Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-15 stars in Portsmouth

Portsmouth Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes Coastal (Post #777)

Oh, darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another fabulous blog post for www.pink-tutu.com, fresh from the bustling seaside town of Portsmouth!

I know you all love a good adventure, and this one's been a whirlwind! Portsmouth, with its beautiful historic harbour and bustling market streets, just screamed "Pink Tutu!" at me, and I knew I had to bring my sparkles to this fabulous city.

Before we dive into the highlights, let's have a quick chat about my journey. See, I'm a bit of a romantic, so for this trip I traded the plane for a train ride. There's nothing quite like watching the world zoom past your window, letting your imagination wander with the countryside flitting by. A big thank you to East Midlands Trains for their fabulously pink (okay, maybe just a touch of rose gold) carriages - totally in line with my style, you know!

Of course, when travelling by train, one MUST take advantage of the carriage buffet. A good cup of tea and a delicious croissant – the perfect fuel for a drag queen on the move! And naturally, I donned my signature pink tutu, even for the train ride! You know, spreading a little sparkle wherever I go is my personal mission!

Portsmouth, Oh Portsmouth

Arriving in Portsmouth felt like stepping into a different world! The fresh sea air, the beautiful Victorian architecture, the cacophony of seagulls - it was a sensory overload! And naturally, I had to start with a trip to the iconic Spinnaker Tower, offering breathtaking views across the city. It felt like a real life postcard, and, of course, I had my camera ready! My pose, honey? chef's kiss Let's just say it's got "Queen of the South Coast" written all over it.

But let's be real, the main reason I'm here is for the iconic Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. I'm a history buff, you know, a bit of a "time-travel-in-a-tutu" sort! Walking the deck of HMS Victory, the flagship of Admiral Nelson, was just…breathtaking. The craftsmanship of those ships, the sheer history they exude, it's mind-boggling! I almost expected Nelson to pop his head out of the admiral's cabin and ask, "Are you ready to conquer the world in that lovely tutu, lass?"

I then decided a change of pace was in order - a visit to the beautiful Portsmouth Cathedral. The sheer stillness of the space, the light streaming through the stained glass windows…it was truly magical! A few "Hallelujah"s were definitely thrown in for good measure, I must admit. I've always felt there's something spiritual about tutus - a bit of magic you know?

A Diva's Delight

The shopping, oh darling! You know how much I love my fashion, and Portsmouth really didn't disappoint. I've stocked up on the most gorgeous outfits, accessories, and yes, you guessed it, more pink tutus! You'll see the fabulous bounty on my next few blog posts, but I will say this - I found a pink feather boa with sequins, oh the dream!

A lovely afternoon tea with homemade cakes at a quaint little café, "The Teacup" it was called, really put me in a bubbly mood! I must admit, a little bubbly wine was enjoyed as well – the life of a travelling drag queen can be exhausting, you know! I couldn't leave the South Coast without some proper fish and chips, so I treated myself to a lovely, piping-hot supper right by the harbour.

The evening was just the cherry on top, darlings! I performed my new show, "Tutu Takeover" at The Blue Parrot - it's a fab venue with a fantastic crowd! My heart truly belongs on stage, sharing laughter and joy with everyone. There's no greater feeling than making people smile, and with my new "Sparkly Seashell" tutu (just a sneak peek, you'll see it on stage soon), the Portsmouth crowd went wild!

Tutu-ally Wonderful

This trip to Portsmouth was a total joy, just what the doctor ordered, as the saying goes. I'm leaving with a spring in my step (or rather, a twirl in my tutu), and a heart full of sunshine. And guess what? I already have my sights set on the next adventure. Next stop? Oh, you'll just have to wait and see, darlings!

But before I sign off, don't forget: spreading joy and embracing a touch of pink in your life is the key to happiness! So get yourself a pink tutu, put on a fabulous playlist, and twirl like nobody's watching! You'll feel the power of the pink tutu, I promise!

See you next time, and stay sparkly, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-15 stars in Portsmouth