Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-08 stars in Rhyl

Rhyl: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Magical Day Trip (Blog Post #777)

Oh, darling, hold onto your hats! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another fabulously fabulous adventure. This time, I'm taking you all with me on a whirlwind trip to Rhyl!

This coastal town, tucked away on the North Wales coast, called to me like a siren song. My heart simply couldn't resist its charm! You see, I have a little bit of a thing for the sea – just imagine all the opportunities for sparkling waves, seashells, and glorious sunsets! But most of all, it’s the seaside town energy – a delightful mix of charming, quaint shops and the promise of fresh, crispy fish and chips. Oh, my darling, I almost feel a wave of excitement coming on!

Anyway, this lovely adventure began with a journey I had to experience: the train, of course! Nothing beats the glamour of travelling by train, and this one journey certainly did not disappoint. I was lucky enough to nab a first-class carriage, with comfy seating, and a beautiful view of the countryside. Of course, my travel attire included the ultimate fashion statement – a vibrant pink tulle tutu! I even adorned it with my favourite sequined bow. After all, a queen never goes anywhere without her crowning glory, do they?

When the train rolled into Rhyl station, I could hardly contain myself. My feet literally bounced with excitement. I couldn't wait to get exploring! This seaside town, with its quaint shops and Victorian promenade, had so much to offer. My very first mission? You know, I simply had to grab myself a lovely cup of tea! Let's be honest, there’s no other way to kick-start a trip than with a steaming cuppa! So, I waltzed into the cutest little tea room, a real hidden gem, where they treated me to a spot of china teacup delight. It really is all about the presentation, isn’t it? They even served it with a slice of the most delicious strawberry and cream cake. Yum, yum!

Of course, being a true fashionista, I couldn’t possibly resist an afternoon of shopping. The local boutiques had an eclectic mix of beautiful and quirky garments - perfect for inspiring a pink tutu-wearing queen! I spotted the most adorable pink and silver shoes – perfect for adding a little shimmer to my wardrobe. Now, this calls for an outfit update, wouldn't you agree?

Next on my itinerary, and very excitingly, a visit to the lovely Rhyl Museum! They have this delightful display of costumes and theatre items – it's like stepping right into the spotlight! It’s true, you know, all the queens and the kings of the stage had a love of dressing up and the sparkle of glitter. Just picture a room filled with glorious hats, feathers and sparkling jewels - it had to be visited!

Now, no day trip is complete without a little bit of culture, and as much as I love the glitter and glamour of stage performances, I just had to visit Rhyl's theatre. Just seeing that red velvet curtain sent a shiver of delight down my spine – and imagine my thrill when I discovered that they were holding a fantastic dance show featuring a ballet troupe. They had graceful leaps and twirls galore, making the stage truly come alive! You could really feel the magic of storytelling through the elegance and expression of ballet. I just felt a need to try on a tutu, immediately! It’s not enough to see a show, I want to be a part of it! I feel every time I put on a tutu, I become one of the ballerinas and all my worries and woes vanish and I can become myself and live out my dream on the stage!

This enchanting town captured my heart from the moment I set foot on its sandy shores. And I simply cannot resist an opportunity for some breathtaking seafront photos, now can I? The wind ruffled my tutu, and the salty air tickled my face. Perfect! Oh, and if you need any convincing of how fantastic this place is, just know that it even has a beach! The pink sunsets were breathtaking - I can't get enough of those stunning colours and I snapped enough selfies to last me through the year, let me tell you! It’s a good job I have my trusty pink sparkly compact mirror to get the best angle!

I could spend hours lost in this enchanting town, but it was time to go, my darling! The train was beckoning with the promise of new adventures. Oh, Rhyl, thank you for reminding me why the little things in life truly are the biggest of joys! Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-02-08 stars in Rhyl