Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-13 stars in London

London Calling! 🩰✨💖

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm back with you all for Blog Post Number 775! Can you believe it? 775 posts! I feel like a seasoned pro. And, oh my darlings, I have so much to tell you about my absolutely dazzling adventure to London. This is just the beginning, the first glimpse of a truly incredible journey!

So, I've told you about my passion for pink tutus, for ballet, and for travel, and London is the absolute perfect concoction of all three. It’s practically impossible to escape a gorgeous, captivating ballet show in London! The city breathes theatre, and the energy, the colour, the excitement is just utterly phenomenal.

My journey began with a magical train ride, which I simply adore. Something about the sway of the carriages, the rhythmic clicking of the wheels, and the view of the countryside whisking past just feels incredibly magical. Plus, who needs a dressing room when your train carriage doubles up as the perfect place to adjust your perfectly pink tutu, right?!

Speaking of tutus, did I tell you I found the most divine boutique in Derbyshire?! (Yes, Derbyshire, where I hail from and where my everyday life unfolds. You may know me as Pink Tutu Sparkles, but my alter-ego is Alex, a humble scientist in a lab testing fabrics, believe it or not!) The boutique, I tell you, has tutus galore. It's called ‘Tutus and Tea’, because why wouldn't you want a spot of tea alongside a tutu, eh? It’s utterly enchanting. This is the perfect spot to grab a cuppa and maybe pick out a new tutu!

But London wasn’t just about ballet and tutus, oh no, my dears! I embarked on a full-on fabulous fashion tour. It seems like I just cannot walk past a shop window without a glimpse, can I? I ended up buying a stunning, crimson-red evening dress in a vintage shop, and, let’s be honest, it had me feeling utterly regal! The best part, the fabric itself was the star of the show. This beautiful scarlet velvet reminded me of those iconic dance halls you see in vintage films, filled with sparkle and glitz! I have a vision, darlings, a vision for a performance… I see myself standing on a stage, this dress billowing behind me, a magnificent red wave of silk and velvet against the spotlights. My, oh my, what a spectacular sight!

My travels took me all over the city – from the bustling streets of Covent Garden to the elegant splendour of Kensington Gardens, from the grand towers of Buckingham Palace to the quirky charm of Camden Town. Each corner was a feast for the eyes, with the vibrant hues of flower stalls competing with the striking murals and art installations. And the sheer diversity of London! You see people from all walks of life, all colours, all cultures… It's truly a fascinating experience. I even had a conversation with a fellow tutu lover on a bustling bus, a delightful, bubbly older woman who used to be a ballerina herself! We discussed the power of the tutu to uplift and inspire – a symbol of confidence, beauty, and, above all, joy! I always feel so empowered, so alive in my tutu, and I truly believe that's why I love to wear them. My Tutu has so much character and a touch of whimsy! I wouldn’t dream of being anything else, honestly!

Speaking of whimsy, London truly is the city of dreams, especially for a whimsical gal like me. You're guaranteed to see a vibrant, quirky street performer every couple of minutes! My favourite had to be the busker playing his ukulele in a rainbow suit! That's just the spirit I live for.

London just made me want to get up on stage and perform, and that's what I did. A theatre fair welcomed me with open arms and provided the perfect platform for me to spread my pink-tutu-infused love. It wasn't just about performing though, it was also about sharing, connecting with people who share my love of tutus and sparkly lights! I met a young dancer from Scotland who actually wore a purple tutu – that is so lovely, a lovely, bright splash of purple! Such a colourful world we live in.

But for me, London wasn't just about the sights and sounds and performances, it was about the moments of genuine human connection. The kind gentleman in the baker's shop who complimented my outfit and the café waitress who complimented my dance steps! The lady with the parrot perched on her shoulder who remarked on how much my vibrant pink tutu brightened up her day! It's these little encounters, these shared smiles and heartfelt conversations, that make London a truly extraordinary city, and that make me believe that the world really can be a much more glamorous, brighter place – with a dash of pink tutu magic, of course!

As I write this, my heart still pulsates with the energy of London, and a sense of joy that only the perfect concoction of ballet, tutus, and a little sprinkle of pink magic can provide! It’s time for a new challenge – a new town to inspire, a new stage to dance on. This Pink Tutu Sparkles is always ready to shine! Until next time my darlings, let your inner sparkle shine and stay fabulous!

✨💖 Tutu Queen out! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-13 stars in London