night is constantly working on my next "pinkification" project. I'm not just a sparkly, fluffy dreamer, my darlings; I'm also an accredited fabric scientist! This past week, I was testing some brand-new fabrics for a local company – I'll keep the specifics under wraps for now – but suffice it to say, this new material is perfect for a show-stopping pink tutu. The day, however, wasn’t just about science, oh no! My secret pink project was all about finding a reason to bust out my favourite fuchsia tulle tutu. My aim: a fabulous outing in the beautiful county of Buckinghamshire! And Shenley Brook End seemed the perfect choice for my day trip!

My journey started in Derby, as you know. The train ride was blissful; the sun shone through the windows of the vintage carriage, casting little squares of light on the perfectly worn floorboards. I knew I needed a glamorous soundtrack for my journey, so naturally, I queued up my favourite Pink playlist – from "Get Happy" to "I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman," I let the music flow while a lovely elderly lady gave me the sweetest smile. "Goodness gracious!" she said. "It's such a delight to see such a lovely bit of pink in the world. Such a jolly colour." And she was right! Pink truly is the colour of happiness, and seeing my Tutu and all the pink accessories, I could sense it lifted everyone's spirits.

And my, the stories this old carriage could tell! It truly had a lifetime's worth of whispers and smiles trapped within its worn fabric seats. I can almost imagine all the laughter and joy that the carriage had witnessed – just as it witnessed my trip today! The world feels magical when you look at it through rose-coloured glasses. And what better rose-coloured lens than a pink tulle tutu?!

Reaching Shenley Brook End felt like a trip to another era. Imagine cobblestone streets and quaint shops with flower baskets hanging by the doors, all lined by picturesque houses, each more charming than the next. It truly felt like a scene from an old romantic film! The kind where the leading lady wears a crisp white dress and a floppy straw hat – with maybe a touch of pink for good measure, of course!

A quick bite in a charming café was definitely necessary. I must admit I indulged in a pink milkshake with an extravagant swirl of whipped cream and pink candy sprinkles. (Don't worry, it had a whole, grain base – I try to be a good girl and keep it balanced! Just one pink indulgence per day, right? I do have to take care of my sparkly tutu frame.) Then, off to explore!

The beautiful gardens, filled with roses of every hue, smelled heavenly! It felt like the gardens had been pulled straight out of a fairytale, with pathways winding through meadows bursting with blooms of every shade. My new pink tutu sparkled in the sun as I danced along, letting the soft breezes whip through the layers of tulle.

But wait, there's more! This charming little village is home to the National Trust's Stowe Landscape Gardens. Now, those of you who follow my blog know I'm a total sucker for the picturesque – and oh, was it picturesque! I’m so excited about my new favourite “pinkificatio” project: “Pink Tutu for the Picturesque.” It’s basically going to involve a whole new line of outfits - all inspired by gorgeous landscapes!

You can just imagine the picture: A sweeping vista of hills and fields, with me, in a vibrant pink tutu, framed perfectly in the foreground. (Don’t worry my lovelies, my “Pinkificatio” Project will also involve an absolutely adorable and fashionable little puppy-dog as well! He'll wear his matching pink tutu of course.) Stowe was a beautiful, sprawling landscape and it made my mind race with exciting possibilities for a "Pinkificatio” shoot. I found the gardens totally awe-inspiring and the beautiful views from the estate inspired my whole day. It was a delight to visit such a magnificent, stately estate that had been looked after for all this time by the National Trust!

Oh! and that leads me to the big event of the trip. Because Shenley Brook End isn’t just about charming streets, beautiful gardens, and breathtaking views. This gem of a location, my lovelies, is the home of the renowned "Shenley Brook End Ballet Theatre" - my very own ballet dreams come to life! I almost fainted with excitement when I realised that I was going to see "Cinderella." Yes! And in a gorgeous ballet theatre at that! (With lovely pink seating I must add).

Donning a stunning magenta velvet coat with an abundance of frills and the most sparkly pink feather boa I could find (the shop had one particularly gorgeous feathered one – almost as pink as my tutu), I made my way to the theatre. My feet practically danced down the street! It’s truly inspiring when an art form as lovely and enchanting as ballet takes your breath away! Seeing such beauty makes you feel so free!

The ballet, as expected, was sublime. I even recognised some of the choreography, I confess to being a member of a local ballet club and we actually learned that ballet sequence last year! It's one thing to practice your plies and pirouettes in the studio, but watching the graceful movements and expressive performances of professional dancers just took my breath away! This beautiful story with stunning music just moved me so deeply! Oh! it was an emotional roller coaster in the best way possible!

Every twirl and leap felt magical; every arabesque flowed with such grace. The set was just gorgeous! And the costumes! It was like stepping right into the magical world of “Cinderella.” Even though I've seen many, many productions, "Cinderella" never fails to enchant me. The romance of it, the beauty, the classic tale — It was perfect! And it felt just like another fairy-tale in Shenley Brook End. A place that's beautiful for any season – so magical, like a special dream!

Oh, and you know what? In honour of my visit and the magical Cinderella, I’m planning a giveaway on my website! You, my loveliest followers, could win the perfect pink tutu and pair of pointe shoes (a perfect fit for your toes, of course). If you want to learn the steps of “Cinderella”, then get down to the comments and tell me your favorite “Cinderella” memory and why! And, if you need some tutu inspiration, head to my website to view my entire tutu line - the newest, freshest tutus just landed! You'll find just the right one for every special occasion, and they're absolutely perfect for spreading your love of pink, my darlings!

Now, after all that excitement, my lovelies, I'm absolutely exhausted. But what a wonderful tiredness! All the pink I absorbed today - a gorgeous day full of sparkly inspiration! So my lovely followers you can be sure that my tutu’s will have an extra bounce in their stride and my dance steps an extra twirl next time I take to the stage! After all, as Pink Tutu Sparkles, I always bring the sunshine, sparkle and pink energy. And what better way to spread joy than by wearing a tutu! It’s more than just a garment, it’s a symbol! A symbol of freedom! Of joy! A symbol that brings people together. Because, don’t you all feel better in pink? After all, everyone is gorgeous in a tutu! And that's all, my loves! Until next time!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles! (Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-30 stars in Shenley Brook End